‘I only scratched my head with phone’ driver convinces court

A court in the Rhineland has let a man off a fine for using a mobile phone while driving, after he convinced them he was simply using it to scratch his ear.

‘I only scratched my head with phone’ driver convinces court
Photo: DPA

“If someone holds their phone and moves it from one place to another but doesn’t use it for its actual purpose – either by typing or talking – that’s not a breach of traffic law,” judge Dietmar Adam said on Wednesday, the Rheinische Post reports.

The 22-year-old defendant's lawyer successfully argued that this is exactly what happened when his client was collared by police.

Far from holding the phone to his ear his client “was scratching himself with it because he had a rash on his face,” the lawyer claimed.

The judge was convinced by the argument because the young man’s face was inflamed by a rash at the time of his court appearance.

“I picked up the phone from the footwell of the car and reflexively scratched my face with it,” the man from Leverkusen said. “The I put it back down on the passenger seat.”

Neither the judge nor the policeman who was called as witness could disprove this version of events.

Andreas Hölzel of the German Automobile Association (ADAC) told The Local that using a mobile phone at the wheel is highly inadvisable.

“Using a phone while driving is rightly viewed as highly dangerous. How much danger it poses can only be estimated. Email, Whatsapp and other [written forms of communication] are a particular distraction,” he said.

He added that the penalty for using a phone at the wheel in Germany has recently been increased and that in the view of the ADAC this was a correct decision.

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What are the rules around driving a friend or relative’s car in Germany?

If you want to travel around in Germany, a friend, relative or maybe a neighbour might offer you their vehicle to use. But what does the law say about driving someone else's car in Germany?

What are the rules around driving a friend or relative's car in Germany?

Many people in Germany do not have a car, especially those living in larger cities where public transport works well.

However, sometimes you might need one, whether it is to transport something or maybe to go on a trip through the country.

Fortunately, even if you do not own a car yourself, you can still drive someone else’s vehicle, whether it belongs to a relative, friend, or maybe a neighbour. You can obviously also rent one from a rental agency or through carsharing.

Valid licence and approval from owner

In Germany, motor vehicle liability insurance – or Kfz-Haftpflichtversicherung – is linked to the vehicle and not to the driver. This means that the owner’s insurance normally covers anyone who drives the car – as long as they have permission and the insurance policy allows it.

Therefore, in principle, you can drive someone else’s car if you have the owner’s permission and, of course, a valid driver’s license.

However, you still need to read the fine print on the car’s insurance policy to make sure it doesn’t have any particular restrictions on additional drivers, as some policies might specify who is allowed to drive. Some policies will only allow one person to drive: the policyholder. If the policy allows additional drivers, you’re typically good to go.

This is also important if you rent a car in Germany. If you do, you’ll need to declare every driver who may potentially drive it and provide their licence information. If you plan on driving the car outside Germany, you’ll need to declare where. This typically increases the cost of the rental. If you use a carsharing service, only you can typically drive the car you’re renting.

While borrowing someone’s car, you should also have the vehicle’s registration documents and proof of insurance. If you forget the documents, you might need to pay a fine or face complications in the case of an accident or a ticket.

If an accident occurs, you need to contact the car owner. The owner’s insurance company will handle claims or damages.

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Valid licence in Germany

To drive someone else’s – or indeed anyone’s – car in Germany, you need to have a valid licence.

If you have a valid German or another EU licence, this is straightforward.

EU driving licences on a table.

EU driving licences on a table. Having a valid licence is a legal requirement for driving in Germany. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Sina Schuldt

If you have a non-EU licence, you can typically drive on it in Germany for the first six months you’re here.

After six months of legal residence in Germany, you won’t be able to drive on your non-EU licence. You will need to convert your non-EU licence to a German one. You can check out The Local’s guide for how this is done.

READ ALSO: How do I convert my foreign driver’s licence into a German one?

Car insurance in Germany

If you own a vehicle in Germany, you’re required to have insurance on it.

The cost of your car insurance is based on a wide range of factors, such as driving experience, car engine size, and location.

Inexperienced drivers, high-powered cars, and drivers living in urban areas typically face higher insurance premiums.

Maintaining a no-claim driving record will lead to a lower fee, as it often leads to lower insurance premiums with your next insurer.

Car insurance premiums can vary quite widely in Germany.

You might be able to get some premiums for €400 a year or even lower. But again, this depends on the make and model of your car, its current estimated value, how old it is, how much experience you have driving and a host of other factors – including whether you allow additional drivers on it.

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