Danish underwater gardeners plant eelgrass to save ‘dead’ Vejle Fjord

Danish botanists are trying a novel method to save the struggling marine habitat in Vejle Fjord.

Danish underwater gardeners plant eelgrass to save 'dead' Vejle Fjord
Volunteers gather around buckets of eelgrass shoots on the shores of Vejle Fjord, on June 9th, 2024. Photo by James BROOKS / AFP

Under a white tent on the shores of a polluted Danish fjord, volunteers and researchers prepare slender green shoots of eelgrass to be planted on the seabed to help restore the site’s damaged ecosystem.

Denmark generally has a strong track record on environmental issues, but only five of its 109 coastal zones are considered healthy, according to the Danish Environmental Agency.

Like other coastal areas in Denmark, the Vejle Fjord is suffering from eutrophication — a process in which nutrients, often from land run-off, accumulate in a body of water and lead to increased growth of microorganisms and algae.

The algae cover water surfaces, blocking light and cutting off oxygen, killing plants and wildlife.

An underwater surveillance camera installed in the Vejle fjord by the municipality last year detected just one fish in 70 hours.

– ‘Completely collapsed’ –

In Denmark, a major pork producer, more than 60 percent of the country’s land is used for agriculture — one of the highest concentrations in the world — sparking frequent warnings in recent years about the risk of run-off.

A 2022 report by the University of Southern Denmark (USD) concluded the 22-kilometre (14-mile) Vejle Fjord was in “poor environmental condition” because of high levels of nitrogen run-off from fertiliser use on farms.

And when the mercury rises, so does the problem.

“We had a very warm summer in 2023, and that resulted in a huge oxygen depletion,” a biologist who works for Vejle municipality, Mads Fjeldsoe Christensen, told AFP.

“That was quite severe. We witnessed a lot of dead fish.”

He noted that excess nutrients had been emitted into the fjord for “the last 30, maybe 40 years.”

“For a long time, the fjord has been able to recover. But for the last maybe three, four years, we have witnessed a fjord that has completely collapsed.”

Scientists and the municipality decided in 2018 to reintroduce the slender green eelgrass in the busy inlet in the hopes of restoring its once lush seabed, and the wildlife that thrived among them.

In Vejle, some 50 volunteers turned out on a recent weekend to help the scientists.

Braving gloomy, blustery weather, they crowded around tables with buckets full of eelgrass shoots that scientists had picked from zones where it is thriving.

The volunteers rolled the individual shoots around biodegradable nails, which divers then took and transplanted into the seabed.

“Eelgrass is where all the fish grow up, so they’re like kindergarten for fish life,” Fjeldsoe Christensen said.

“If you do not have eelgrass, there’s simply no space for the fish population to grow up.”

– Vejle fjord ‘funeral’ –

Six hectares of seabed and more than 100,000 eelgrass shoots have been planted on the seabed since the transplants began in 2020.

In some places, divers have observed a return of aquatic life, such as crabs and fish.

“We do see effects of the nature restoration,” said SDU biologist Timi Banke, who is taking part in the project.

In April, Greenpeace organised an open-air “funeral” for the Vejle fjord to draw attention to the dire state of Danish coastal waters.

“It is in bad condition and that’s why we’re doing something, but it’s not dead,” Banke told AFP, hailing the efforts undertaken by environmentalists and locals.

On World Oceans Day on June 8th, the Danish think-tank Ocean Institute organised eelgrass transplant operations at 32 sites across the country.

“By planting eelgrass, we are putting the emphasis on restoring nature, but that doesn’t mean we should forget that we also have to reduce the emission of nutrients in Danish waters under pressure,” the think tank’s director Liselotte Hohwy Stokholm wrote on the organisation’s website.

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Danish government to ban import of clothes containing ‘forever chemical’ PFAS

Denmark’s government plans to introduce a national ban on the harmful ‘forever chemical’ PFAS in clothing and shoes.

Danish government to ban import of clothes containing 'forever chemical' PFAS

The decision to cut out PFAS in imported and Danish clothing products was announced by the Ministry of Environment in a statement.

“A national ban on the import and sale of clothes, shoes and waterproofing agents with PFAS is an important step on the way to limiting its emissions and will have a genuine environmental effect in Denmark,” Environment Minister Magnus Heunicke said in the statement.

READ ALSO: Danish government criticised for failure to reduce PFAS contamination

Clothing, shoes and waterproofing agents are among the largest sources of PFAS in Denmark’s environment, according to the ministry.

Non-PFAS containing products are available as alternative options on the market, making a ban viable, it said in the statement.

An exception would apply for professional and safety clothing, which have different safety and functionality standards.

Project leader with the consumer interest group Forbrugerrådet Tænk, Claus Jørgensen, praised the announcement but said he would prefer the ban to be extended to child strollers, furniture and carpets.

The national ban would apply until any EU ban on PFAS in products comes into force, the ministry said.

Business organisations raised concerns over enforcement of a ban that would apply in Denmark but not the EU.

“Shops and retailers trade on the international market, where there is no production specifically for Denmark,” the Danish Chamber of Commerce’s environment and circular economy manager Anette Ejersted said.

“We therefore want to see the final proposal to assess how it will affect the retail trade in Denmark,” she said.

The government is expected to prepare an executive order for the ban by July 1st next year, with a one-year phasing in period, making it effective from July 2026. It will not apply to products purchased before this date.

What are PFAS? 

PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are a large group of synthetic chemicals used in various products since the early 1950s. Their past uses include foam in fire extinguishers, food packaging and in textiles, carpets and paints. Also known as ‘forever chemicals’, they persist in water and soil and can cause harm to human health. 

Due to their chemical properties, they take a long time to break down and can be found in very low concentrations in blood samples from populations all over the world.

They are, however, unwanted in the environment because they have been found to have concerning links to health complications. Their use in materials which come into contact with foods, like paper and card, has been banned in Denmark since 2020.

PFAS have been linked to a series of health complications and, if ingested in high enough amounts, are suspected of causing liver damage, kidney damage, elevated cholesterol levels, reduced fertility, hormonal disturbances, weaker immune systems, negatively affecting foetal development and being carcinogenic.