No end to terror alert in sight, minister says

Some two months after declaring a heightened terrorism alert, German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière said Tuesday he still couldn’t give an all-clear signal.

No end to terror alert in sight, minister says
Photo: DPA

Whether an attack has already been prevented by security forces, was never planned, or could still be planned may never be known with complete certainty, the minister told broadcaster Deutschlandfunk. But law enforcement officials continue to investigate for evidence of possible attacks, he said.

“There will be no all-clear in the foreseeable future,” de Maizière said.

The increased police presence at major transportation hubs and important landmarks will remain in place indefinitely, he added.

In November, the minister told the nation there were “concrete indications” of an imminent attack that month, calling on increased vigilance from citizens. The government then ramped up security at airports, train stations and government buildings, even closing the dome of the Reichstag parliamentary building to tourists.

On Tuesday, de Maizière thanked Germans for their “calm vigilance,” along with his fellow politicians and security forces for their support in keeping the country safe.


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