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Today in Germany: A roundup of the latest news on Tuesday

German President warns against the dangers of nationalism, calls grow for Chancellor Scholz to step down, non-EU workers face significantly higher living costs in Germany than their home country and more news on Tuesday.

French President Emmanuel Macron (L) and German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier review a guard of honour at the Bellegarde airport in Limoges on June 10, 2024.
French President Emmanuel Macron (L) and German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier review a guard of honour at the Bellegarde airport in Limoges on June 10, 2024. Photo by Ludovic MARIN / POOL / AFP

‘Never forget damage done by nationalism and hate’, German president says in France

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier warned against the dangers of nationalism Monday, as he visited a World War II massacre site in France a day after European elections saw advances for the far right.

It is “fittingly on the day after the European elections that I say: let us never forget the damage done in Europe by nationalism and hate. Let us never forget the miracle of reconciliation the European Union has worked,” Steinmeier said at a commemoration ceremony for the village of Oradour-sur-Glane, where Nazi SS soldiers massacred civilians in 1944.

Among the German head of state’s audience was President Emmanuel Macron, who called new national elections to France’s parliament Sunday, after his party’s disastrous showing in the European vote.

While Macron hopes to break the deadlock of a hung parliament that has dogged his second term since 2022, the far-right National Rally (RN) looks set to make significant gains from its current 88 lawmakers.

“It is in this memory, in the ashes of Oradour, that we have to ensure the strength of this reconciliation is reborn,” Macron said, calling post-war Franco-German ties “the lifeblood of our European project”.

European elections: What happens next in Brussels after shock results?

Calls grow for Chancellor Olaf Scholz to step down

After Germany’s governing parties suffered a stinging defeat at the European elections, calls are growing for Chancellor Olaf Scholz to step down. 

His Social Democrats (SPD) scored their worst result ever, coming in third at around 14 percent behind the far-right AfD at around 16 percent and well behind the conservative CDU-CSU bloc’s 30 percent.

The Greens recorded 12 percent while the liberal FDP took five percent.

In the former East Germany, where three key regional elections are to be held later this year, the AfD was the biggest party, with the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper branding Scholz and his government a “coalition of losers”.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) queues in a line to cast his vote for the European Parliament Elections at a polling station in Potsdam, eastern Germany, on June 9, 2024.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) queues in a line to cast his vote for the European Parliament Elections at a polling station in Potsdam, eastern Germany, on June 9, 2024. Photo by Kay Nietfeld / POOL / AFP

Markus Söder, leader of the conservatives in the southern state of Bavaria, also called for new elections as soon as possible.

The three-way coalition “no longer has the support of the population”, Söder told the RTL broadcaster, calling for Germany to follow in the footsteps of France.

READ ALSO: Germany will ‘not hold snap election’ after EU vote

Der Spiegel weekly said the EU election drubbing was a personal defeat for Scholz, whose face appeared on many campaign posters alongside his party’s top candidate.

“Scholz put a lot of himself into the campaign, and it’s been to no avail. On the contrary, his strong presence may even have reinforced the downward trend,” the magazine said.

Der Spiegel called on Scholz to make a strong statement about his intentions for the future.

“After this personal defeat, he must say how he wants to continue to lead… Otherwise the country risks paralysis,” the magazine said.

Even voices from within Scholz’s SPD were calling his future into question.

“With 14 percent nobody has an uncontested claim to lead the SPD,” said Sigmar Gabriel, a former leader of the Social Democrats.

Speaking later Monday, Scholz would not be drawn on the possibility of an election but acknowledged the result was “bad for all three governing parties”, adding that no one should “simply go back to business as usual”.

He also expressed concerns about the growing support for right-wing parties across the European Union.

“We must never get used to this and it must always be our task to push them back, and to ensure that there are clear majorities in favour of parties with a clear commitment to our democracy,” he said.


Germany’s AfD excludes top candidate from EU delegation

The top candidate for Germany’s far-right AfD at the EU polls will be excluded from the party’s delegation at the European Parliament due to a string of scandals, his party said on Monday. 

