The Local nominated for top Swedish media prize

The Local has been nominated as Sweden's Best Online Newspaper as part of the country's most prestigious newspaper awards, Årets Dagstidning.

The Local is up against two other sites:, the website of Dagens Nyheter, Sweden’s largest-circulation quality daily, and, a well-known website carrying Christian news.

Explaining why The Local had been nominated, the prize’s jury said:

“The simplest ideas are often the best. Anyone could have started a news website about Sweden in English. The Local did it in 2004 and is now attracting 312,000 unique visitors a week from around the world. And it’s earning money.”

The prize is awarded annually by magazine Medievärlden to “a newspaper company that shows originality, courage and energy in its work with digital media.”

Paul Rapacioli, Managing Director of The Local, said he was “thrilled” with the nomination:

“Within Sweden, we have diplomats, senior foreign professionals and a surprising number of internationally-minded Swedes reading The Local, which makes it one of the most valuable audiences in Sweden. Around the world, more people find out about Sweden through The Local than via any other source.

“Advertisers in Sweden have totally understood how to reach this market now and are doing some really exciting things on the site.”

Paul O’Mahony, editor of, put the success down to the rapport the site had built up with readers: “We’re a daily destination for countless people, both in Sweden and overseas. This nomination shows that the Swedish media world recognizes what an important audience we have built up.”

The Local was founded in 2004 and now also runs a site in Germany, James Savage, Managing Editor of The Local, said the concept works just as well outside Sweden:

“What we do in Sweden works really well, it works well in Germany and will work well in other markets.

“All our journalists are foreigners, but are also immersed in the life of the countries in which they’re living. With a true outsider’s perspective on society, but with inside knowledge, we can give a fresh angle on what’s happening in Sweden, Germany or wherever.”

The winner of the prize will be named at a gala in Stockholm on October 1st.

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What The Local’s new design means for you

You may have noticed that The Local looks quite different today. Here’s how our new design makes it easier to get around the site.

What The Local’s new design means for you

After several years with the same design we decided last year that it was high time to give the site a makeover. For one thing we wanted it to look nicer, but most importantly the new design is aimed at making it quicker and easier for you to find what you need without hassle.

You will notice, for example, that the site has a new menu bar that will direct you to the most popular categories. The example below is taken from our France edition but you will find variations on the same menu items on all our country sites. 

You won’t be surprised to learn that we are hoping to retire the Covid-19 category as soon as possible. 

On the desktop version of the site, if you hover your mouse over a category title you will find some of the most important related topics. 

If you click on one of the main categories in the menu bar you will find links to what are currently the most popular related topics. 

On the homepage, each article’s main topic will be displayed above the headline so you can quickly click or tap your way to more articles on that subject. 

You will also find more topics at the bottom of every page that will take you to related articles. 

One significant change is the introduction of a feature that will automatically load up a new article for you once you have got to bottom of the page.

Similarly, articles (like this one) that are not affected by the paywall will show an unlocked padlock. 

If you want to search for a particular topic the search tool is prominently displayed at the top left of the desktop and mobile sites. On desktop it’s just under the dropdown menu you can use to switch editions. 

As a members of The Local you will be able to quickly access your account details and update your newsletter preferences using the buttons in the top right. 

If you are not yet a member you can cast your eyes to the top of the site to see offers that are such good value you will wonder what you’re waiting for. Now really is as good a time as any to join. 

READ ALSO: How The Local’s members are helping us get better

We have also worked hard on significantly speeding up the site, which we hope will make your visits to The Local more enjoyable. 

You are sure to notice plenty of other changes as you get familiar with the new design. But one thing that hasn’t changed is our commitment to producing independent journalism that leans heavily on dialogue with our readers. 

With this in mind, we would love to hear from you if you have any feedback on the new design or suggestions for improvements. You can drop us a line at or, if you are a member, you will as always be able to let us know what you think in the comments below the article. 

Thanks for reading, and we hope you like the new look!