Teen dies crossing train tracks

An 18-year-old boy died on Friday night after being hit by a train on the Saltsjöbanan line east of Stockholm.

It was the second time in a day that a teenager in Sweden was hit by a train.

Eight young people had been at a party in Saltsjö-Duvnäs and had decided to go into Stockholm by train. They took a short cut over the railway to get to Östervik station, an unlit, isolated point on the line with high platforms.

“All the youngsters managed to get up on the platform except the 18-year-old who was hit by the train,” said Lars Gretas, spokesman at Nacka police.

The accident happened just before 10.30pm. The boy’s friends who were at the scene were taken to St Göran’s hospital for counselling. On Saturday they are being cared for in Nacka.

On Thursday evening a 15-year-old boy died when he was hit by an express train at Solna station, north of Stockholm.