Maximilian Krah has been accused of having suspicious links to Russia and China, while comments that he made minimising the crimes of the Nazis’ notorious SS also prompted the AfD’s expulsion from the far-right group within the European Parliament.

A day after making strong gains and coming in second place in Germany’s EU elections, the party’s newly elected MEPs voted to boot the 47-year-old out of their parliamentary delegation, a spokesman confirmed.

A poster with the logo of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party is displayed in the town of Abensberg in Bavaria in September, 2022.

A poster with the logo of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party displayed in the town of Abensberg in Bavaria.. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Nicolas Armer

Krah will still enter parliament, however.

The MEP has found himself at the centre of a deepening crisis after one of his aides in the EU parliament was arrested on suspicion of spying for China.

READ ALSO: Germany’s far right AfD sees strong gains in local eastern elections 

Many foreign professionals in Germany ‘face higher cost of living than at home’

For skilled workers and labourers who come to Germany from outside the EU, the cost of living is usually significantly more expensive than in their home country.

According to new figures from the Federal Statistical Office, the cost of living in 2021 was 67 percent lower in India and Egypt than in Germany, making them the lowest among the most important countries of origin.

Meanwhile, goods and services in Georgia, Vietnam and Tunisia cost 60 percent less than in Germany.

In contrast, the cost of living in the United States was seven percent higher than in Germany. 

Zelensky arrives in Germany to meet the Chancellor

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Monday night announced his arrival in Germany for talks with Chancellor Olaf Scholz and to participate in a conference on Ukrainian reconstruction.

“Chancellor Scholz and I will discuss further defence assistance, the expansion of Ukraine’s air defence system, and joint arms production” ahead of a major peace summit in Switzerland this weekend, Zelensky wrote on X.

Berlin recently authorised Ukraine to use German weapons to strike targets in Russia, having long refused to do so for fear of provoking an escalation of the war with Russia.

After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Germany abandoned its traditional position of pacifism and became the second largest supplier of military equipment to Kyiv after the United States.

Zelensky is due to participate on Tuesday and Wednesday in a conference on reconstructing Ukraine, which will be attended by 10 prime ministers, other government representatives and the private sector.

“In the face of Russia’s air terror, urgent solutions for Ukraine’s energy sector will be our top priority,” said Zelensky.

READ ALSO: Zelensky arrives in Berlin to meet Scholz and address Bundestag

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Today in Germany: A roundup of the latest news on Tuesday

Minister warns against a coalition break-up, exporters fear falling prices as EU and China start a trade-war over EVs, the biggest drugs bust in German history and more news from Germany on Tuesday.

Today in Germany: A roundup of the latest news on Tuesday

Annalena Baerbock warns against a coalition break-up

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock warned against letting the so-called ‘traffic light’ coalition of SPD, Greens and FDP collapse due to a budget dispute.

“The greatest favour we could do the enemies of liberal democracy at home and abroad would be for another European democracy to go into new elections prematurely,” the Green politician told the Süddeutsche Zeitung. “Our damn job as a government is to solve problems together, even in difficult times.”

Baerbock said she had confidence that Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck (Greens) and Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) would agree on a draft budget for the coming year by July 3rd, as planned.

One point of contention in the budget negotiations is the debt brake, which Lindner is sticking to, but the SPD and Greens want to handle more flexibly. The debt brake could be suspended by emergency decision, as was the case during the Corona pandemic.

“What greater emergency could there be than this war in the middle of Europe?” asked the Foreign Minister. “It would be fatal to have to say in a few years’ time: We saved the debt brake, but lost Ukraine and the European peace order.”

READ ALSO: What a Russian victory in Ukraine would mean for Germany

Germany’s biggest trade union to seek pay raise for workers

Germany’s biggest trade union, IG Metall, said Monday it would push for a seven-percent pay rise for millions of workers in the key electrical and metalworking sectors, despite falling inflation and a sluggish economy.

