Denmark to accept 200 UN ‘quota’ refugees in 2024

Denmark has agreed to accept quota of 200 UN refugees from countries including Rwanda, Eritrea and Afghanistan, the Ministry of Immigration and Integration said on Friday.

Denmark to accept 200 UN 'quota' refugees in 2024
Denmark's Immigration Minister Kaare Dybvad Bek. File photo: Mads Claus Rasmussen/Ritzau Scanpix

Denmark will accept quota refuges from the UN in 2024, continuing a policy of the governing Social Democrats since the party took office in 2019, and retained as part of the current coalition government.

The decision to accept quota refugees is the responsibility of Immigration Minister Kaare Dybvad Bek, who decides on the number and distribution of the refugees from the UN who are permitted to stay in Denmark.

In a statement, the Ministry of Immigration and Integration said it would “focus on women and children” as has been the case “in previous years”.

The refugees to be redistributed from UN refugee camps are currently located in Rwanda and in UN camps in countries bordering Afghanistan and Eritrea, the ministry said.

“We want to limit the number of spontaneous asylum seekers who come to Denmark via cynical human traffickers,” Bek said in the statement.

“That’s why the government fully supports the UN’s quota system, whereby refugees come to Denmark under regulated conditions,” he said.

“We have always said that the number is very important. I believe that, by keeping the number at 200 quota refugees, we ensure the integration process can keep up,” he said.

Quota refugees are distributed by the UN’s refugee agency, UNHCR from refugee camps in areas close to conflict zones.

Denmark refused to take in any refugees under the UN quota system between 2016 and 2019, with the government at the time saying the country needed to focus on integrating refugees recently arrived in the country.

Denmark has taken in 200 quota refugees from the UN each year since 2020.

According to the website of the UNHCR, some 117 million people are displaced worldwide. Nearly 160,000 were resettled in 2023, either with or without UNHCR assistance. 69 percent of refugees are hosted in neighbouring countries.

Low- and middle-income countries host 75 percent of the world’s refugees while the least Developed Countries provided asylum to 21 per cent of the total in 2023, according to UNHCR.

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Local authority demands changes at Denmark’s Kærshovedgård asylum camp

Elected officials in the local Ikast-Brande Municipality have demanded the government act following a recent damning report on conditions at the Kærshovedgård ‘departure centre’.

Local authority demands changes at Denmark’s Kærshovedgård asylum camp

Local politicians in Ikast-Brande have reportedly run out of patience with crime and security issues at the Kærshovedgård ‘departure centre’ for rejected asylum seekers and convicted felons awaiting deportation.

The officials have stated their position in a letter sent by the Ikast-Brande municipal council to Mininster for Immigration and Integration Kaare Dybvad Bek, newswire Ritzau reports.

That comes after conditions at the centre were the focus of a stinging rebuke in a report by the Ombudsman, the Danish parliamentary watchdog, in a report published last week.

READ ALSO: Danish watchdog slams ‘deteriorating’ conditions at Kærshovedgård asylum facility

In the report, the ombudsman said conditions at the centre have deteriorated and are now so poor that they prevent residents from “living basic life”, while security at the facility was also criticised.

“We cannot passively look on as criminal residents who have been sentenced to deportation and who live at Kærshovedgård Departure Centre repeatedly commit new crimes and create insecurity in the local community,” the officials write in the letter.

Incidents named in the letter including drugs cases and a recent fatal traffic accident for which a resident of Kærshovedgård is the subject of police charges.

“We need a solution now,” the council writes without providing any specific suggestions as to which measures could be taken.

While state funds have been provided for the purposes of improving safety in the community neighbouring the facility, this does not go far enough according to the authors of the letter.

“The crime which is committed by some of the residents of the departure centre is not reduced by this funding. It is the residents, their behaviour and their movements which should be in focus,” they say.

READ ALSO: New film reveals life at Denmark’s controversial deportation centre

Located 13 kilometres from Ikast in Jutland, the Kærshovedgård facility is one of two deportation centres in Denmark used to house rejected male and female asylum seekers who have not agreed to voluntary return, as well as persons with so-called ‘tolerated stay’ (tålt ophold) status. Some residents are foreign nationals with criminal records who have served their sentences but are awaiting deportation.

The residents do not have permission to reside in Denmark but many cannot be forcibly deported because Denmark has no diplomatic relations or return agreements with their home countries.

Kærshovedgård first became prominent in the mid-2010s, when it received criticism for imposing conditions that could lead to mental illnesses in residents.

“The security situation for the residents of Kærshovedgård appears to have worsened since the ombudsman’s last visit, and this is a development that should be rectified,” the ombudsman, Niels Fenger, said in a statement on Friday.

Fenger said he was “of the impression that residents experience greater feelings of insecurity at the departure centre [and there is] a lot of crime including the sale of narcotics.”

“Additionally, the atmosphere at the departure centre carries a sense of deterioration and a significant number of residents have addiction problems,” the ombudsman statement said.

The ombudsman also observed that, since a previous visit in 2017, “there has been a change in the composition of residents in that people who have a deportation [criminal, ed.] sentence and who did not previously live at Kærshovedgård now make up the largest group at the location”.