Italian student dies after falling through skylight

A 17-year-old student died after falling through a skylight at a school in Lecce, in the southern Italian region of Puglia.

Italian student dies after falling through skylight
Photo: Jazz65/Flickr

Andrea De Gabriele died after plunging 10 metres through the skylight panel, located in an area used for sports activities at Cosimo De Giorgio college, La Stampa reported.

He is reported to have climbed over a railing bordering the roof where the skylight was situated in an attempt to retrieve his jacket after it was thrown over by a friend as a joke.

The boy is said to have just finished a sports lesson when the accident happened.

Cittadinanzattiva, the consumer association, has called for a full investigation into the matter, adding in a statement that “39 percent of Italian schools are inadequately maintained” despite parents voluntarily donating a total €390 million a year for their upkeep.

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Who are all these international students in France and where do they study?

France is the fourth most popular country in the world for international students, with thousands of Americans, British and Australians coming here to study. Here's what you need to know about them.

Who are all these international students in France and where do they study?
Photo: AFP
France is continuing to attract foreign students, with 310,000 choosing to study here over 2015, a 7 percent jump compared to 2012.
This is enough to make France the fourth most popular study-abroad country, after the US, the UK, and Australia. 
The stats come courtesy of Campus France, an organisation run by the French government that assists foreign students in their university applications.
Here's a closer look at the international students in France. 
Where do they come from?
In 2015, the most represented country among the foreign students in France was Morocco (37,000), followed by China (28,000), and Algeria (23,000).
Students from these three countries made up 27 percent of the total population of international students (see graph below).  
In Europe, the most popular origins were Italy (11,188), Germany (8,532), and Spain (6,817).
Meanwhile, there were 5,725 who came from the US, which marked a 2.1 percent increase since 2014, and a 22 percent increase since 2010. 
There was also a 10 percent increase in students coming to France from Australasia, bringing to total to around 25,000.
There were a further 4,022 from the UK, a 1.3 percent increase on 2014 and an 18.1 percent increase since 2010. 
Campus France’s director general, Béatrice Khaiat said she expects the number of students coming to France from the UK and the US to increase in the coming years.
“The current situation can be even more favourable to our country: the announcements made in the United States and the United Kingdom to foreign students could encourage students, parents, and even governments in fellowship programs to reorient their choice to France as a study destination,” Khaiat predicted 

While more students are flocking to France every year, France is actually losing its share of the market, as the graph below shows. 
The number of students choosing to study abroad (seen in red below) is soaring at a far higher rate than the number of students coming to France (in blue). 
The numbers below, which are in thousands, highlight how many more students are choosing to study internationally, with Canada and China enjoying particularly large booms in their international student populations, according to Campus France
Where in France do they study?
The most popular places to study for foreign students were Paris at 59,179, followed by Versailles at 26,588, and Lyon at 24,150 (see map below). 
Other notable cities included Creteil at 21,500, Lille at 15,500, and Toulouse at 15,000. 
It was Nice that saw the biggest three-year jump (since 2012), with 25.4 percent more international students choosing the southern city (for a total of 9,202). 

Grenoble, which was named France's best student city late last year, attracted a respectable 11,029 students, up over 12 percent between 2012 and 2015.
Other cities with over 10,000 international students included Rennes, Nantes, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, and Montpellier. 
What do they study?
As for what they actually study, the graph below shows that most opt for courses in languages, arts, and humanities. 
The second most popular field was sport sciences, followed by economics, law, and medicine.  
Some 46 percent are in France as part of an undergraduate degree, while 43 percent are here for a Master's degree. Another 11 percent are here for their doctorate. 

So what next?
Well, now you know what you can expect and who you might meet – and you can always click the link below to find out more about visas and student life. But wait, there's more. 
We are making a push to provide more content for our readers who are international students. If you're a foreigner and you're spending this semester studying in France – then we want to hear from you. Especially if you're keen on getting some of your writing published, or feel like letting us know what's going on around campus. 
What are you waiting for? Introduce yourself to us via: And best of luck this semester.