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Today in Austria: A roundup of the latest news on Thursday

Taylor Swift breaks silence after Vienna concert cancellations, NGOs call for urgent heat protection measures in Austria, whooping cough cases surge, and more news from Austria on Thursday.

Today in Austria: A roundup of the latest news on Thursday
People are seen on their paddle boards on the Danube river on a hot summer day in Vienna, Austria, on July 18, 2023. (Photo by Joe Klamar / AFP)

Swift says filled with ‘fear’, ‘guilt’ after Vienna terror threat

Pop megastar Taylor Swift on Wednesday broke her silence about the cancellation of three Vienna concerts over an alleged suicide attack plot, saying the incident filled her with “fear” and “guilt.”

“Having our Vienna shows cancelled was devastating. The reason for the cancellations filled me with a new sense of fear, and a tremendous amount of guilt because so many had planned on coming to those shows,” the American said in a post on social media platform Instagram.

The Vienna shows, part of the European leg of Swift’s record-breaking “Eras” tour, were cancelled after authorities warned of a terror plot by sympathisers of the Islamic State armed group.

Police have detained three suspects over the alleged attack threat, with the United States saying it shared intelligence to assist in the investigation.

NGOs call for urgent heat protection measures in Austria

Several Austrian organisations have called for increased measures to protect vulnerable groups from the ongoing heatwaves and the escalating climate crisis. Children, low-income individuals in urban centres, and residents of retirement and nursing homes are particularly at risk. The NGOs are urging politicians to develop a heat protection package that includes funding for appliance replacements, building renovations, and the creation of climate-friendly social infrastructure. The calls follow a year in which tens of thousands of heat-related deaths were recorded in Europe, highlighting the urgent need for action.

What would an FPÖ government look like in Austria?

The FPÖ announced its party programme before this year’s election in Austria. Here are the main topics, from the most controversial to the most populist.

Whooping cough cases surge in Austria, doctors urge vaccination

Austria is experiencing a significant surge in whooping cough cases, primarily due to low vaccination rates. The Medical Association warns that this life-threatening infection poses a severe risk to infants, calling for free booster vaccinations against pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus, and polio.  The number of cases has been steadily rising over the years, with a temporary decline during the pandemic. Data reveals a concerning number of unvaccinated children, particularly among two to four-year-olds. The Ministry of Health, while assuring sufficient vaccine stock, urges the public to review their vaccination records and consult with their doctors.

U4 line and ÖBB train connections back on track from September 2nd

Public transport in Vienna is set to see major improvements as construction projects on the U4 line and several ÖBB train lines are nearing completion. From September 2nd, the U4 line will resume full service between Schwedenplatz and Schottenring stations, and up to 116 daily connections will be restored on the R40 and S40 lines. While some minor disruptions might still occur, ÖBB has taken steps to ensure smooth operations, including acquiring new train sets and hiring additional staff.

Vienna offers free public transport for school trips

The City of Vienna is introducing free public transport for school trips, benefiting both students and accompanying adults. This initiative aims to alleviate financial burdens on parents and ensure equal opportunities for all students to participate in educational excursions. The free tickets will be available to all public and private compulsory schools in Vienna, including primary and secondary schools, as well as for activities organised as part of school daycare. The measure will come into effect at the start of the upcoming school year.

Vienna offers free dog registration

The City of Vienna is offering free dog registration until the end of October to increase compliance with mandatory pet registration laws. Although most stray dogs found in Vienna are microchipped, only a small percentage are registered in the pet database, making reuniting them with their owners difficult. After the free registration campaign ends, penalties for those who fail to register their dogs will be enforced.

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Today in Austria: A roundup of the latest news on Thursday

Fire brigades on alert as Austria faces heavy rain, snowfall, and winds, fake election posters stir controversy, SPÖ unveils election programme and more news from Austria on Thursday.

Today in Austria: A roundup of the latest news on Thursday

Fire brigades on alert as Austria faces heavy rain, snowfall, and winds

Austria is bracing for extreme weather conditions in the coming days, with heavy rain, snow, and strong winds expected. Meteorologist Martin Templin from Ubimet has warned of an “extreme risk of severe weather”, including heavy rain at low altitudes, significant snowfall in the mountains, and a storm on the southern side of the Alps.

Rainfall began in the south from Wednesday evening, with areas near Italy receiving up to 100 litres per square metre by Friday morning. Colder air will then move in, shifting precipitation to the northern Alps and eastern Austria, where up to 250 litres of rain per square metre could fall by Monday, raising flood concerns. The snow line could drop below 1000 metres on Sunday, bringing snowfall in lower areas.

Geosphere Austria has issued warnings for rain, snow, and wind until next week, with heavy snowfalls of up to 150 centimetres expected in high mountain areas. Flooding and landslides are also anticipated, particularly in northern Burgenland, Vienna, and other regions.

The Lower Austrian fire brigade is preparing for possible floods, with water levels potentially rising into flood zones. Wind speeds of up to 90 km/h are forecast for Lower Austria from Friday afternoon, and residents are advised to stay indoors and avoid areas near water.

Why 1.5 million people can’t vote in Austria’s crucial federal election

Almost one in five people in Austria won’t have a say in the upcoming election, mainly due to the country’s restrictive citizenship laws.

Fake election posters stir controversy in Graz ahead of national elections

Around two weeks before Austria’s National Council elections, tensions in the campaign escalated as over 100 fake election posters were found in Graz on Wednesday. The posters, which mocked several political figures and appeared highly realistic, led to a state security investigation.

The posters were crafted to look professional, with sarcastic party logos and slogans. One centre-right ÖVP fake poster, for instance, showed Karl Nehammer, accompanied by the phrase, “We still do fascism ourselves.” Other fake slogans included the far-right’s FPÖ’s “One people, one chancellor” and liberal NEOS’s “Work makes you rich … in experience.”

Van der Bellen surprised by Germany’s border control changes

In a press statement, Austria’s Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen expressed surprise at Germany’s recent changes to its border control regime. 

Van der Bellen described Germany’s approach as “somewhat improvised” and said it was unclear what these new measures meant. He pointed out that “selected” border controls between Bavaria and Austria have existed since 2015. He questioned if any changes would occur, expressing confidence that Germany would uphold its European law obligations.

In contrast, Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer welcomed Germany’s shift in migration, praising it as a step toward aligning with Austria’s approach. He expressed optimism about Germany’s role in deportations to countries like Syria and Afghanistan and its contribution to strengthening external border protection.

SPÖ unveils election programme with wealth tax and rent control

The SPÖ has officially released its election programme, presented by party leader Andreas Babler. Babler highlighted it as an “important programme for the future,” developed with input from an expert council. Key proposals include the introduction of a wealth tax on assets over €1 million, an inheritance tax, a 25 percent corporation tax rate, and rent controls until 2026. The programme also advocates for free dental care for people under 23, a trial of a four-day workweek, and increased social spending. It includes a €20 billion climate transformation fund and support for military service and neutrality.

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