Spanish company launches watch to measure prowess in the bedroom

Fitness devices are all the rage nowadays, but one Spanish startup is taking the trend from the gym to the bedroom.

Spanish company launches watch to measure prowess in the bedroom
Photo: Geeksme

Madrid-based startup Geeksme has designed a watch that measures the wearer’s sexual performance, keeping track of statistics such as how many calories have been burned and the “intensity of the workout”. 

The GME1, which also measures fitness, sleep and the user's ecological footprint, has a special “love mode” for when you take your exercise to the bedroom.

“Users can opt to activate g!love mode before they have sex,” a spokesman for Geeksme told The Local.

“The device has been specially designed to analyze and interpret information of the movements made during sex to allow users to know how many calories they have lost and how much fat has been burned, as well as the intensity of the workout.”

And for people who are sticklers for statistics, the watch provides users with a detailed breakdown of data after each love-making session.

“The user can keep track of the start and end time, the duration of the act, how often they have sex, including weekly, monthly and annual statistics and graphs showing the intensity of movement.”

Geeksme cofounder, Ángel Sánchez Díaz, told The Local that users can burn “from two to 11 calories a minute while having sex” depending on things such as gender, weight and age, as well as how long you spend under the covers. 

Following your workout in the bedroom, the device asks “how was it this time?” offering a choice of emojis – bad, regular, normal, good and great – with which to record the experience.

It also tells you the duration, calories and fat burned and intensity (the above screen shows “moderate” intensity). 

The sleek-looking watch will retail for €99.90 ($114) and includes “four ways to connect to life”: as well as g!love and g!fitess there is g!sleep – aimed at helping users sleep better by tracking their sleep habits and g!ecological – which helps users reduce their ecological footprint.

Geeksme cofounder Ángel Sánchez Díaz told The Local that the watch helps people become more self-aware and better able to track their health and fitness.

“We believe that if users knew how often they have sex (it may seem obvious, but do most people really remember how many times they made love last month or last year?) it would be very useful to them.”

“How long on average they spend (just 5 minutes, half an hour, one hour?), how many calories they burn, the fat they burn, the intensity (slight, moderate, strong), if they are more passive than active by looking at the graphs… This information would be very useful to know because it measures what we do when having sex,” Díaz told The Local. 

Díaz, who along with the rest of his team has been using the watch since the project started, revealed to The Local that he is “discovering things he didn't know about himself” by using the state of the art device. 

The watch also works as a more classic fitness device, measuring steps walked or kilometres run per day. It has 12 LED lights that light up as you get closer to the day’s target, and when you reach it, the watch vibrates “giving the user a sense of satisfaction when they fulfil their daily goal.”

However, the watch doesn't guarantee an improved performance in the bedroom.

The website's FAQ section includes the question: Will I make more pick-ups thats to my Geeksme watch?

“We can’t guarantee you’ll be more successful when you hit on someone,” comes the answer. “But we really think the Geeksme watch is definitely an amazing icebreaker.”

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