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‘Local and seasonal’: How the Swiss government wants you to eat

Switzerland’s population already enjoys one of the world’s highest life expectancies. But the government says a better diet can help them stay healthier even longer.

'Local and seasonal': How the Swiss government wants you to eat
Five portions a day, preferably local and seasonal. Image by Jasmine Lin from Pixabay

Switzerland’s last nutritional guidelines date back to 2011, so the Federal Food Safety Office (OSAV) and the Swiss Society for Nutrition (SSN) have updated their recommendations on Wednesday. 

“The new nutritional guidelines aim to promote health by prioritising fresh over processed foods,” the government said in a press release, adding that the emphasis is now more “on regional and seasonal products, whole grains, and plant-based protein sources.”

“A balanced diet contributes significantly to the prevention of overweight and obesity. It also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer,” it added.

What’s different now?

The nutritional recommendations indicate the optimal energy and nutrient intake for healthy adults aged 18 to 65.

“While the diversity of foods has not changed much, some are now more prominent,” the government pointed out.

For example, vegetable protein sources, such as legumes, are more widely represented and appear at the same level as animal protein sources, such as meat or fish. As for the cereal products group, the emphasis is more on promoting whole grain products.

“It is still recommended to consume five portions of varied fruit and vegetables per day, favouring regional and seasonal products. Finally, the beverages group – and more particularly water – remains the most important group from a quantitative point of view, while sugary drinks, sweets and salty snacks are considered optional products in the daily diet.”

This is what the new Swiss food pyramid looks like, according to OSAV:

These are the main new recommendations for a healthy diet:


One to two litres of (preferably water) each day

Fruits and vegetables

Five portions a day of seasonal produce

Cereal products

Three portions of whole grains 

Dairy products

Two to three portions each day, preferably unsweetened

Legumes (plant-based protein), eggs, and meat

One portion per day, varying the sources 

Seeds and oilseeds

Every day in small quantities

Oils and fats

Two tablespoons a day, preferably vegetable-based

Last but not least: what about sugary drinks, as well as sweets and salty snacks?

You know the answer already: Only occasionally and in small quantities (and yes, that includes chocolate).

But wait…what about exercise?

This particular information focuses on nutrition only.

But physical activity is also essential for good health and long life — especially in conjunction with a healthy diet.

To that end, the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) has published its own recommendations relating to exercise because “it is important for physical and mental well-being and performance capability across all age groups.”

You can see FOPH’s recommendations here.

READ ALSO: Why living in Switzerland can prolong your life

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Switzerland moves towards cashless future with instant payments

Switzerland's new instant payment system will bolster the future of cashless payments in the country, the Swiss central bank said Wednesday after the scheme went live.

Switzerland moves towards cashless future with instant payments

The Swiss National Bank said around 60 financial institutions were now able to receive and process instant payments, covering more than 95 percent of Swiss retail payment transactions, following Tuesday’s market launch.

“By end-2026 at the latest, all financial institutions active in retail payment transactions will be reachable,” the SNB said in a statement.

The central bank said the first institutions had already launched retail offerings enabling customers to send instant payments, with further banks to follow in the coming months.

“Instant payments allow private individuals and companies to perform account-to-account transactions with immediate execution and final settlement in seconds,” around the clock, the SNB said.

“This market launch represents a further important milestone and reflects the collective stakeholder commitment to the future of cashless payments in Switzerland.”

READ ALSO: How Switzerland’s new ‘instant payment system’ will work

The SNB said the scheme offered significant advantages due to shorter settlement chains, with funds received being immediately available.

The central bank anticipates that instant payments “are likely to become established in Switzerland in the medium term, and form the basis for further innovation in payment transactions”.

The SNB’s latest Payment Methods Survey of Companies in Switzerland, published in February, found that “cash acceptance continues to be high”, and said there was “a broad desire among the population for cash to continue to be available as a payment method”.

While mobile payment app acceptance has risen by 19 percentage points since 2021 to 59 percent, the survey found that more than 90 percent of companies doing face-to-face business accepted cash.

The Swiss franc is the legal tender of Switzerland, Liechtenstein and the Italian exclave of Campione d’Italia.

Unusually, Swiss banknotes have a vertical orientation. They are printed in the four national languages: German, French, Italian and Romansch.

The 10-centimes coins minted in 1879 are the oldest coins still in circulation, according to Guinness World Records.