A blogger from Strasbourg appeared in court on Monday to face charges from former Socialist chief Martine Aubry that he had defamed her by publishing rumours about her sexual and private life and about her husband's activities as a lawyer.

"/> A blogger from Strasbourg appeared in court on Monday to face charges from former Socialist chief Martine Aubry that he had defamed her by publishing rumours about her sexual and private life and about her husband's activities as a lawyer.

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Aubry attacks blogger over rumours

A blogger from Strasbourg appeared in court on Monday to face charges from former Socialist chief Martine Aubry that he had defamed her by publishing rumours about her sexual and private life and about her husband's activities as a lawyer.

Aubry attacks blogger over rumours
Incorruptible (File)

71-year-old François Néri is accused of publishing false and defamatory information on his blog, Le Systémicien, in July. 

The rumours concerned allegations that Aubry, who is currently fighting to win the Socialist party nomination to stand in next year’s presidential elections, is “homosexual” and an “alcoholic.” The blog also accused her husband, the lawyer Jean-Louis Brochen, of being a secret Islamist radical.

“One has the right to be militant and to be in disagreement with Martin Aubry,” said the couple’s lawyer, Yves Baudelot. “But one does not have the right to attack Martine Aubry and spread odious and false statements without any verification.”

Néri’s lawyer, Renaud Bettcher, replied that the accusations had been “said before and said again” and that it was “the one who said them last who gets slapped.”

Bettcher went on to ask why none of the other publications had been the object of a lawsuit from Aubry and her husband, including mass publication magazines such as Le Nouvel Observateur. 

Aubry’s lawyer said that the couple had decided “enough was enough” and that the blog in question had the “advantage” of “capturing all the rumours that were circulating on the net.”

A verdict will be given on October 17th.


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Aubry: give state land to evicted Roma

Martine Aubry, the head of the French Socialist Party and mayor of Lille, has called for state land to be provided for the resettlement of Roma left homeless after the dismantling of camps in the city.

Aubry: give state land to evicted Roma
Photo: Incorruptible
"Land is not hard to find. The state owns lands everywhere," Aubry stated in a press conference in Lille on Monday.
The Socialist Party leader denied reports that she had fallen out with the interior minister Manuel Valls over the dismantling of Roma camps in the city, arguing that it is the manner of the closures that she objects to, according to an AFP news agency report.
"We have demanded that this evacuation would be carried out with the relocation to another site outside of the urban area, but this has not been done," she said. 
She furthermore rejected any parallels between current government policy with that of Francois Hollande's predecessor Nicolas Sarkozy, praising Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault for taking a tough stance on Romania and Bulgaria.
Aubry is not opposed to the camp closures in themselves but has demanded that they are carried out with more "dignity" and that alternatives are provided.
"We are working with the prefect to find land outside the city," she said, referring to the state representative in the region.
With Francois Hollande's blessing, Interior Minister Manuel Valls has continued the previous government's policy of dismantling camps and repatriating hundreds of Roma to Romania and Bulgaria.
In preparation for deportation, there are plans to house the Roma in so-called integration villages, slammed as little more than "ghettos" by government critics.
The hardline stance is however popular with the public and makes political sense, according to analysts.
"Hollande and Valls don't want to give a centimetre of ground to the right on security issues," said Jerome Fourquet of polling institute Ifop to AFP. "They're trying to curtail the idea that the left is soft on crime."
But Valls' approach has not been received well by Green members of the government and some other ministers, who will meet with Jean-Marc Ayrault on Wednesday in a bid to reshape the policy.
Martine Aubry was among those who criticised Nicolas Sarkozy for being "anti-democratic" after his speech in Grenoble in July 2010 in which he outlined plans for the dismantling of the camps. 
Her stance has been cited as a contributory factor to a number of Roma moving to Lille hoping for a softer approach from the authorities.