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Waiting for mum and dad to die: Is inheriting the only hope for young Spaniards?

Inheriting a home from their deceased parents will increasingly determine whether young people in Spain are rich or poor in future, as the housing crisis and unstable job market make it impossible for them to get on the property ladder any other way.

Waiting for mum and dad to die: Is inheriting the only hope for young Spaniards?
Inheriting a family home at a time when property prices are sky-high is like winning the lottery for Spaniards, even though it often goes hand in hand with losing their parents. Photo: Maryia Plashchynskaya/Unsplash

Spaniards have long regarded themselves as “a nation of homeowners.”

A little over three-quarters of Spanish households (75.30 percent) own their property while the remaining quarter live in rented accommodation, according to dataset figures from Trading Economics.

But things are changing in Spain. The sorts of Spaniards who bought up all that property in the past, namely the Silent and Baby Boomer generations, are retiring, already retired, or, to put it bluntly, dying. 

It’s hard to overstate just how dominant these older generations are in terms of home ownership in Spain. 92 percent of households with an adult over 65 own a home according to Eurostat and La Caixa figures published in Libre Mercado.

For younger Spaniards, on the other hand, rising prices mean it’s becoming more difficult to rent a property, let alone buy one.

Whether they’re retiring or dying, this generational shift is having a significant impact on the number of property inheritances which in turn could have several significant ripple effects on Spanish society and its property market in the medium-term future.

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Rising inheritances

The number of inherited homes has been rising consistently in Spain since 2007. Before the 2008 financial crisis, inheritance contributed to around only one in ten total property transactions in Spain. 

By 2024 that figure had increased to one in five. The peak was reached in December 2020, at the height of the pandemic when lots of older people were dying and almost one in four homes were passed on via inheritance.

Long-term property owning generations dying out is the main explanation, but declining birth rates also mean that many Spaniards may now inherit property from aunts and uncles that never had children and therefore increase inheritances numbers overall.

This rise in inheritances is having several impacts on Spanish society.

READ ALSO: MAPS: How much does it cost to buy a home in Spain in 2024?

Worsening rental market

If you’ve followed The Local’s extensive coverage in recent months, you’ll know that the rental market has been a hot topic of conversation in Spain.

Frustration with rising rental costs has also underpinned a lot of the growing anti-tourism sentiment in Spain’s protest movements in recent months. You read our coverage of that here.

But increasing rates of property inheritances also serve to worsen the rental market by reducing the stock. According to data compiled by Fotocasa Research, 21 percent of homes for sale and 10 percent of homes for rent on the market are inherited. 

Many who inherit properties from family members prefer to sell in order to get a quick cash injection, but also to avoid the administrative challenges and responsibilities that come with being a landlord, further depleting the already dwindling rental housing stock in Spain.

Widening class and generation gap

Rising inheritances also widen class and generational gaps.

According to data from a Banco de España survey, the percentage of households with “young owners” has fallen by a staggering 37 percent since 2011, going from 69.3 percent to 31.8 percent.

With young people increasingly unable to even afford a rented property during their most productive working years, let alone purchase a home, millennials and Gen Z Spaniards could face financial uncertainty well into their 40s. 

No data is yet available on how increased inheritance rates will affect inequality among Spanish millennials specifically, but looking at global trends it seems it will almost certainly widen inequality within the millennial generation as those inheriting become very wealthy very quickly while the rest don’t.

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A Financial Times report found that the richest 10 percent of the millennial generation is already far richer than the same cohort was in the baby boomer generation. Pedro Salas Rojo, a researcher at the London School of Economics, told El Periódico de España that rising inheritances generally mean that “one group of the population acquires wealth very early and another takes a long time to reach that level.”

What seems clear is that as inheritances pass from baby boomer parents to lucky children, a class divide is opening up between those with parents who were able to buy property in the past and those without. Often these properties were bought very cheaply, relatively speaking, thirty or forty years ago, and can then be sold for ten times that (or more) in 2024.

A lazy generation?

However, some fear that the growing numbers of properties being inherited could create a so-called ‘lazy generation’.

Luis Ayuso, Professor of Sociology at the University of Málaga, told El Periodico that as more and more people inherit properties and therefore large sums of money, notions of hard work and meritocracy could be in danger: “The first constitution of the United States said that the state had to keep an eye on large landowners and the inheritance system because that can produce lazy children.”

“Inheritances can result in the next generation not having to work. If you are an only child and you inherit a flat in Madrid, you may not have to work,” he adds.

With Spain’s property owning generation due to die in the coming years, not only could the class divide widen but there could be a lot of lucky (or lazy) Spaniards who suddenly come into a lot of money very quickly.

Of course, lucky though they are to be in position to inherit property, the fact that doing so is for many Spaniards their version of the ‘bank of Mum and Dad’ is no great reflection of Spanish society. What does it say about the Spanish property market that many Spaniards can only access it when their loved ones die?

READ ALSO: How interest-free loans between family members work in Spain

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Where should I move to in Spain – Costa Blanca or Costa del Sol?

Spain’s Costa Blanca and Costa del Sol are two of the most popular areas of the country for foreigners to move to and buy a property in Spain, but trying to decide between the two can be a difficult choice. Here are a few things to consider to help you make a decision.

Marbella and Calpe, Spain
Costa del Sol vs Costa Blanca Images Gavilla and Nacho Ruiz / Pixabay

The Costa Blanca is located on Spain’s eastern coast in the region of Valencia in the province of Alicante. It extends from the town of Dénia in the north to Pilar de la Horadada in the south.

