‘Stuttgart even has cricket teams’

Get The Local flavour of Germany with our series offering an insider's take on their hometown. This week, Neeraj Kumar talks about his adopted city, Stuttgart.

'Stuttgart even has cricket teams'
Photo: Private

How did you end up where you currently live in Germany?

I am from India and came to Germany for my Masters degree in 2006. I studied at the University of Applied Science in a middle sized town named Aalen which is by only an hour’s train ride from Stuttgart. I entered my new life in Germany through the Stuttgart airport and I immediately felt in love with this beautiful city. Although I did not earn money during my studies I often travelled to Stuttgart on weekends to discover more and more from this beautiful town.

It took me several years and moving through different areas and cities in Germany until I finally got a job offer from one of the top German companies which was impossible to reject – Robert Bosch GmbH. Directly based in the heart of Stuttgart and my chance to finally move there. I did not hesitate to decide to live and work in the centre of this beautiful, modern and cultural city.

What do you like to do for fun in the city?

Stuttgart offers everything for all kinds of interests. At weekends I enjoy meeting friends in the beautiful pedestrian area and shopping zone called Königsstraße. It`s in the centre and easy to reach from all directions by train, bus, subway and even by car. There we sit in one of the big selection of cafés or restaurants and enjoy the variety of street artist and musicians. In the evening there are always many special concerts or events where young and old are welcomed.

If I am in the mood for some nature, there is no need to leave the city for the countryside, as there are so many parks and castles in Stuttgart itself. My favourite park is the Höhenpark in the district Killesberg, where there are lots of colourful flowers and even an old steam train.

Is it a friendly city for foreigners?

Stuttgart is a very open minded city and willing to embrace different cultures. There are sport clubs for all kind of sports, even cricket, which is a not very popular sport in Germany. I am an active member of the Stuttgart Cricket Eagles and we’re hoping to win the German Cricket League and bring the cub to Stuttgart. You can also find all kind of restaurants and shops where you will get speciality food from lots of different countries.

Do you need to speak German there?

Yes. This is a big and modern city, but it is still is a city in Germany and therefore speaking at least basic Germany is inevitable in most daily life situations. This is not only the case in Stuttgart though, rather all over Germany.

What would you say is the one thing a visitor shouldn’t miss in your hometown?

As a tourist you should not miss the amazing view from the top of the tower in the Höhenpark in the district of Killesberg, Inside City, Königstraße, Mercedes-Benz Museum, Wilhelma Zoo, The Altes Schloss (Old Castle), the Stuttgart State Opera, Neues Schloss (New Castle) and Schlossplatz.

What is your favourite sport/activity there?

I play regularly cricket on weekends and can’t believe how amazing it is that Stuttgart has cricket clubs. We have a good cricket team and I love to play for them.

Can you tell us something about your German hometown that only a local would know?

Taking in a really nice view for free at Königstrasse from the main train station viewing platform is not to be missed. Stuttgarter Markthalle also offers you a big variety of things and food from different countries.

How much longer do you plan on living in Germany?

At the moment I do not have any plans to leave Germany as I have found everything I need here to enjoy life and to be successful. But then again, the world is open and you never know which opportunities life offers you.

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