Nearly half of Swedes ‘worried’ about terror

Fear of a terror attack taking place in Sweden has risen sharply, with 46 per cent of people polled saying they are concerned, up from 34 percent in January.

Nearly half of Swedes 'worried' about terror
Emergency services in Paris following the attacks last month. Photo: Jerome Delay/TT/AP

The poll, carried out by Novus for public broadcaster SVT, suggests that Swedes are becoming increasingly concerned about terrorism taking place on home soil.

Asked “just how worried are you that there could be a terror attack in Sweden?”, almost half of respondents they were either “very worried” or “quite worried”.

Only 7 percent those questioned said that they were “not at all worried”.

Pollsters carried out their research last week in the wake of the deadly attacks in Paris that killed more than 130 people and the terror threat level being raised in Sweden for the first time in history.

A previous poll which asked the same question in January, just after the attacks on French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, found that 34 percent of people questioned were worried about the possibility. A similar percentage shared their concerns with rival polling firm Sifo.

READ ALSO: Why Sweden's new terror alert is a game changer

According to the latest Novus research, people living in larger towns and cities are less likely to be afraid, while supporters of the anti-immigration Sweden Democrat party appear to be among the most worried about the possibility of terror-related violence in the Nordic country.

Katarina Gospic, a Swedish neuroscientist interviewed by SVT on Tuesday said that those living in urban areas were more likely to “get used to” living with a certain amount of fear of crime and were therefore less shocked by reports of terrorist activities.

“One frequently sees more accidents and police cars and ambulances than if you live in a small town, where these things rarely happen. For the person in a small place there can be a greater source of concern if they are exposed to information about terror attacks and similar events elsewhere,” she explained.

A total of 1183 people took part in the Novus poll on November 25th, aged between 17 and 79.


Twitter disgust over ‘I am Kouachi’ hashtag

Twitter users in France have called on the social network to act after supporters of the terrorists started using the hashtag #JeSuisKouachi (‘I am Kouachi’). However, the popularity of the hashtag was boosted when appalled opponents also started using it.

Twitter disgust over 'I am Kouachi' hashtag
The Kouachi brothers, responsible for terrorist attacks in Paris this week.

The hashtag is named after terrorists Saïd and Chérif Kouachi and apes the #JeSuisCharlie hashtag that emerged in the wake of Wednesday’s murder of 12 people at the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

Many of those who initially used the pro-Kouachi hashtag were tweeting support for the terrorists, many in French, others in English and Arabic.

One said in English: “No matter how good your General is , you just can not win against people who desire death as you desire life.” Another tweeted, in French: “I am a Muslim and Kouachi represents me.”

Hashtags – words or phrases prefaced by the hash sign – enable people interested in a topic to find other people tweeting about the same thing.

By Friday, with the hashtag trending, typing ‘je suis’ into Twitter automatically brought up ‘Kouachi’ as a suggestion. However, by Friday it seemed that most of those using #JeSuisKouachi, far from supporting the terrorists were expressing disgust – with the perhaps unintended effect of pushing it up the Twitter rankings. None of the first ten results The Local brought up expressed support for the terrorists.

And despite this week's strong demonstrations of support for freedom of speech following the attack on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, some on Twitter argued that this should not apply to supporters of terror: This user called on Twitter to block use of the tag:

Others expressing outrage included National Front vice president Florian Philippot and Marion Maréchal le Pen, MP and niece of the party’s leader Marine le Pen: ‘JeSuisKouachi is trending on Twitter and people say nothing, do nothing? But where do they live?’

Others used it to mock the presumed extremists behind the accounts for helping the police identify them. ‘Big up to the people preaching hate at #JeSuisKouachi and leaving themselves open to geo-location. Thanks for helping out!

Others noticed the irony of boosting a hashtag they wanted to denounce, but still found it hard to follow their own advice. The tweet below says ‘Fortunately, after verifying, almost all the tweets with #JeSuisKouachi are denouncing it! Stop talking about it to stop it!’: