Investigation continues into death of 13-year-old

The investigation into the death of a 13-year-old girl, who was found murdered Saturday afternoon in Stockholm, continued on Monday, with two brothers remaining the prime suspects.

Investigation continues into death of 13-year-old
Man released in murdered 13

Two brothers were arrested in the Stockholm suburb of Täby shortly after the girl was found dead inside a block of flats.

One of the two suspects, a 31-year-old man, was seriously injured when jumping from a window on the third floor.

Anton Strand, the suspected killer’s lawyer, would not comment on his client’s condition, or his response to the allegations.

Martin Cullberg, the lawyer of the 28-year-old brother, maintains that his client denies the crime.

Prosecutor Ewa Tvengström, who is leading the murder investigation, would not give information about the possible motive or the details surrounding Saturday’s incident.

“I don’t have much to say. It is an ongoing investigation and investigative measures are being taken now,” she told the TT news agency.

The younger brother will be questioned over the course of Monday afternoon. According to Tvengström it is not yet clear whether his 31-year-old brother is in any state to be interrogated.

“That’s one of the things I am trying to find out right now,” she said.

Students and staff at the girl’s school have placed candles and flowers by the flagpole on the school yard in her honour.

“They’re all reacting in different ways. Many feel sorrow, shock, and that it can’t really have happened,” said the school principal to TT.

The school day began with everyone gathering in the canteen to talk about what has happened and how the students can receive help in dealing with the grief.

Many were already aware of the death of their friend.

In one of the classrooms the students have been given the opportunity to write messages in a book, to light candles and to leave flowers.

“We have focussed on giving support to our students and we will be monitoring them closely to see that they are able to deal with the grief,” said the principal to TT.

TT/The Local/og

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Sweden charges Islamic State woman in landmark trial

Swedish prosecutors said they have brought genocide charges against a woman in the country's first court case over crimes committed by the Islamic State group against the Yazidi minority.

Sweden charges Islamic State woman in landmark trial

A prosecutor told AFP the 52-year-old woman was accused of keeping Yazidi women and children as slaves at her home in Syria between 2014 and 2016.

She was charged with “genocide, crimes against humanity and serious war crimes” on the grounds that her actions formed part of a broader campaign by the group (IS or Isis) against the Kurdish-speaking Yazidi minority.

The woman, who is a Swedish citizen, is in jail having already been sentenced by a Swedish court to six years in prison in 2022 for allowing her 12-year-old son to be recruited as a child soldier for Isis.

Senior prosecutor Reena Devgun told AFP that while investigating that case, authorities had received witness reports “that told us that she had kept slaves in Raqqa,” the former stronghold of the Islamic State group in northern Syria, prompting further investigations.

“If you take in Yazidis into your household when you are an Isis member or the wife of an Isis member and treat them this way, I argue that you are participating” in the broader campaign against them, Devgun said.

Devgun said the woman had kept nine people, three women and six children, in her home “as slaves”.

The women and children – who were kept in the house for between 20 days and seven months – were among other things made to perform household tasks.

Devgun said they had also been photographed, which the prosecutor argued “was done with the intention that they would be sold off”.

Evidence had mainly been gathered through witness accounts, from the victims and others that had visited the home at the time.

The crimes, which the woman denies, can carry a life sentence in Sweden.

Stockholm’s District Court said in a statement that the trial was scheduled to start on October 7th and was expected to last two months.

Around 300 Swedes or Swedish residents, a quarter of them women, joined IS in Syria and Iraq, mostly in 2013 and 2014, according to Sweden’s intelligence service Säpo.