Immigrants key to new housing law’s success

Recent legislative changes intended to allow full apartment ownership in Sweden have not had as popular a response as anticipated, but immigrants could be the answer, said Agneta Ericsson of the National Land Survey of Sweden (Lantmäteriet) on Tuesday.

Immigrants key to new housing law's success
Photo: sanja gjenero

“Maybe it will be new Swedish immigrants that will make this legislation more popular,” said Ericsson. “I’m sure it will happen but it might just take time.”

Until May 1st, it was not possible for Swedish residents to claim full ownership over an apartment. Instead, prospective buyers have been limited to purchasing a share in a cooperative housing association (bostadsrättsförening).

These associations have ultimate control over the apartment and set restrictions on the rights of the owners to modify or sublet their dwelling.

The new legislation allows individuals to buy an apartment and gain full ownership rights, said Mikael Gullikson of the Justice Ministry.

“You’ll get a title on the apartment and it’s treated the same way as real property,” he said. “The new Swedish rules are comparable to what they call condos in the US.”

But there is a catch: the legislation applies only to new buildings, meaning individuals wanting to own apartments must find companies willing to construct for the purpose of apartment ownership. The law also applies to spaces that have not been used for living purposes for eight years or longer, or if the apartment has another use, like an office.

“It may take a while before new houses are built,” said Gullikson. “Maybe the government will consider changing the rules, but at the moment an older apartment is a cooperative and only a cooperative. Hopefully it will be possible in the future.”

Thus, Ericsson said, immigrants could be key in kick-starting the acceptance and popularity of the new law.

“If we look outside Sweden, it’s common to have this type of legislation,” she explained, adding that new people coming to the country might prefer to have ownership rights to an apartment, like they would in their home countries.

“Why shouldn’t we have this system in Sweden?” Ericsson asked. “I think it was unlucky timing because of the financial crisis, and nobody is building now. I’m sure it will happen here, but it might just take time. People will always prefer to own an apartment.”

She said she knows of only 10 current cases of companies building to sell apartments under the new law. Apart from one case in Malmö, all are in smaller towns such as Karlstad in central Sweden.

“I know of a hotel that was just changed to apartments,” Ericsson said. “And I know of a place under construction in the town of Hässleholm [in southern Sweden], which has a small local company building it. […] The big firms have been discussing if they should or shouldn’t build yet, but they haven’t decided.”

Regulating all major building firms is the Swedish Construction Federation, which said there have been no bites yet from member companies for building under the new law.

“Five or ten years down the road, it probably will be very popular,” said Fredrik Isaksson, chief economist of the federation. “We anticipate having to build many new buildings; it could increase business for our member companies. It’s a good change, but we need new rules on the renting market as well.”

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Danish police warn students against housing scams

Police in Denmark have advised new students to be alert to scams when looking for rented accommodation.

Danish police warn students against housing scams

The special police unit for economic crime, NSK, has warned students over bad actors in the rental housing sector as they look for somewhere to live prior to commencing their studies.

Thousands of students were last week offered places at Danish universities, meaning that rental housing in university towns is set to be in high demand.

But scammers take advantage of an affordable housing shortage in cities like Copenhagen, police said as they warned students over the matter.


“Every year we have housing scammers who cheat people into paying a deposit or advance rent for an apartment that doesn’t exist,” Kresten Munksgaard, head of section for Prevention and Analysis with NSK, told the Ritzau newswire.

Munksgaard said that a good rule of thumb is that if an offer sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

“If you see a mega-cheap, three-room apartment in Copenhagen at a very low price, then you should be be extra careful because unfortunately, those don’t grow on the trees,” he said.

Police recommend would-be tenants always go out and see the apartment in person and always ask the landlord to show ID. That enables them check whether the person is the real owner of the home using public records (tinglysningen in Danish).

“If you are transferring money, use an electronic money transfer so there is a money trail to follow if you are unlucky enough to be scammed,” Munksgaard also said.

Police received 201 reports last year of rental housing scams, according to NSK.

The majority of those affected live in the Copenhagen police district.

The housing shortage also impacts international students in Copenhagen, who often struggle to find affordable housing.

As recently reported by The Local, international students – already at the disadvantage of navigating a new country and system – can be pushed so far on to the fringes of the rental market that they end up living at informal tenancies and registering their addresses elsewhere, putting themselves in a vulnerable legal grey area.