Costa del Sol on the other hand is located on Spain’s southern coast in the region of Andalusia and lies mostly in the province of Málaga. It’s a narrow strip of coast stretching from Manilva in the west all the way until it meets the Costa Tropical in the province of Granada in the east.

Other foreign residents

While this isn’t the most important factor when choosing where to live in Spain, you’ll want to know that there are other foreigners in the same situation as you. This can affect everything from the types of jobs that are available to the schools in the area and the friends you might make.

According to the latest stats from Spain’s Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE), there were 206,934 EU citizens living in Andalusia in 2022 and 92,180 British citizens. While in Valencia, there were 263,340 EU citizens and 87,699 British residents.

This makes the Valencia province and the Costa Blanca slightly more popular with other EU residents. But, Andalusia is slightly more popular with British residents.

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Weather is one of the major factors which cause people to want to move to Spain, so which costa fairs better when it comes to the climate?

According to the Andalusian Tourist Board, the Costa del Sol enjoys more than 325 days of sunshine per year, while the Costa Blanca Tourism Board claims to enjoy around 320 days of sunshine per year. This makes both costas pretty equal when it comes to hours of sunshine, but what about temperature and rainfall?

According to the latest climate figures, Marbella, one of the most popular cities in the Costa del Sol has an average yearly temperature of 18.3C and 65 days of rain.

Torrevieja, in the Costa Blanca on the other hand, has a similar yearly average temperature of 18.7C and a total of 31 days of rainfall.

While both regions have similar amounts of sunshine and average temperatures it seems that if you live on the Costa del Sol you might see a few more days of rain than if you choose the Costa Blanca. 

However, both regions have far less rain than Spain’s other costas in the north such Catalonia’s Costa Brava and Asturias’ Costa Verde.

The Costa Blanca generally has less rain than the Costa del Sol. Photo: Harry Fabel / Pixabay


According to Spanish property giants Idealista, Málaga province is one of the most popular places for foreigners to buy property. Nerja, Estepona, Puerto Banús and Marbella stand out as some of the most popular. 

Other areas where foreigners want to buy include Fuengirola, Mijas, Alhaurin el Grande, Torremolinos and Benalmadena are the most popular foreigners buying average and budget properties.

But it’s Alicante province where demand from foreigners exceeds 50 percent of the total demand in the province. The most popular areas include Los Frutales in Torrevieja; the districts of Moraia de Moravit-Cap Blanc, Paichi and Pinar de Advocat-Cometa and Orihuela. More 70,000 British residents own property in the Alicante area.

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According to the Colegio Registradores de la Propiedad in both Alicante and Málaga provinces foreigners represent one in four property transactions. 

The latest property stats show that the average price for a property in Málaga reached €3,377 per square metre in August 2024, while properties in the Alicante province reached €2,260 per square metre.

This means that property is generally cheaper on the Costa Blanca than it is on the Costa del Sol, however, the average price of properties in the Costa del Sol is pushed up by the high prices in Marbella and you can still find cheaper properties away from this area.

Houses on the Costa Blanca are generally cheaper than on the Costa del Sol. Photo: panoramicvillascosta / Pixabay

Cost of living 

Generally speaking overall, the Costa Blanca is slightly cheaper to live in than the Costa del Sol, but it does depend on which areas you live in.

According to cost of living website Numbeo, rent is 11.9 percent higher in than in Alicante. You would need around 3,348.5 in Alicante to maintain the same standard of life that you can have with  in Málaga.

Most of the time the cost of living will depend on which town you move to within each costa. Marbella for example has one of the most expensive costs of living out of the two costas. Rent prices in Marbella are a whopping 205 percent higher than in Alicante, but surprisingly restaurant prices are 7.6 percent lower than in Alicante. 

Groceries are cheaper in Malaga than in Alicante. Photo: Pedro Alvarez / Pixabay


While national tax is the same throughout Spain, there are also regional taxes that differ.

For example in the Valencia region, where the Costa Blanca is located, according to the General Council of Economists you pay more for inheritance, donation and Heritage taxes. Valencia is also the region that taxes high earners a lot, but has a progressive system. 

Andalusia the other hand, where the Costa del Sol is located, has some of the lowest inheritance and donation taxes in Spain. Despite this, Andalusia does have relatively high personal income tax rates in Spain. 

IBI tax known Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles or property tax in each region completely depends on where you live within the Costa del Sol or the Costa Blanca. If you live in a small village or more rural location, you will generally pay less than if you live in the big cities or popular resorts. 

Therefore, if you’re a very high earner, you may save more in tax by moving to the Costa del Sol rather than the Costa Blanca, and if you’re a low earner, then it may pay to move to the Costa Blanca, rather than the Costa del Sol. Make sure to discuss your individual circumstances with a gestor or a lawyer first who can advise you on which region you would pay the least amount of tax in. 

Andalusia has some of the lowest inheritance and donation taxes in Spain. Photo: Steve Buissinne / Pixabay

International schools

If you plan on moving to Spain with your family, then you’ll want to know which region offers the best education options for your kids. Public education is generally considered to be good in Spain, but if you want your kids to get an education in English and to get internationally recognised qualifications, such as the International Baccalaureate or IB, then you’ll want to choose a good international school. 

According to the International Schools Database, there are 25 international schools on the Costa Blanca and 37 on the Costa del Sol. 

In 2024, three out of the top five international schools on the Costa del Sol were named the best of their kind in the country in a ranking from Spanish national newspaper El Mundo. These included Aloha College, British School Málaga and Laude San Pedro International College. This means that the Costa del Sol currently offers the best international education in Spain. 

International schools in Spain

International schools are better on the Costa del Sol. Photo: klimkin / Pixabay