Billström ditched by Social Democrats

Booted out by Stockholm voters, former Stockholm mayor Annika Billström has now been ditched by her own colleagues in the Social Democratic party.

At a meeting on Tuesday afternoon, the board of the Stockholm branch of the Social Democratic Party decided not to let Billström stay on to lead the opposition to new Moderate Party mayor Kristina Axén Olin.

Billström’s replacement as leader of the Social Democrats on Stockholm council will be Carin Jämtin, who was international aid minister in Göran Persson’s government. She will be joined on the party’s front bench by the council’s former cultural affairs leader Roger Mogert.

The party board made its decision unanimously apart from Billström herself, who abstained, according to local party chairman and former deputy prime minister Bosse Ringholm.

“We were unanimous in deciding that the loss of the election required a renewal in the leadership of Stockholm’s Social Democrats,” Ringholm said.