WHO slams ‘policy failures’ for Zika crisis

The spiralling crisis surrounding the Zika virus is due to decades of policy failures on mosquito control and poor access to family planning services, the Geneva-based World Health Organization said on Monday.

WHO slams 'policy failures' for Zika crisis
File photo: AFP

“The spread of Zika… (is) the price being paid for a massive policy failure that dropped the ball on mosquito control in the 1970s,” WHO chief Margaret Chan told the opening of the UN health agency's annual assembly.
Those failures have allowed the mosquito-borne virus to spread rapidly and create “a significant threat to global health,” Chan told some 3,000 delegates gathered from WHO's 194 member countries.
Experts agree that Zika is behind a surge in Latin America in cases of the birth defect microcephaly — babies born with abnormally small heads and brains — after their mothers were infected with the virus.
The virus, which also causes the rare but serious neurological disorder Guillain-Barre Syndrome, in which the immune system attacks the nervous system, is mainly spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito but has also been shown to transmit through sexual contact.
Programmes in the 1950s and 60s targeted the aegypti in a bid to prevent the spread of dengue and yellow fever, which it also spreads, and all but eradicated the mosquito species from Central and South America.
But when the programmes were discontinued in the 1970s, the mosquito returned.
Chan also decried policy failures in the realm of reproductive rights.
Many of the hardest-hit countries in the ongoing Zika outbreak are conservative Catholic, and she warned their “failure to provide universal access to sexual and family planning services” had exacerbated the crisis.
With the virus now present in 60 countries, countless women who may want to delay pregnancy have no access to contraception, and even fewer to abortion.
Chan pointed out that Latin America and the Caribbean “have the highest proportion of unintended pregnancies anywhere in the world.”
“With no vaccines and no reliable and widely available diagnostic tests to protect women of childbearing age, all we can offer is advice,” she told the assembly.
“Avoid mosquito bites, delay pregnancy, do not travel to areas with ongoing transmission.”
In Brazil, the hardest-hit country, more than 1.5 million people have been infected with Zika, and nearly 1,400 cases of microcephaly have been registered since the outbreak began last year.
Researchers estimate that a woman infected with Zika during pregnancy has a one percent chance of giving birth to a baby with the birth defect.

'Not prepared to cope'

Zika is not new. The African strain of the virus was discovered in Uganda's tropical Zika forest in 1947, and an Asian strain has long circulated on that continent, without sparking concern.
On its own Zika is fairly benign, like a bad cold or a mild flu.
But when the Asian strain jumped to Latin America last year, it suddenly wreaked havoc in a population never before exposed to the virus.
Alarmingly, the WHO last week said the Asian strain was now for the first time spreading locally in an African country — Cape Verde — raising concern over what impact the strain might have on the population on that continent.
“The rapidly evolving outbreak of Zika virus warns us that an old disease that slumbered for six decades in Africa and Asia can suddenly wake up … on a new continent to cause a global health emergency,” Chan said.
Zika is not the only virus that has taken us by surprise.
Chan pointed especially to the recent Ebola disaster that killed more than 11,000 people in West Africa, which revealed “the absence of even the most basic infrastructure” to deal with the outbreak.
Chan offered Monday's assembly “a stern warning”.
“What we are seeing now looks more and more like a dramatic resurgence of the threat from emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases,” cautioning: “The world is not prepared to cope.”

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How difficult is it to change your doctor in Switzerland?

If you already have a GP doctor in Switzerland but, for some reason, need or want to switch, how easy is it to do so?

How difficult is it to change your doctor in Switzerland?

There are a number of reasons why you may want to leave your GP and find a new one.

Maybe you don’t like their bedside manner, are not happy with the medical care, or are simply moving away and need to find someone closer to your new home.

Whatever the reason, whether or not you can easily switch from one doctor to another depends on the kind of health insurance you have.

Different models, different rights

If you have the ‘standard’ — and typically the most expensive — type of the obligatory health insurance (KVG / LaMal), then you are free to switch your GPs at will, and you don’t have to inform the insurance carrier of the switch.

However, if you have opted for one of the cheaper insurance models, then your right to switch doctors may be limited:

Family doctor model’

It is the most popular in Switzerland (and 20 percent cheaper than standard insurance policy premiums).

Under this model, you have a family doctor who will manage your care — that is, treat you or send you to specialists if needed (with the exception of gynecologists and eye doctors, who don’t require a referral).

You can’t, however, change doctors at will, unless your insurance company approves the switch.

Telemedicine model

If you have opted for the Telemed formula, you must call a health hotline set up by your insurance company.

They will give you a referral to a doctor or hospital based on your symptoms.
Heath Maintainance Organisation (HMO)

Under this model, policyholders are required to consult a particular HMO practice. Two disadvantages of this alternative is a limited choice of doctors and you also need a referral to see a specialist.

So the only option that gives you the right to switch doctors with no hassle is the standard one, with the family doctor model also possibly allowing you to do so, under certain circumstances.

The way Telmed and HMO are set up, however, switching doctors is not possible. If that option is important to you, then you will have to switch to the (more expensive) standard insurance.

The only exception to the above restrictions are emergencies, when you need urgent medical treatment.

Assuming you have the standard model, how do you go about changing?

The process is pretty simple: you can find physicians in your area either through recommendations from people you know (which is the best way to ensure you will not be getting an ‘anonymous’ doctor) or, if no recommendations are available, then through the OneDoc platform, which lists which doctors are taking new patients and where.

You can then make an appointment directly online.

When you do so, ask your current physician’s office to transfer your file to the new doc.

You don’t need to explain the reasons for the switch.
READ ALSO: The essential Swiss websites you need to use for health matters