Two young women murdered in northern Argentina have been confirmed as Cassandre Bouvier, 29, and Houria Moumni, 24, both students in Paris.

"/> Two young women murdered in northern Argentina have been confirmed as Cassandre Bouvier, 29, and Houria Moumni, 24, both students in Paris.

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French students murdered in Argentina

Two young women murdered in northern Argentina have been confirmed as Cassandre Bouvier, 29, and Houria Moumni, 24, both students in Paris.

The bodies of the two women were found on Friday evening close to the town of Salta, a popular tourist region in the country. They had not been seen since July 16th.

Both had been beaten and shot and one of the women is also reported to have been raped. Their bodies were discovered in a wooded area by Argentinian tourists.

Friends and family spoke of two talented women who were passionate about Latin America and were destined for careers in academia.

They were both students at respected institute for Latin American studies, the Institut des hautes etudes de l’Amerique latine, IHEAL, part of the Paris-III-Sorbonne-Nouvelle university.

“They were brilliant young women,” said Georges Couffignal, the institute’s director, reported in newspaper Aujourd’hui.

“This is a place where everyone knows each other,” a fellow student told the newspaper. “We’re a real family here. We’ll be holding a ceremony in their honour when term starts.”

They had been in Argentina for a seminar in Buenos Aires at the end of June and had decided to take a holiday in the Salta region, close to the border with Bolivia.

The families of the two women were met yesterday by the minister for French people overseas, David Douillet. In a statement, the foreign ministry said “we have full confidence in the Argentine authorities with whom we are in constant contact to find those responsible for these murders.”

The families are expected to fly to Argentina on Monday morning.

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One dead, one missing as Spanish fishing boat sinks near Argentina

One person has died and another is missing after a Spanish fishing vessel sank off Argentina on Wednesday (July 11), but 25 crew members have been rescued, the Argentine Navy said.

One dead, one missing as Spanish fishing boat sinks near Argentina
Photos: Handout pictures released by the Argentine Navy shows Spanish fishing vessel "Dorneda"

The crew of the Dornera were found at dawn in two rafts and a small boat, 308 nautical miles off Argentina's Patagonian coast, the Navy said in a statement.

Most of the crew are Spanish but there are also Moroccans, Peruvians and Indonesians amongst them, spokesman Enrique Balbi said.

The 25 survivors and dead sailor are aboard an Argentine fishing boat heading back to dry land and expected to arrive in Patagonia in around two days, Balbi told AFP.

To reach there, the Argentine boat must negotiate 570 kilometres of open water through a South Atlantic storm in the middle of winter, said Balbi.

The Dornera is believed to have capsized after being inundated by “a lot of water down the stern ramp where the fish nets are pulled up,” according to Balbi.

“The water entered the engine room and caused a power cut,” he said. “That made the boat uncontrollable in a storm.”

“Realizing a shipwreck was inevitable, the crew abandoned ship.” Balbi added: “At this time of year, adverse conditions created by low pressure generate a lot of wind and big waves. This can happen to any boat when there are big waves.”

Spain picked up a distress beacon and alerted the Argentine Navy, which sent out two fishing vessels to locate the sailors.

Balbi said the boat, owned by Spanish seafood company Freiremar, was fishing in international waters but that “it's still our search and rescue area”.

Two aircraft have been sent to Patagonia to help in the search and rescue operation for the missing sailor.