Suspect: double murder was ‘impulse thing’

The 24-year-old suspect of a double murder of a couple outside Båstad in 2007 described parts of the scuffle that led to their deaths an "impulse thing" in a hearing on Friday.

Suspect: double murder was 'impulse thing'
Defence lawyer Kai Erwall with Joakim Ericsson at a Malmö hearing in July 2007

Laughs and shoves escalated into a brawl that resulted in the couple losing their lives at the Hovs Hallar nature reserve northwest of Båstad on Sweden’s southwestern coast.

“It was a pure impulse thing,” the suspect, identified as Joakim Ericsson in tabloids Expressen and Aftonbladet, said during questioning in Helsingborg district court on Friday.

Ericsson is on trial for murder and dismemberment of Sölve Svensson, 64, and Irene Saldert, 58.

The couple were last seen alive at their home in Båstad in mid-January 2007. Ericsson has been charged with murder and disturbing the peace of the dead, but he claims the murder of Svensson was in self-defence.

This is the second time Ericsson has been on trial for charges related to the couple’s disappearance, having first been arrested in March 2007 on suspicion of fraud after he sold the couple’s car and took out large loans in Svensson’s name.

Police later extended their suspicions to kidnapping and murder. But, in part because the bodies and Svensson and Saldert had not yet been found, Ericsson was cleared of the murder charges and sentenced to one year in prison for fraud.

But prosecutors were granted a new trial after the couple’s mutilated and dismembered bodies were found in May 2008 in Häljasjön lake near Veberöd, 140 km southwest of Hovs Hallar, in an area familiar to Ericsson.

Ericsson said that his memories of the killings are hazy. He said that he was invited to dinner at the home of Svensson and his partner. During a walk on the beach, Ericsson lost his car keys, but that Svensson then agreed to help find them.

He said that he happened to laugh when Svensson slipped on the rocky shore in his wooden clogs. The older man became angry.

“Then he shoved me with his arm. I took it in the stomach area,” Ericsson said, adding that he later shoved back because he was irritated.

“When I shoved into him, he became mad as hell. I called him ‘stupid bastard.’ There were harsh words and curses, but nothing I remember,” Ericsson said, adding that he received several hard blows to the head from the shaft of Svensson’s flashlight.

Ericsson had extreme difficulty recalling the blows and injuries. The prosecution pointed out that since Svensson was an older man, Ericsson was physically stronger. However, Ericsson responded that Svensson was not weak and was as tall as himself, standing at 1.9 metres.

Prosecutor Göran Olsson wondered why the row became so heated as Ericsson straddled Svensson and why he did not choose to run away.

“He was beating me with this flashlight,” Ericsson replied, according to the Expressen newspaper.

Olsson also asked why Ericsson used a rock to strike Svensson’s head, again when he simply could have chosen to run away.

“It was a purely impulsive act,” he said.

“It was the adrenaline and anger.”

In addition, Olsson and fellow prosecutor Anna Broomé questioned Ericsson as to why he went as far as knocking Svensson down.

The 24-year-old suspect gave the same monotonous answers to all the questions in a quiet voice.

He did not remember details, had faint memories, and was filled with adrenaline and anger.

Ericsson said felt so threatened, he did not think clearly and even beat Saldert, who grabbed the back of his jacket.

He then calmly recalled the panic he felt when he realized he had just killed two people.

“I realized I’d have to move them,” said Ericsson, according to Aftonbladet.

“The right thing to do would have been to call the police.”

But instead of calling the police, Ericsson instead went to Svensson’s cabin where he found tools he could use to cut up the bodies so he could more easily carry them from the beach and load them into the back of the car.

“I wanted to hide my involvement,” he said, according to Expressen.

“It was a decision I made when I was completely panic-stricken.”

He then drove home and contemplated what to do with the dismembered bodies, eventually deciding to dump them in Häljasjön lake.

Ericsson then borrowed his father’s car, rented a trailer, and stole a boat in Landskrona before making his way to the lake.

After experimenting with different methods to weigh down the bodies and being forced to call a tow truck to help him dislodge the trailer, which had become stuck, he managed to dump the bodies.

The following day Ericsson returned to Häljasjön lake to see if anything had floated up to the surface.

He then drove to the harbour in Landskrona with Svensson’s car and dumped the tools he’d used to cut up the bodies.

Despite the tough questioning faced by Ericsson, his attorney Lars Tindberg was satisfied with the day’s proceedings.

“I think a lot more is coming out. We’re going to claim he acted in self-defence,” he told Aftonbladet.

The trial resumes on September 16th.

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Sweden Democrat justice committee chair steps down over hate crime suspicion

The Sweden Democrat head of parliament’s justice policy committee, Richard Jomshof, has stepped down pending an investigation into hate crimes.

Sweden Democrat justice committee chair steps down over hate crime suspicion

Jomshof told news site Kvartal’s podcast that he had been called to questioning on Tuesday next week, where he’s been told he is to be formally informed he is suspected of agitation against an ethnic or national group (hets mot folkggrupp), a hate crime.

Prosecutor Joakim Zander confirmed the news, but declined to comment further.

“I can confirm what Jomshof said. He is to be heard as suspected on reasonable grounds of agitation against an ethnic or national group,” he told the TT newswire.

“Suspected on reasonable grounds” (skäligen misstänkt) is Sweden’s lower degree of suspicion, compared to the stronger “probable cause” (på sannolika skäl misstänkt).

The investigation relates to posts by other accounts which Jomshof republished on the X platform on May 28th.

One depicts a Muslim refugee family who is welcomed in a house which symbolises Europe, only to set the house on fire and exclaim “Islam first”. The other shows a Pakistani refugee who shouts for help and is rescued by a boat which symbolises England. He then attacks the family who helped him with a bat labelled “rape jihad”, according to TT.

Jomshof has stepped down from his position as chair of the justice committee while he’s under investigation.

“I don’t want this to be about my chairmanship of the committee, I don’t want the parties we collaborate with to get these questions again about whether or not they have confidence in me, but I want this to be about the issue at hand,” he said.

“The issue is Islamism, if you may criticise it or not, and that’s about free speech.”

It’s not the first time Jomshof has come under fire for his comments on Islam.

Last year, he called the Prophet Mohammed a “warlord, mass murderer, slave trader and bandit” in another post on X, sparking calls from the opposition for his resignation.

The Social Democrats on Friday urged Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson, whose Moderate-led government relies on the Sweden Democrats’ support, not to let Jomshof return to the post as chair of the justice committee.

“The prime minister is to be the prime minister for the people as a whole,” said Ardalan Shekarabi, the Social Democrat deputy chairman of the justice committee, adding that it was “sad” that Jomshof had ever been elected chairman in the first place.

“When his party supports a person with clear extremist opinions, on this post, there’s no doubt that the cohesion of our society is damaged and that the government parties don’t stand up against hate and agitation,” TT quoted Shekarabi as saying.

Liberal party secretary Jakob Olofsgård, whose party is a member of the government but is seen as the coalition party that’s the furthest from the Sweden Democrats, wrote in a comment to TT: “I can say that I think it is reasonable that Richard Jomshof chooses to quit as chairman of the justice committee pending this process.”