Ten Swedish dates every visitor must discover

How much do you know about the most traditional, tasty and sometimes bizarre dates in the Swedish calendar?

Ten Swedish dates every visitor must discover
Christmas in Sweden is often washed down with glögg (mulled wine). Photo: Leif R Jansson/TT
Find out why Swedes scoff on semla buns and how to make your own.

Semla buns. Photo: Susanne Walstöm/Image Bank Sweden
Celebrate the beginning of spring by feasting on delicious gridded cakes that have been popular in Sweden since 500AD.

Swedish-style waffles. Photo: Mikaela Vazquez/Image Bank Sweden
From witches to feathered twigs, here's how to embrace six super Swedish Easter traditions.

Easter 'witches' in Sweden. Photo: Lena Granefelt/Image Bank Sweden
Learn why Swedes love dancing around bonfires every April.

Walpurgis night on Djurgården, Stockholm. Photo: Lola Akinmade Åkestöm
Most Swedes couldn't care less about June 6th. But it is a special day for new citizens in the Nordic nation. Here's why.

A citizenship ceremony for new Swedish citizens on June 6th. Photo: Ola Ericson/Image Bank Sweden
Don't miss The Local's guide to Sweden's Midsummer madness. From eating raw fish to guzzling down homemade snaps and making some strange shapes around a maypole, this party is the biggest festival of the year.

A Swedish Midsummer party. Photo: Carolina Romare/Image Bank Sweden
Swedes used to be banned from eating crayfish during the winter, with the official season getting underway on August 7th. Discover why feasting on the snappy red seafood remains a major tradition.

A traditional crayfish feast. Photo: Carolina Romare/Image Bank Sweden
Swedes eat a lot of cinnamon year-round. But here's how to make the spicy buns yourself on October 4th, a very delicious date in the Swedish calendar.

Cinnamon buns. Photo: Fredrik Broman/Image Bank Sweden
Why Swedish girls wear candles on their heads at the start of December.

Lucia celebrations in Stockholm. Photo: Cecilia Larsson/Image Bank Sweden
The Local's essential guide to celebrating Christmas in Sweden – and surviving some of the country's more baffling traditions.

A Swedish Christmas tree. Photo: Helena Wahlman/Image Bank Sweden
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TELL US: What are the best things about spending summer holidays in Sweden?

There's a reason most Swedes take three weeks off in summer and then spend most of it in their home country. July here can be magical. We want to know what readers think are the best things about holidaying in Sweden in summer. Tell us in this form.

TELL US: What are the best things about spending summer holidays in Sweden?

Whether you spend your time in a campsite, a country cabin, a hotel, or just at home in your house or apartment, summer holidays in Sweden can be gorgeous, with a very different vibe from what you might be used to from the resorts of Spain, France or Italy. 

What are the things about your summers here that you most appreciate, whether this is your first summer holiday here or the latest of many?