Women becoming rare in boardrooms

With the recent departure of two female managing directors, only five Swedish companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange have women at the top.

Karin Forseke, mananging director for Carnegie, an investment firm, has announced her resignation and will leave her post this spring.

Her announcement comes on the heels of Ingrid Osmundsen’s firing, in early February, from managing director duties at Wedins, a shoe retailer.

Forseke has been managing director for Cargengie for the past three years and worked at Carnegie since 1998.

She feels she has done what she is best at, implementing large-scale changes, and that it is now time for someone else to take over.

“I am best as a turn-around director and now I think that we are on the way into a new phase where it is time for someone else,” Forseke said.

She claims she has no future career plans for the time being.

Carnegie Chairman Lars Bertmar is sorry to see Forseke go.

“She has very successfully led the company to an even stronger market position,” he said.

Of 271 listed Swedish companies, only two percent, or five companies, now have female managing directors, according to a study by Veckans Affärer.

Forseke is careful offering viewpoints on why there are so few female managing directors, she states.

She has been too busy with work to reflect on such questions.

“This is a seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day job,” Forseke stated.

“I have had a firm to run, and been busy delivering a good result. And that’s what I’ve done.”

The five current female managing directors are Annika Falkengren at SEB, Eva Rooth at Feelgood, Marike Philipson at Wise Group, Christina Detlefsen at Nexus and Heliane Canepa at Nobel Biocare.

TT/The Local


WATCH: Viral Norwegian Christmas ad where Santa has a boyfriend

A Christmas advert by Posten, the Norwegian postal service, which depicts Santa in a same-sex relationship, has been branded "fantastic" and "perfect" after going viral. 

Pictured is a screenshot from Posten's Christmas advert.
The advert where Santa Claus falls in love with Harry, both pictured above, has caused a stir on social media. Picture from screenshot Youtube/ Posten.

Posten’s Christmas advert titled “When Harry met Santa” — a nod to the 1989 rom-com “When Harry met Sally…” — has caused a splash since it premiered on social media before airing on Norwegian screens this week. 

The new ad follows up on last year’s offering where Santa was angry at the postal service for taking away his “business”. 

The nearly four-minute film sees Santa and Harry build up a bond over several years. However, the pair are restricted to fleeting encounters due to Santa’s packed schedule- until he enlists Posten to ease his workload so the two can spend more time together before sharing a kiss in the final scene. 

The advert was made to mark next year’s 50th anniversary of same-sex relationships being decriminalised in the Scandinavian country.

“This year, it’s all about love – highlighting the fact that 2022 marks the 50th anniversary of the decriminalisation of homosexuality in Norway,” Posten said in a statement to newswire Reuters.

“In addition to showing the flexibility of our services, we want to put it in a socially relevant setting,” it said.

Mats Strandberg, who is married to Johan Ehn, the actor who plays Harry, tweeted, “That’s my husband kissing Santa!”. 

Below you can watch the ad with English subtitles.