Tax men raid hundreds of homes

German authorities launched nationwide raids on suspected tax evaders on Monday, in connection with a probe into several hundred Germany-based clients of Swiss bank giant UBS, a state prosecutor confirmed.

Tax men raid hundreds of homes
Photo: DPA

“We are investigating several hundred domestic clients of Swiss bank UBS on

suspicion of tax evasion,” said Bernd Bienioßek, a prosecutor in the western city of Bochum.

Some 50 tax investigators took part in the nationwide raids earlier on Monday,

Bienioßek said.

The raids were connected to data recovered from six computer discs purchased by the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), containing information on 7,000 Germany-based UBS clients suspected of hiding cash from the taxman.

Another public prosecutor in the city of Mannheim said last Thursday they were investigating the German branch of UBS over suspected of tax evasion.

UBS chief Axel Weber, also a former head of the German central bank, said in a interview in August that his bank had “zero tolerance” for tax fraud.

But NRW state premier, Hannelore Kraft, told the Bild daily in September that the recently purchased data indicated Swiss banks were offering clients tips on how to transfer cash away from Switzerland to Asia before a planned tax deal between the two countries came into force.

“UBS does not help customers avoid paying taxes,” said bank spokesman Dominique Gerster. “In 2009, UBS conducted a thorough examination of its cross-border activities and, where it was considered necessary, adapted its rules.”

“Any UBS employee who does not adhere to these rules is punished by measures up to and including dismissal,” he added, and emphasised that the bank “clearly supports the need for its German clients to conform to the tax laws.”

A tax deal between the two countries, aimed at ending such disputes, is to take effect in January 2013 but still needs to be ratified by both parliaments.

The double taxation agreement, signed by ministers earlier this year, would see German citizens with assets parked in Switzerland’s notoriously secretive banks paying a tax rate of 26.4 percent on these holdings.

But opposition lawmakers from the Greens and the Social Democrats have threatened to block the deal in the German upper house, the Bundesrat.


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Going to a Danish music festival? Beware of fake online tickets

Scams involving event tickets are not uncommon during Denmark’s summer music festival season, the country’s digital authority has warned.

Going to a Danish music festival? Beware of fake online tickets

Denmark’s Agency for Digital Government (Digitaliseringsstyrelsen) has urged anyone hoping to pick up a festival ticket at short notice to “be critical” when purchasing passes online.

In a press release, the agency outlined what it calls “simple advice” to help consumers avoid losing money on shady festival tickets.

The NorthSide festival in Aarhus kickstarts Denmark’s summer festival season on 6th-8th June, followed shortly afterwards by the Heartland festival at Egeskov on the island of Funen, both from June 13th to June 14th.

For lovers of hard rock and metal the Copenhell festival from June 19th to June 22nd is not to be missed.

Then, for the weekend of June 27th-29th, the festivities move back across the Great Belt Bridge for the Tinderbox Festival in Odense on Funen.

The month of music then culminates with Denmark’s oldest and largest music festival, Roskilde, between June 29th and July 6th, although arguably all the biggest days are in July. 

Several of these festivals have already sold out of either one-day tickets or “partout” tickets that provide passes to the entire event.


That means tickets are now being sought on social media and other resale platforms, the digital agency writes.

“We’ve collected some good pieces of advice that will help members of the public to spot ticket sharks and prevent a good summer with friends and music from becoming a disappointing summer when scammers make off with your money and good mood,” Agency for Digital Government deputy director Lars Bønløkke Lé said in the statement.

“Scammers don’t go on holiday and festival ticket sales are also an opportunity they try to capitalise on,” he said.

Four specific actions can greatly reduce the risk of getting scammed according to the agency.

These are:

  • Purchase tickets from official vendors only. Use their waiting lists if the tickets are sold out.
  • Be cautious about any offers you receive if you request a particular ticket in a social media post or ad, as these can attract scams.
  • A ticket set at a price far cheaper than can be found anywhere else is a sign of a possible scam.
  • If using Danish payment app MobilePay, you can check that the seller’s name appears on the payee MobilePay account before confirming your payment. You can then check that this name matches the name of the person or organisation from which you have agreed to buy the ticket. A discrepancy should raise a red flag. Similarly, if the seller unexpectedly asks you to send the money to an account other than their own, they are likely to be attempting a scam.