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Today in Italy: A roundup of the latest news on Wednesday

Italy's Senate gives first approval to electoral reform bill, appellants bring injunction against Messina Strait bridge project, man fined for climbing Trevi Fountain, and more news from around Italy on Wednesday.

Today in Italy: A roundup of the latest news on Wednesday
A man was fined for climbing Rome's Trevi fountain, Italian media reported on Tuesday. Photo by Filippo MONTEFORTE / AFP.

Italy’s top story on Wednesday:

The Italian Senate on Tuesday approved the first draft of a controversial constitutional reform bill that seeks to overhaul the country’s electoral system and system of governance.

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has called her ‘premierato’ policy – which would award the prime minister’s party or coalition an automatic majority in both chambers – “the mother of all reforms”, arguing that it’s necessary to reintroduce political stability to the country. Critics say it risks concentrating too much power in the hands of one individual.

The bill must now pass three more readings (for a total of twice in each chamber), before being put to a public referendum.

Representatives of Italy’s main opposition parties, including the centre-left Democratic Party, the Five Star Movement, the Left and Green Alliance, and +Europa, all of which oppose the reform, held a rally in Rome’s Piazza Santissimi Apostoli on Tuesday to defend ‘the Constitution and national unity’, Skytg24 reported.

Class action lawsuit brought against Messina Strait bridge project

Over one hundred people have brought a class action in Rome in a bid to halt the construction of a bridge connecting the island of Sicily to mainland Italy, arguing that the project is unconstitutional and unfeasible, Il Corriere della Sera newspaper reported on Tuesday.

The dream of building a bridge over the Strait of Messina dates back decades, with Silvio Berlusconi’s government backing the plan in the early 2000s – but critics say it’s highly impractical, at risk of mafia infiltration, and a waste of public funds that would be better spent on improving existing infrastructure.

Italy’s Infrastructure Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini insisted in April that construction on the bridge would begin by summer 2024; but the company responsible for completing project has since requested an extension that would push the timeline back by at least four months.

The appellants’ complaint reportedly alleges a lack of transparency and the violation of multiple domestic and EU regulations, noting that previous environmental evaluations found that the strait sits on an earthquake fault line.

Italy’s agricultural output down due to climate crisis

Italy’s agricultural output dropped by 1.8 percent in 2023 due the effects of the climate crisis, the country’s national statistics agency, Istat, said on Tuesday.

Wine and fruit production were particularly badly hit, falling by 17.4 percent and 11.2 percent respectively, the agency’s data showed.

Italy experienced an average of 11 extreme weather events per day in the first half of 2023, with severe ramifications for the country’s farming sector, according to Italian agricultural association Coldiretti.

The island of Sicily has been under a state of emergency for drought since February of this year, devastating the region’s crops and threatening its livestock industry.

Man fined for climbing Trevi Fountain

A 27-year-old Ukrainian man was fined €1,000 by police for climbing Rome’s historic Trevi Fountain, news site Roma Today reported on Tuesday.

A video of the incident posted to the instagram account Welcome to Roma shows the culprit being chased for several metres by police before being tackled to the ground by a tourist.

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Every summer, Italian authorities struggle to contain a wave of vandalism from foreign visitors set on leaving their mark on the country’s historic sites.

Earlier this month, a Dutch man was reported to police for using a black permanent marker to scrawl graffiti on a frescoed Roman wall at the archaeological park of Herculaneum, and last year a video of a tourist carving his name on the Colosseum sparked national outrage.

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Today in Italy: A roundup of the latest news on Wednesday

Homes evacuated amid Emilia Romagna flooding, Sicilian volcano on eruption alert, €1 billion water plan for drought-hit regions, and more news from Italy on Wednesday.

Today in Italy: A roundup of the latest news on Wednesday

Italy’s top story on Wednesday:

Households were evacuated on floodplains in Italy’s northern Emilia Romagna region on Tuesday after the Secchia river burst its banks, according to Skytg24.

A post from the Italian fire service on X said that firefighters performed over 30 rescue operations overnight, including evacuating families trapped in their homes by floodwaters in the town of Mulazzano, near Parma.

Much of northern Italy has been hit by heavy rainfall and flooding in the past couple of days, with Italy’s Civil Protection Department issuing adverse weather warnings to 10 regions.

Last May, floods in Emilia Romagna killed at least 14 people and displaced more than 20,000 others after rivers across the region burst their banks.

Stromboli volcano under orange alert for eruption risk

Italy’s Civil Protection Department on Tuesday issued an orange alert for a possible eruption of Sicily’s Stromboli volcano, raising the threat level from mild to moderate.

Since Sunday, scientists have reportedly observed a lava overflow on part of the island that shares the volcano’s name, along with “frequent explosions” in the southern crater and an “increase in the average amplitude” of volcanic tremors.

The mayor of Lipari, a neighbouring island in Sicily’s Aeolian archipelago, who is also tasked with overseeing Stromboli’s population, was being kept updated as to any developments, the department said.

The volcano last erupted in 2022, with no casualties. A 2017 eruption resulted in the death of a hiker.

Salvini announces €1 billion water plan for drought-hit Italy

Italy’s Transport and Infrastructure Minister Matteo Salvini on Tuesday announced he was working on passing a bill that would pump €1 billion into a National Water Plan for Italy, parts of which have suffered from severe drought in recent months.

“It is the first time that there is a national plan that deals with water not as an emergency but in the medium and long term,” the minister said in a video conference on his Strait of Messina bridge project, as reported by Ansa.

Sicily has been under a regional state of emergency for drought since February, and has repeatedly called on the Italian government to declare a national state of emergency.

Italy has had 81 extended periods of drought since May 2020 and is in a drought emergency, environmental association Legambiente said in a report published earlier this month.

More than 100 arrested in Sicily drug bust

Italy’s Carabinieri police force arrested 112 people in a major drug bust in the Sicilian city of Messina on Monday, Italian news agency Ansa reported.

The charges reportedly include the trafficking, cultivation and sale of narcotics, extortion, laundering, and criminal association.

At the request of local prosecutors, a judge issued warrants for 85 of the suspects to be immediately incarcerated, while a further 27 were placed under house arrest.

The raid coincided with simultaneous operations in nearby Calabria and other parts of Italy, dismantling several criminal gangs, police said.