The recommendation by the union’s leadership, which will now be discussed by regional branches, comes ahead of new wage talks starting in September.

“Employees need significantly higher wages to combat persistent price pressures,” the union said in a statement.

Wage demands by IG Metall — which negotiates for some 3.9 million workers in sectors ranging from auto to electrical and mechanical engineering — are closely watched in Europe’s top economy as they often set the tone for negotiations in other industries.

READ ALSO: Germany’s biggest trade union seeks 7 percent pay rise

But outsiders urged the union to show some constraint: “The metal and electrical industry is still in recession. But these ideas sound as if we are in an economic boom,” the head of the Gesamtmetall employers’ federation, Stefan Wolf, said in a statement.

German companies concerned about falling prices in China

Falling prices and weak demand are the main difficulties facing German companies in China, according to a report Monday by a business body that said European tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles are counterproductive.

China is one of Germany’s top trading partners, accounting for a significant portion of their sales in recent years.

But 61 percent of 186 German companies surveyed by the German Chamber of Commerce said “pressure on prices” is by far the biggest problem they face in China.

Weak demand linked to the slowdown in the world’s second-largest economy and geopolitical tensions also ranked among the top concerns, the report showed.

The report comes as the European Union and China are locked in a row over planned new tariffs of up to 38 percent on imports of Chinese EVs.

READ ALSO: German arms maker to hire workers from ailing auto firm

The European Commission, which launched a probe last year into Chinese EV subsidies, has accused Beijing of unfair practices undercutting Europe’s car manufacturers.

Germany has previously expressed concerns about applying higher tariffs, fearing reprisals for its car giants, such as Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz and BMW, which are heavily invested in China.

For its part, China said Monday it had launched an anti-dumping investigation into pork imports from the European Union, the latest step in a mounting trade stand-off.

butcher in Beijing

A butcher sells pork meat at a store in Beijing. China said on June 17th it had launched an anti-dumping investigation into pork imports from the European Union. Photo by Pedro PARDO / AFP

Pork is China’s most popular meat and a staple of diets in the world’s second most populous nation.

Imports of pork and pork by-products from EU nations totalled over $3 billion last year, Beijing’s customs data showed.

Investigators pulled off the biggest cocaine bust in the German history

German investigators have seized 35.5 tonnes of cocaine with a street value of around €2.6 billion in the country’s biggest ever cocaine busts, police and prosecutors said Monday.

Around 24.5 tonnes were seized in Hamburg, a further eight tonnes in the Dutch port of Rotterdam and three tonnes in Guayaquil in Ecuador, German authorities said.

The drugs were found in nine shipping containers stashed between crates of fruit and other legal goods between April and September last year, the authorities added.

German investigators were alerted to the illegal trade by a tip-off from Colombian authorities.

Working with Europol in an operation known as “OP Plexus”, they identified eight main suspects: two Germans, two Turks and others from Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Morocco and Ukraine.

Seven of the suspects were arrested during raids across Germany in late May and early June this year, the investigators said.

Third “Reichsbürger” trial begins in Munich

The third mammoth trial against alleged “Reichsbürger” group will start on Tuesday at the Munich Higher Regional Court (OLG).

Henry XIII Prince Reuß

The main defendant, Henry XIII Prince Reuß, stands behind the dock as the trial against a suspected “Reichsbürger” group continues. Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa Pool | Boris Roessler

This is the group that became known after a large-scale anti-terror raid in several federal states and abroad shortly after St. Nicholas Day 2022. The 26 defendants are said to have planned a violent overthrow of the federal government – according to the Federal Prosecutor’s Office.

READ ALSO: German ‘prince’ goes to court in second trial against far-right coup plot

The Munich Higher Regional Court will now hear from alleged members of the group, including several founding members. 

The eight defendants in Munich are accused of membership in – partly also the founding – of a terrorist organization and the preparation of a so-called treasonous enterprise. Four men also have to answer for preparing a serious act of violence endangering the state, one also for violations of the weapons law. They all face long prison sentences.

With reporting by dpa.