Sweden Democrat MP steps down over racist chant

A Sweden Democrat MP who got caught on tape belting out a racist chant at the party's election night vigil has vowed to quit parliament.

Sweden Democrat MP steps down over racist chant
David Lång has been a Sweden Democrat MP since the party entered parliament in 2010. Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

David Lång sang along to techno hit L’amour Toujours, which has been co-opted by far-right groups in Germany in recent years, who have replaced the original lyrics with the Nazi slogan “Ausländer raus, Deutschland den Deutchen” (“foreigners out, Germany for Germans”). 

He sang “Ausländer raus” before spotting a reporter from the Expressen newspaper, who was interviewing another member of the party.

“Oh shit, are you recording this?” he said and then tried to grab the recording equipment from the reporter, before being asked to leave.

His actions were widely criticised, including within the party, and Sweden Democrat group leader Linda Lindberg said on Monday that he had chosen to resign from his parliamentary position on her urging.

“He has been in parliament since we entered it in 2010 and has done a lot of good for the party. That does not detract from his reckless actions [on Sunday], which he understands,” she said in a statement.

Lång himself said he regretted the incident.

“I picked up this song on social media. I now understand that the lyrics have been sung in contexts that I so far have had no deeper knowledge of. It wasn’t premeditated on my part and I am sorry if anyone was offended,” he said in a statement.

Member comments

  1. When an MP steps down is there a by-election to find a successor or is the next candidate on a the party’s list”promoted”?

    1. Hi, the party promotes a new candidate and there’s no by-election. Swedish MPs don’t represent constituencies in the same way as they do in the UK. Thanks for asking! Best wishes, Emma Löfgren, Editor, The Local Sweden

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TikTok shuts down Sweden Democrats’ anonymous accounts

TikTok has closed down the Sweden Democrats’ anonymous accounts after a Swedish documentary revealed that the far-right party operated a secret social media troll farm.

TikTok shuts down Sweden Democrats' anonymous accounts

The documentary, by broadcaster TV4’s Kalla Fakta programme, identified 23 anonymous social media accounts controlled by the Sweden Democrats’ communications team.

Those included 13 accounts on Chinese-owned video hosting app TikTok, which have all been shut down, the platform confirmed to Swedish news agency TT on Monday.

TikTok declined to comment on why they had removed the accounts.

Sweden Democrat press officer Oskar Cavalli-Björkman said the party was trying to contact TikTok to find out why the accounts had been closed, but declined to comment further.

In the Kalla Fakta documentary, a reporter went undercover within the Sweden Democrats’ communications department. They revealed a number of things, including attempts at smear campaigns on politicians from other parties.

It also revealed a total of 23 different anonymous accounts spread across TikTok, YouTube, Instagram and Facebook, which are all run by the Sweden Democrats and also spread for example radical anti-immigration views.

These accounts have a combined 260,000 followers and published roughly 1,000 posts in the first three months of the year, which were viewed over 27 million times.