Second deadly shooting on Hamburg streets in a week

A driver was shot dead on the streets of Hamburg on Thursday morning - only days after a cyclist was killed by gunfire in a nearby neighbourhood.

Second deadly shooting on Hamburg streets in a week
The victim in Harburg. Photo: DPA

At 7.40am a 43-year-old Serbian national was fatally wounded by gunfire as he drove through the Harburg neighbourhood in the south of the city, police report.

City prosecutors and homicide investigators have now taken over the case.

According to what police have so far established, the man parked his Mercedes in Steinikestraße when another vehicle pulled up beside him. A man sitting in the other vehicle then pulled out a weapon and shot him.

The 43-year-old was severely injured in the incident and died despite attempts by paramedics to resuscitate him.

Pictures from the scene showed the glass in the driver-side window completely shattered by the bullet, while the body lay on the ground next to the car covered by a white blanket.

Police carried out a wide-scale hunt for the assailants involving 30 cars and a helicopter.

In the process they managed to find the car which they believe the attackers had fled in. They later arrested two suspects, a 27-year-old Serbian and another man of the same nationality.

The incident comes just days after a cyclist was shot and killed in broad daylight in the Bergedorf neighbourhood of the port city.

The gunman, who was described as being between 20 and 25 years old and wearing shorts, a white T-Shirt and a dark baseball cap, is still on the run, Spiegel reports.

In the most recent police figures on gun crime from 2014, Hamburg does not figure as particularly prone to this form of criminality.

Saxony-Anhalt, Lower Saxony and Bremen had the highest gun crime figures in relation to the size of their populations.

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Emergency numbers fail in several German states

Callers to the emergency numbers 110 and 112 weren’t able to reach operators Thursday morning in several German states.

The 112 emergency number on an ambulance.
The 112 emergency number on an ambulance. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Boris Roessler

The emergency number 110 for police and 112 for fire crews failed around the country early Thursday morning, with callers unable to reach emergency operators for urgent assistance between about 4:30 am and 5:40 am local time.

The Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Aid is looking into these outages, which were reported in states including Lower Saxony, Baden-Württemberg, and  Brandenburg, and in major cities like Berlin, Cologne, Hamburg, and Frankfurt. Cologne was further affected by cuts to electricity, drinking water, and regular telephone services. Lower Saxony also saw disruptions to the internal phone networks of police and hospitals.

Emergency services are not reporting any more disturbances and people should be able to once again reach 110 and 112 around the country as normal.

Investigators are looking into the problem, but haven’t yet established a cause or any consequences that may have happened due to the outage. Provider Deutsche Telekom says they have ruled out the possibility of an attack by hackers.