Liberals publish spy investigation

The Swedish Liberal Party has published the findings of its internal investigation into the unauthorized access to the Social Democrat’s internal computer network. According to lawyer Peter Danowsky, author of the six page report, there is no evidence that the information accessed has been used in any way.

The internal investigation was completed on the same day as that done by police.

The leaders of the Liberal Party wanted to know which party officials were aware that other delegates had access to the Social Democrat’s internal computer network. They also aimed to find out whether the information gained had been used in any way.

The report was delivered to party leader Lars Leijonborg, who was at first not willing to make it public, but realized that there was a demand for it.

“The purpose of the report was never to make it public; it was done for me. At the same time, there is no reason to conceal something that does not need to be concealed. I felt, when the media asked for it, that it could be made public,” says Leijonborg to TT.

Leijonborg says the conclusions presented in the internal investigation do not really differ from the first analysis presented on September 5th.

TT/ Melissa de Sieni