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Today in Sweden: A roundup of the latest news on Wednesday

Imprisoned researcher Ahmadreza Djalali accuses Swedish PM of leaving him behind, Sweden Democrat leader 'self-critical' after election fiasco, and cigarettes set to become more expensive. Here's the latest news.

Today in Sweden: A roundup of the latest news on Wednesday
Ahmadreza Djalali's wife Vida Mehrannia outside the Swedish foreign ministry, demanding a meeting with Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson or Foreign Minister Tobias Billström. Photo: Pontus Lundahl/TT

‘Why not me, after 3,000 days?’ Djalali’s video message to Swedish PM

Ahmadreza Djalali, the Swedish Karolinska Institute researcher who has been imprisoned in Iran since 2016 on charges of espionage, addressed Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson directly in a video message, shown by Swedish public broacaster SVT among others.

“Mr Prime Minister,” he says. “I talk to you from Evin Prison inside a horrible cave where I have spent eight years and two months, almost 3,000 days, of my life.”

Djalali’s wife, Vida Mehrannia, who is now protesting every day outside the Swedish foreign ministry until she gets a meeting with Kristersson or Foreign Minister Tobias Billström, has criticised the government for not including him in a controversial prisoner swap which saw the release of two other Swedes this week. Swedish authorities say Iran refuses to discuss his case as he is a dual national.

“Mr Prime Minister, you decided to leave me behind under huge risk of being executed in Evin. You left me here helpless. Why not me, after 3,000 days?” says Djalali in the video, calling the decision discrimination and challenging Kristersson to meet his family in front of the press.

Billström told SVT that the Swedish government had tried to include Djalali in the prisoner swap but that Iran had refused. 

Swedish vocabulary: helpless – hjälplös

‘I have to be self-critical’: Sweden Democrat leader after election fiasco

Sweden Democrat party leader Jimmie Åkesson spoke about the party’s surprisingly poor performance in his first interview since the EU election. It was the first major election in which the far-right party had a worse result than previous elections, ending up in fourth place.

“Most pundits had expected us to increase, all polls showed that. It was an unexpected event,” he told SVT’s news programme Aktuellt.

He conceded that the Sweden Democrats had failed to get its voters to the polls, but said it was too soon to say why they had failed.

Some theories are that its voters responded negatively to references to “The Great Replacement Theory” – a conspiracy theory used by white power movements – in the run-up to the election, or to its tough talk after a TV4 documentary revealed the party’s “troll factory”.

Another theory is that it’s the effect of no longer being in opposition and being held responsible for decisions.

“Of course I have to be self-critical when we have a bad election. But it’s too soon to say which part of it was bad,” said Åkesson.

He said he looked forward to entering a “new phase, with a focus on issues”.

Swedish vocabulary: issues – sakfrågor

‘Snus’ set to become cheaper, and cigarettes more expensive

The Swedish parliament has approved a proposal to lower the tax on snus – the moist tobacco a lot of Swedes like to stick underneath their upper lip.

Meanwhile, smoking will become more expensive with a nine percent tax hike on cigarettes.

The new taxes will come into force on November 1st this year.

Swedish vocabulary: to smoke – att röka

Sweden raises work permit salary threshold by over a thousand kronor

Statistics Sweden on Tuesday released new median salary figures, effectively pushing up the work permit salary threshold for all new applicants.

On November 1st last year the minimum salary that applicants need to earn in order to be eligible for a Swedish work permit was raised to 80 percent of Sweden’s median salary. At the time the median salary was 34,200 kronor a month, giving a salary threshold of 27,360 kronor.

But in an update on June 18th, the median salary was pushed up to 35,600 kronor. 

This means work permit applicants (including both first-time applications and extensions) applying on this date or later will need to earn a total of 28,480 kronor a month in order to qualify for a work permit.

The Local is answering your questions about the new threshold in this article.

Swedish vocabulary: a threshold – en tröskel

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Today in Sweden: A roundup of the latest news on Wednesday

Sweden Democrats call for 'paradigm shift' in Swedish schools, metalworkers take Tesla to court, and there's a warning of an extremely high risk of forest fires in some parts of Sweden. Here's the latest news.

Today in Sweden: A roundup of the latest news on Wednesday

Sweden Democrats call for ‘paradigm shift’ in Swedish schools

Almedalen Week, Sweden’s annual political festival, is under way on the island of Gotland. For one week, the streets of the medieval town of Visby will be jam-packed with politicians, civil servants, lobbyists, NGOs, journalists and maybe a stray German tourist or two.

The most anticipated events of the week are as always the party leaders’ speeches.

On Tuesday, Sweden Democrat leader Jimmie Åkesson was first out, calling for a “paradigm shift” in schools while arguing that his far-right party had “won the debate on immigration (…) won the debate on crime” and would now “win the debate about schools”. 

Some of the measures the party is proposing includes making children who don’t speak good enough Swedish retake a year, and banning teachers from wearing traditional Muslim clothes such as a headscarf. 

Centre Party leader Muharrem Demirok next took to the stage, announcing his party’s proposal to introduce what he called a nystartsår (“new start year”) for everyone who’s been in Sweden the past three years, is not employed or studying, and is foreign-born.

The reform would offer studies, Swedish for Immigrants if needed, in combination with vocational training and matching them towards jobs on the labour markets. After completing a year, the person should have the right to a so-called introduction job, a subsidised job.

Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson of the Moderates and Social Democrat leader Magdalena Andersson are set to speak on Wednesday.

Swedish vocabulary: a speech – ett tal

Swedish metalworkers’ union takes Tesla to court

Sweden’s metalworkers’ union, which is locked in battle with Tesla’s over a collective wage agreement, said on Tuesday it was taking the carmaker to court over its refusal to disclose its financial health.

Tomas With, vice-president of IF Metall, told AFP that the necessary documents were ready and would be filed with the court next week at the latest.

According to the union, Swedish law dictates that companies need to keep unions regularly informed about their financial situation.

Employers who have not signed a collective agreement – which is the case for the American giant – must still inform the unions who have members working for them.

Swedish vocabulary: a court – en domstol

Swedish companies among world’s 500 most sustainable

Twenty-one Swedish companies made a new list by Time Magazine, which ranks the world’s most sustainable businesses.

Analyst firm Statista helped evaluate 5,000 of the world’s largest and most influential companies, boiling them down to a shortlist of 500.

Some of the Swedish companies included on the list are Husqvarna, H&M, Ericsson, Volvo, Electrolux, Saab and Handelsbanken.

Telecommunications giant Tele2 claims 37th spot as the best-performing Swedish company on the list.

The ranking takes into account for example environmental commitments and transparency.

Swedish vocabulary: sustainable – hållbar

Warning of ‘extremely high’ risk of forest fires in parts of Sweden

Swedish weather agency SMHI has issued a warning of a “high or very high” risk of forest fires in north-eastern Götaland, large parts of Svealand and south-eastern Norrland, applying until at least 11pm on Thursday.

Locally, the fire risk is “extremely high”.

The area covered by the warning includes for example Stockholm, Uppsala, Gävle, Falun, Örebro, Linköping and Norrköping.

“Forest fires can easily occur due to for example campfires, sparks from machines or lightning strikes,” warns SMHI.

Here’s more information about how to check whether there’s a fire ban in place in your area.

Swedish vocabulary: a forest fire – en skogsbrand