Girl dies after Vättern boats collide

An eleven year old girl died in a boating accident on Lake Vättern on Saturday afternoon.

“Two motorboats smashed into each other head-on,” said Lotta Lindblad at Örebro police, to TT.

The accident happened nead Åmmeberg, south east of Askersund, just before 4pm. There were three people in the smaller boat, two adults and the eleven year old girl. The girl was sitting in the front of the boat and was thrown into the water in the collision.

“Despite the fact that she was given mouth-to-mouth resuscitation it was not possible to save her life,” said Lotta Lindblad.

The girl and the other two in the boat were taken to the University Hospital in Örebro. Later on Saturday evening the hospital announced that the girl had died while two adults were being kept in overnight for treatment.

Two adults and three children were travelling in the second motorboat. They were not physically injured, but were suffering from shock.

The cause of the accident is not yet clear.

“That will be established by a police investigation,” said Lotta Lindblad.

Police say that they do not suspect that alcohol was a factor in the accident.