Opposition regains poll lead

Sweden's two big parties, the Social Democrats and the Moderates, are the losers in the latest opinion poll carried out by Skop. The Liberal Party and the Left Party have climbed most in the ratings.

The conservative opposition has re-established a lead over the government and its allies, after the Social Democrats, the Left Party and the Greens appeared to draw level in the previous month’s poll.

In April the conservatives were back in front with 48.9% support compared to 47.2 for the government and its left wing friends.

The Social Democrats slumped 4.7% to 34.3%. At the same time the Left Party climbed 1.9% to 7.6%. The Moderates fell by 1.6% to 21.9%.

The big winners in the conservative bloc were the Liberals, with a 3.1% surge to 12.7%.

The results were based on a survey of 1,158 people carried out between April 6th and April 29th.

The latest figures (with the change compared to previous month in brackets) are as follows:

Social Democrats: 34.3% (-4.7%)

Left Party: 7.6% (+1.9%)

Green Party: 5.3% (-0.4%)

Moderates: 21.9% (-1.6%)

Liberals: 12.7% (+3.1%)

Centre Party: 7.4% (+0,5%)

Christian Democrats: 6.9% (0.5%)

8% of those asked said they had not chosen or could not say which party they favoured.

TT/The Local