‘Women-only’ parking: sensible or sexist?

Frankfurt Airport is one of many places in Germany to offer women their own 'bigger and nicer' parking areas. Is this sensible practice or plain sexist?

'Women-only' parking: sensible or sexist?
Regulations for women's parking spaces differ from state to state across Germany. Photo: JG-NF / Wikimedia Commons.

Frankfurt Airport has a special announcement for female drivers on its website. Want to bag yourself a parking space that's “bigger, nicer and close to the terminals”? Well, you'd better reserve your place in one of the airport's 'Ladies Parking' areas.

These reserved spaces are “colour-coded and easy to find.”

Germany's main air hub is not alone in this practice. In some states it's a legal requirement that as many as 30 percent of parking places are designated for female drivers.

“It's very patronizing for women to be singled out in this way,” Geraldine Herbert, editor of Wheels for Women magazine told The Local in reference to parking spaces being advertised as wider.

“All this does is reinforce the stereotype that women are bad at parking.”

Instead of these “sexist parking spaces,” Herbert said, parking spaces in general should be made larger, “as many are simply too small for modern cars.”

A safe space for women

The idea of women-only parking places in Germany originated in the 1990s, when it wasn't so much women's convenience that was up for discussion – but their safety.

Women felt at risk from sexual assault in underground car parks, it emerged – and as part of a policy to reduce this sense of risk, special parking spaces were introduced.

The spaces were near to car park exits, well-lit and often under video surveillance.

Nowadays, regulations for women's parking spaces differ from state to state across Germany. Whereas in Brandenburg 30 percent of spaces must be designated for women, in Hesse – where Frankfurt is the largest city – it is 5 percent. 

Yet women aren't forced to use the specified spaces – and there's nothing in the German traffic code that prevents men from using these spaces too.

'Men are better at parking'

But, in 2012 a Black Forest mayor caused controversy when a new car park opened in the town of Triberg.

Alongside women's parking spaces, the new car park also included spaces specifically for men – which were harder to maneuver into.

Mayor Gallus Strobel explained the decision as natural, claiming that men were simply better at parking than women.

“We found that two places were not rectangular, at an angle to the road and placed between walls and pillars,” he told Der Spiegel. “This makes parking difficult so we decided to allocate them to men.”

Again, though, the gendered parking wasn't legally stipulated – and women were welcome to try and use the men's spaces, Strobel said.

Frankfurt Airport meanwhile defended itself against charges of discrimination.

“Hessian garage regulations stipulate that at least 5 percent of public car park spaces must be specified women's spaces,” a spokesperson explained in an email to The Local. “And we have more than fulfilled this quota.”

It's up to the female drivers themselves whether or not they use these spaces, she added.

“We have extremely high security measures across our car parks, which we have made even higher in these designated female spaces – through brighter lighting, quick access to exits and extensive CCTV surveillance.”

“The measures we have taken do make female drivers feel safer in our car parks, and add to the quality of customers' stay here.”

“Both our male and female customers also expect us to provide such parking spaces,” the spokesperson added, “so in our view they're necessary.”

An ongoing debate

The German Automobile Association (ADAC) echoed the view expressed by Herbert that parking should be made safe and convenient for both genders.

“We believe that in car parks, every parking space should be a “women's” parking space,” they told The Local.

“This means making sure every space and stairwell is well-lit, avoiding blind spots and corners and installing sufficient electronic security systems – most importantly, video surveillance and emergency call systems.”

The creators of women-only parking in Germany may have had safety in mind – but some still see these gendered spaces as unacceptable.

Reporting by Hannah Butler

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What are the rules around driving a friend or relative’s car in Germany?

If you want to travel around in Germany, a friend, relative or maybe a neighbour might offer you their vehicle to use. But what does the law say about driving someone else's car in Germany?

What are the rules around driving a friend or relative's car in Germany?

Many people in Germany do not have a car, especially those living in larger cities where public transport works well.

However, sometimes you might need one, whether it is to transport something or maybe to go on a trip through the country.

Fortunately, even if you do not own a car yourself, you can still drive someone else’s vehicle, whether it belongs to a relative, friend, or maybe a neighbour. You can obviously also rent one from a rental agency or through carsharing.

Valid licence and approval from owner

In Germany, motor vehicle liability insurance – or Kfz-Haftpflichtversicherung – is linked to the vehicle and not to the driver. This means that the owner’s insurance normally covers anyone who drives the car – as long as they have permission and the insurance policy allows it.

Therefore, in principle, you can drive someone else’s car if you have the owner’s permission and, of course, a valid driver’s license.

However, you still need to read the fine print on the car’s insurance policy to make sure it doesn’t have any particular restrictions on additional drivers, as some policies might specify who is allowed to drive. Some policies will only allow one person to drive: the policyholder. If the policy allows additional drivers, you’re typically good to go.

This is also important if you rent a car in Germany. If you do, you’ll need to declare every driver who may potentially drive it and provide their licence information. If you plan on driving the car outside Germany, you’ll need to declare where. This typically increases the cost of the rental. If you use a carsharing service, only you can typically drive the car you’re renting.

While borrowing someone’s car, you should also have the vehicle’s registration documents and proof of insurance. If you forget the documents, you might need to pay a fine or face complications in the case of an accident or a ticket.

If an accident occurs, you need to contact the car owner. The owner’s insurance company will handle claims or damages.

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Valid licence in Germany

To drive someone else’s – or indeed anyone’s – car in Germany, you need to have a valid licence.

If you have a valid German or another EU licence, this is straightforward.

EU driving licences on a table.

EU driving licences on a table. Having a valid licence is a legal requirement for driving in Germany. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Sina Schuldt

If you have a non-EU licence, you can typically drive on it in Germany for the first six months you’re here.

After six months of legal residence in Germany, you won’t be able to drive on your non-EU licence. You will need to convert your non-EU licence to a German one. You can check out The Local’s guide for how this is done.

READ ALSO: How do I convert my foreign driver’s licence into a German one?

Car insurance in Germany

If you own a vehicle in Germany, you’re required to have insurance on it.

The cost of your car insurance is based on a wide range of factors, such as driving experience, car engine size, and location.

Inexperienced drivers, high-powered cars, and drivers living in urban areas typically face higher insurance premiums.

Maintaining a no-claim driving record will lead to a lower fee, as it often leads to lower insurance premiums with your next insurer.

Car insurance premiums can vary quite widely in Germany.

You might be able to get some premiums for €400 a year or even lower. But again, this depends on the make and model of your car, its current estimated value, how old it is, how much experience you have driving and a host of other factors – including whether you allow additional drivers on it.

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