First lady denied meeting with queen

French first lady Valérie Trierweiler has not joined her partner François Hollande on official visits abroad since she caused uproar over an indiscreet tweet last month.

First lady denied meeting with queen
Cyclotron (File)

The French president travelled alone to London, and met Queen Elizabeth II for the first time on Tuesday. Traditionally, heads of state visit the queen with their partners. But this time Trierweiler was kept out of sight.

Trierweiler has only been seen in public a couple of times since she let slip a controversial tweet in June. Between the two rounds of the legislative elections, she tweeted that she supported the opponent of Hollande’s ex Segolène Royal. 

Royal was running for a seat in the western town of La Rochelle and Trierweiler’s tweet sent shockwaves through the Socialist Party. 

Since the incident, Trierweiler has not been seen with her partner during state vists to Italy, Mexico and Brazil. 

The Elysée Palace says Trierweiler did not meet the queen because it was not a state visit but a informal meeting with the queen, Le Parisien reports. 

However, UK daily The Times says the president’s aides did not want the media to compare Trierweiler to Sarkozy’s wife Carla Bruni who had appeared newly-wed and very elegant during her first meeting with the queen.

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Here’s the latest in France’s presidential race

President Francois Hollande warned would-be successors they should cleave closely to Europe as it was "impossible" that France could contemplate going its own way.

Here's the latest in France's presidential race
French centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron in Reunion. Photo: Eric Feferberg/AFP

Here are three things that happened in the campaign on Saturday:

Let them throw eggs

Conservative candidate Francois Fillon, under pressure over allegations of fake parliamentary jobs for the family which have hit his poll ratings, received a chaotic reception on a trip to the southern Basque region where some protesters pelted him with eggs.

Fillon, who has accused Hollande of helping foment a smear campaign against him amid claims his wife was on the public payroll but did little for her salary, ran the gauntlet in the small town of Cambo-les-Bains.

Locals demanding an amnesty for radical Basque nationalists banged pots and pans, hurled abuse and objects.

“The more they demonstrate the more the French will back me,” Fillon insisted before meeting with local officials.

Warning on Europe

President Francois Hollande warned would-be successors they should cleave closely to Europe as it was “impossible” that France could contemplate going its own way.

In a barb aimed at far-right National Front candidate Marine Le Pen, Hollande said: “So some want to quit Europe? Well let them show the French people they would be better off alone fighting terrorism without the indispensable European coordination…

“Let them show that without the single currency and (single) market there would be more jobs, activity and better purchasing power,” Hollande said in Rome where he attended the ceremonies marking the EU's 60th anniversary.

Le Pen, favoured in opiniion polls to reach the second-round run-off vote in May, wants France to dump the euro, but Hollande said that would lead to devaluation and loss of purchasing power as he warned against nationalist populism.

'Not Father Christmas'

French centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron, seen in polls as beating Marine Le Pen in the May 7 run-off, was in Reunion, a French overseas department in the Indian Ocean, where alongside discussing local issues, he told voters he was “not Father Christmas.”

“I don't have the solution to all problems and I am not Father Christmas,” the 39-year-old former economy minister and banker admitted, saying he had not come to make “promises.”

He indicated he would focus on education as a priority on an island where around one in five youths are illiterate.