‘The Local helped us formulate our message in an exciting way’

Learn more about why Stockholm University turned to The Local's Client Studio to help attract more foreign students to study in the Swedish capital.

'The Local helped us formulate our message in an exciting way'
Students at Stockholm University. Photo: Eva Dalin

Increased mobility and connectivity creates both opportunities and challenges for universities looking to attract foreign students.

While the pool of potential applicants has expanded, so has the competition.

It’s no accident, then, that several universities turn to The Local's Client Studio to create sponsored content to help them reach the sort of international-minded readers that are interested in pursuing higher education in another country.

In order to learn more about why universities choose to work with The Local, we spoke with Helene Komlos Grill from Stockholm University’s communications department about their current commercial content partnership

Stockholm University's Helene Komlos Grill

Why did Stockholm University choose to partner with The Local?

The Local offers a platform that engages many international readers with different backgrounds and an interest in Sweden and Stockholm – an audience that we want to reach in order to attract more foreign students and researchers.

By producing engaging and interesting articles about various subjects on a website with clear structure and navigation, as well as using social media to increase reach, we think that they can effectively reach an international audience.

Describe your partnership with The Local. How does it work?

We have an excellent collaboration, where The Local offers solutions and creative ideas tailored to our target audience and our organization. Before publishing, we are in contact and exchange ideas. The articles they write are always well-written and capture the content in an excellent, journalistic style

Why do you need to reach an international audience?

Stockholm University wants to be active in an international academic environment – that reflects our world today, where globalisation and international influences play a role in academics, research, and all of society. The world is shrinking, and that should be reflected in academia too. It’s a positive thing, both for research and for the learning environment that people from countries across the world meet in academia. 

What effect has content published by Stockholm University on The Local had? Have you noticed and difference since the articles were published?

The articles on The Local have increased the number of visitors we’ve had to our own channels, including our website. The articles have also helped us formulate our message in an exciting way and find new, creative ways of expressing what we offer.

What do you like most about working with The Local and why?

I think it’s exciting to work with creative people and find new angles, stories, and exciting content that can help us tell the world about our university. The Local’s professional team helps us to do just that, and I would recommend collaborating with The Local to others.

To find out more about advertising on The Local, email CEO Paul Rapacioli ( or another member of our team, or call +46 8 656 5019