Teen jihadist planned to make bombs

A 14-year-old boy who was arrested on Tuesday evening has been revealed to be a Turkish national who has lived in Austria for the past eight years.

Teen jihadist planned to make bombs
Photo: APA (Hochmuth)

Authorities have said that the boy was allegedly planning to travel to Syria, and was considering building a bomb, with Vienna's Westbahnhof railway station one of several potential targets.

"He admitted he had plans to go to Syria and searched the internet for plans on how to build explosive devices," said Michaela Obenaus, spokeswoman for prosecutors in St. Pölten, the capital of the province of Lower Austria. "There is suspicion of participation in a terrorist organization."

According to Obenaus, the boy had "expressed sympathy" with Isis militants fighting in Iraq and Syria.

Justice officials have two days to decide whether to extend the boy's detention by a further two weeks, to allow additional investigations.  In Austria, young people are considered criminally culpable from the age of 14.

Police in St. Pölten revealed that they had been investigating the boy since the beginning of October, since he had been making extremist statements and engaging in increasingly radicalized behaviours.  On Wednesday afternoon, the regional court in St. Pölten accepted a request by the prosecutor for the imposition of pre-trial detention.

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Austrian investigators seize devices at Munich shooter’s home

Investigators seized electronic devices at the home of a young Austrian who fired shots near Israel's Munich consulate, but found no weapons or Islamic State group propaganda material, authorities said Friday.

Austrian investigators seize devices at Munich shooter's home

German police shot dead the 18-year-old man on Thursday when he fired a vintage rifle at them near the diplomatic building.

They said they were treating it as a “terrorist attack”, apparently timed to coincide with the anniversary of the killings of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympic Games.

Authorities raided the gunman’s home in the Salzburg region, seizing electronic data carriers, Austria’s top security chief Franz Ruf told a press conference in Vienna on Friday.

READ ALSO: Munich Israeli consulate gunman was ‘Austrian national known to authorities’

During the raid, “no weapons or IS propaganda” material were found, Ruf added.

Despite being subject to a ban on owning and carrying weapons, the man managed to purchase a vintage carbine rifle fitted with a bayonet with around “fifty rounds of ammunition” for 400 euros ($445) the day before the attack, Ruf said.

He opened fire at around 9:00 am (0700 GMT) near the Israeli consulate, sparking a mobilisation of about 500 police in downtown Munich.

At a separate press conference in Munich, prosecutor Gabriele Tilmann said investigators were combing through the gunman’s electronic data but had yet to find conclusive evidence of his motive.

But the “working hypothesis” was that “the perpetrator acted out of Islamist or anti-Semitic motivation”, she told reporters.

Austrian police said on Thursday that the gunman, who had Bosnian roots, had previously been investigated on suspicion of links to terrorism.

Investigators last year found three videos he had recorded in 2021, showing scenes from a computer game “with Islamist content”, prosecutors said in a statement.

In one of them the suspect had used an avatar with a flag of the “al-Nusra Front”, a jihadist group active in Syria, said Ruf.

But the investigation was dropped in 2023 as there were no indications that he was active in “radical” circles, prosecutors said.

“The mere playing of a computer game or the re-enactment of violent Islamist scenes was not sufficient to prove intent to commit the offence,” they added.