Opposition lead over government grows

The conservative opposition parties have built up a strong lead over the government and its allies, according to a Temos poll precisely one year before the election.

But in a poll conducted by Skop, the difference is smaller and the Social Democrats are making up ground.

In the Temos research, which was published in Dagens Nyheter and Sydsvenskan on Saturday, the four conservative parties are leading with 53% support against 44.3% for the Social Democrats, Greens and the Left Party. The big concern is for the Christian Democrats, who are dead on 4% – which is the threshold for a presence in parliament.

The Skops poll has the conservative alliance on 51% with the Social Democrats and its allies on 46.5%.

In stark contrast to the Temos poll, Skop marked the Christian Democrats out as the month’s big winners, with a 2% surge in support to 8.3%. As far as Skop’s researchers are concerned, it’s the Greens’ members who will need to chain themselves to their parliamentary seats, as the party slipped to 3.8%.

The Temos poll was conducted on 3,002 people between August 29th and September 15th. The figures in brackets below show the change from the previous month:

Moderates: 32.5% (+0.3)

Liberals: 10.1% (-1.1)

Centre Party: 6.3% (+0.6)

Christian Democrats: 4.0% (-0.3)

Social Democrats: 34.4% (+0.3)

Left Party: 5.6% (-0.5)

Greens: 4.3% (-0.1)

In the Skop interviews, which were conducted on 1,100 Swedish voters between August 23rd and September 15th, the support was divided as follows:

Moderates: 25.6% (-1.6)

Liberals: 11.2% (-2.7)

Centre Party: 5.9% (0)

Christian Democrats: 8.3% (+2.0)

Social Democrats: 36.1% (+2.8)

Left Party: 6.6% (+0.7)

Greens: 3.8% (-1.9)

According to research by Sifo commissioned by Göteborgs-Posten, the support for a feminist party has halved since the beginning of the year. In December 2004, 10% of Swedes interviewed said they would consider supporting a feminist party. Now only 5% say they would consider voting for the Feminist Initiative.

TT/The Local

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