Switzerland wants to ease banking secrecy

Switzerland is considering new legislation to ease banking secrecy in a bid to fight money laundering, the police and justice department said on Wednesday.

Switzerland wants to ease banking secrecy
Jeff Doe

The Federal Council wants to amend the law on money laundering to allow authorities to send “specific financial information such as bank account numbers, information on transactions and capital or account balances,” to foreign partners, the department said in a statement.

This will help in “the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism” and “strengthen the integrity of Switzerland as a financial centre,” it said.

The draft law aims to extend the powers of the Money Laundering Reporting Office of Switzerland (MROS) so it can demand information from third-party intermediaries after a suspicious transaction has been carried out.

Bern on Wednesday approved the draft amendment bill to be submitted for consultation by April 20 this year. In the interim period, cantons and political parties are to establish their positions on the subject.

The MROS has not been able to provide foreign partners with financial information such as bank account numbers because such information is covered by provisions on “banking secrecy or official secrecy,” the Swiss department said.

This has had a negative impact on Switzerland, officials said, since many countries apply the principle of reciprocity and thus do not provide any financial information to the MROS.

In addition, since July 2011, the Egmont Groupt, representing 127 financial intelligence units, has threatened to suspend Switzerland because it is the only member that does not share information with partner authorities.

“Such a suspension could damage the reputation of Switzerland as a financial centre,” say Swiss authorities who want to “dismantle the obstacle of secrecy in executing administrative assistance.”

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Deutsche Bank to pay $130m to settle US bribery probes

Deutsche Bank will pay $130 million to settle a foreign bribery probe and fraud charges in precious metals trading, US officials announced on Friday.

Deutsche Bank to pay $130m to settle US bribery probes
A woman walks past the offices of Deutsche Bank in London. Photo: Tolga Akmen / AFP
The bribery case relates to illegal payments and to false reporting of those sums on the bank's books and records between 2009 and 2016, the Department of Justice said in a press release.
The bank “knowingly and wilfully” kept false records after employees conspired with a Saudi consultant to facilitate bribe payments of over $1 million to a decision maker, the DOJ said.
In another case, the bank paid more than $3 million “without invoices” to an Abu Dhabi consultant “who lacked qualifications… other than his family relationship with the client decision maker,” the DOJ said.
In addition to criminal fines and payments of ill-gotten gains, Deutsche Bank agreed to cooperate with government investigators under a three-year deferred prosecution agreement.
In the commodities fraud case, Deutsche Bank metals traders in New York, Singapore and London between 2008 and 2013 placed fake trade orders to profit by deceiving other market participants, the DOJ said.
The agreement took into account Deutsche Bank's cooperation with the probes, DOJ said.
“Deutsche Bank engaged in a criminal scheme to conceal payments to so-called consultants worldwide who served as conduits for bribes to foreign officials and others so that they could unfairly obtain and retain lucrative business projects,” said Acting US Attorney Seth D. DuCharme of the Eastern District of New York.
“This office will continue to hold responsible financial institutions that operate in the United States and engage in practices to facilitate criminal activity in order to increase their bottom line.”
“We take responsibility for these past actions, which took place between 2008 and 2017,” said Deutsche Bank spokesperson Dan Hunter, adding that the company has taken “significant remedial actions” including hiring staff and upgrading technology to address the shortcomings.