Council scraps car while owner picks berries

A woman in Ludvika, in central Sweden, was surprised to find her car was missing from where she had parked it in a woodland lane after returning from a stint of afternoon berry-picking in the local wood.

Council scraps car while owner picks berries

The berry-picker was convinced some dastardly crook had come upon the car in its secluded spot and made away with it.

However, after reporting the incident to the police it became clear that the fully functioning vehicle had been towed away at the behest of the local authorities mistaking it for a similar car abandoned in the area, long destined for the scrap yard.

“It is an embarrassing incident. That much is certain. All I know is that there were two blue cars at two different ends of the meadow and the wrong one was picked up,“ said local official Jan Lantz to newspaper Dalarnas Tidningar (DT) online.

After being picked up, the car was taken to the workshop and dealt with there. According to the paper its condition has been documented in evidence of its current condition pending the investigation into who will be deemed responsible for the damages.

According to a relative of the woman the local authorities are shirking the responsibility, referring the issue to the tow-truck driver.

Lantz told DT that both cars were blue and of the same make but different type indication and model. The abandoned car however was lacking its license plates.

The berry-picking woman does not hold a grudge against the driver for towing the wrong car.

“Everyone can make mistakes and this is not fun for the driver. He is shaken by the whole thing and so is his wife. I too feel shaken about what has happened,“ she said to DT.

According to local police the matter will be dealt with by the insurance companies of the involved parties.

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