Video shows police boss meeting drug lord

Police in Norway secretly filmed Oslo's top anti-gang policeman holding clandestine meetings with alleged drug kingpin Gjermund Cappelen, VG has reported.

Video shows police boss meeting drug lord
Eirik Jensen. Photo: Ingvar Storfjell NTB/Scanpix
According to the paper, police filmed Eirik Jensen, one of Olso's most senior policemen, meeting with Cappelen on December 16th, shortly before Cappelen was arrested in a police sting in which police seized 100kg of hashish.  
Since his arrest in December, Cappelen has claimed that he paid Jensen millions of kroner over several years in return for protection for his drug empire and information on potential police actions, accusations which led to Jensen's arrest last week charged with gross corruption. 
According to VG, police have also obtained incriminating text messages between the two men going back several years. 
Jensen, who an Oslo court last week ruled could be held for a month pending trial, on Sunday fought to refute the allegations during police interviews which lasted several hours. 
"He refutes these allegations in a manner which in my opinion is quite persuasive," Jensen's lawyer Jens-Ove Hagen told NTB on Sunday. "I hope we will eventually be able to create more balance in this matter." 

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