Police hunt for casino gunman

Police were on Thursday searching for an unidentified gunman who left three people nursing gunshot wounds after he opened fire when refused entry to the Casino Cosmopol in central Stockholm on Christmas Eve.

The man was refused entry as he appeared drunk. He then produced a gun and opened fire at the casino’s foyer injuring two female guests and a security guard, according to the police.

“One was hit in the arm, one in the leg and one in the stomach, according to the information we have received,” said police spokesman Janne Hedlund.

All three were taken to St. Göran’s hospital in central Stockholm. The hospital confirmed that it did not consider the injuries to the female guests as life-threatening.

The guard, who was hit in the stomach was then taken to Karolinska University Hospital and the state of his injuries were unknown on Thursday morning.

Police launched a massive operation on Christmas Day to search for the unidentified gunman who may have fled the scene in a taxi.

“We have sixteen or seventeen police units out searching for the perpetrator,” said spokesman Magnus Axelsson.

Raad Malki stood at the first row of slot machines just metres from where the gunman opened fire. He did not however get a look at the perpetrator, who remained on the loose at midday on Thursday.

According to the doorman who alerted the police, a man opened fire with a handgun after he was denied entry to the casino.

Following an examination of security footage, police described the perpetrator as male, 1.80 metres (6 feet) tall, with short cropped fair hair. He was wearing a black jacket with a logo on the upper arm, blue jeans, black shoes and white socks.

Malki told how when he turned around he saw a woman fall to the floor and a guard stumble. The woman was bleeding from her arm and Malki noticed a large wound. He then heard three shots in quick succession.

“Then chaos broke out,” Malki said to news agency TT’s reporters outside the Casino Cosmopol on Kungsgatan in central Stockholm where around 300 guests had passed through the casino on Christmas Eve before the gunman struck.

“People threw themselves under tables and a guard screamed, I was shocked and scared but I didn’t realize at first what had happened,” he said to TT.

Taxi driver Adam Khalil was also a witness to the attack.

“Suddenly I heard the shot. Several people threw themselves under tables, some ran up to the second floor, while others escaped out the back – myself among them,” he told TT.

In the mayhem Khalil lost contact with his brother.

“I was worried,” he said.

Khalil was still waiting outside the casino at 2am in order to get back in and reclaim his jacket which he had left in the coat check.

Andreas Jansson at Svenska Spel, the state-owned operator of the casino, described the events as “tragic”.

“The most important thing for us now is to take care of our staff and our guests. We have a considerable security operation in place, but we will naturally have a review and see how we can tighten it,” he said.

“Although it is naturally very difficult to protect yourselves against something like this,” he concluded.

The remaining casino guests were allowed to leave the premises by the back door around a hour after the shooting.

“The police did not want to release anyone as they wanted to inspect the entrance to the casino where the shooting occurred,” said casino guest Antonio Faniadis.

Police were combing the vicinity of the casino on Christmas Day looking for the weapon in litter bins and other potential hiding-places.

The police on Thursday deployed helicopters in their search for the perpetrator. As the man was caught on the casino’s security cameras police are confident that it is just a question of time before he is in custody.

Police have cordoned of the area around the casino, which is located on Kungsgatan in the city centre.


Sweden charges Islamic State woman in landmark trial

Swedish prosecutors said they have brought genocide charges against a woman in the country's first court case over crimes committed by the Islamic State group against the Yazidi minority.

Sweden charges Islamic State woman in landmark trial

A prosecutor told AFP the 52-year-old woman was accused of keeping Yazidi women and children as slaves at her home in Syria between 2014 and 2016.

She was charged with “genocide, crimes against humanity and serious war crimes” on the grounds that her actions formed part of a broader campaign by the group (IS or Isis) against the Kurdish-speaking Yazidi minority.

The woman, who is a Swedish citizen, is in jail having already been sentenced by a Swedish court to six years in prison in 2022 for allowing her 12-year-old son to be recruited as a child soldier for Isis.

Senior prosecutor Reena Devgun told AFP that while investigating that case, authorities had received witness reports “that told us that she had kept slaves in Raqqa,” the former stronghold of the Islamic State group in northern Syria, prompting further investigations.

“If you take in Yazidis into your household when you are an Isis member or the wife of an Isis member and treat them this way, I argue that you are participating” in the broader campaign against them, Devgun said.

Devgun said the woman had kept nine people, three women and six children, in her home “as slaves”.

The women and children – who were kept in the house for between 20 days and seven months – were among other things made to perform household tasks.

Devgun said they had also been photographed, which the prosecutor argued “was done with the intention that they would be sold off”.

Evidence had mainly been gathered through witness accounts, from the victims and others that had visited the home at the time.

The crimes, which the woman denies, can carry a life sentence in Sweden.

Stockholm’s District Court said in a statement that the trial was scheduled to start on October 7th and was expected to last two months.

Around 300 Swedes or Swedish residents, a quarter of them women, joined IS in Syria and Iraq, mostly in 2013 and 2014, according to Sweden’s intelligence service Säpo.