Italy’s ‘unluckiest’ town hopes to break curse with lottery win

Many Italians won't even say its name out loud in case it brings bad luck, but the town of Colobraro is hoping its attempt to win big in the lottery will help it shed its reputation as the country's 'most cursed' town.

Italy’s 'unluckiest' town hopes to break curse with lottery win
No such thing as bad luck? Photo: Gaetano Virgallito/Flickr

“Colobraro isn't unlucky,” sighs its mayor, Andrea Bernardo, speaking to The Local. “A town can't be lucky or unlucky… but people are superstitious.”

That's certainly true. The small town in the southern Italian region of Basilicata is shunned by those in neighbouring towns and villages, who refuse to speak its name – instead calling it 'that town' – and they even put amulets on balconies or walls facing Calobraro.

But its fortunes could be about to change, thanks to the mayor's initiative and the SuperEnalotto, an Italian state lottery.

“Each resident has had the chance to get a ticket, for free, and the winning numbers will be announced on Tuesday,” explains Bernardo. “I hope that some of our residents will become rich!”

Tickets worth a total of €8,250, provided free of charge by Sisal, the company which runs the lottery, were handed out on Sunday. The ticket distribution was accompanied by music, games and performances, and all those attending also received lucky amulets, containing grain to represent abundance, and salt and lavender to ward off evil spirits.

Queue to collect the tickets from the SuperEnalotto 'maxi system'.

This week, the jackpot is €94 million – currently the highest lottery jackpot in Europe –  and another public event will be held in Colobraro on Tuesday evening for the draw, during which residents will be anxiously checking their tickets.

It’s the largest syndicate that’s ever taken place in the SuperEnalotto, and nothing of the kind has ever before been organized for an entire town.

But would a big win finally change the reputation of the town?

“Yes, why not?” says Bernardo, and indeed the initiative seems to have already had a positive effect, with Italians across the country tweeting the hashtag '#iotifocolobraro' (I'm cheering for Colobraro).

And if the town's bad luck does prevail, Sisal will still give the council a 'consolation prize’ of €10,000, to finance its cultural evenings which take place in August. Any winnings from tickets unclaimed by residents will be donated to four non-profit organizations chosen by the local council.

Bernardo, in his second term as mayor, has tried in vain to disassociate the town from its 'curse', and more recently has embraced its reputation by organizing events named 'Project Colobraro, land of magic and fantasy' and capitalizing on the supernatural link.

“The reputation doesn't have a negative effect on tourism, we have played along with it and created events to attract tourists ,” he explains. Many living in the Basilicata region, however, still take detours to avoid passing through 'that town'.

So how did Calobraro, with 1320 residents in total, get its reputation as Italy's 'most cursed' town?

“It’s just that there have been a few… unpleasant incidents, which some people have described as unlucky,” Bernardo says. “The stories of witches go back to the 19th century.”

One popular legend tells of a lawyer who, in the 1940s, tried to make an emphatic point during a case: “If I’m not telling the truth, let this chandelier fall down” – which it did. Other tales of Colobraro's curse range from the dramatic (children born with two hearts) to the rather mundane (electricians from energy company Enel complaining that utility poles kept falling down after being put up in the village).

But the infamy does have its upsides. Residents of Colobraro are rumoured to get away with speeding, if caught by a police officer fearful of invoking the curse.

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Updated: What is Italy’s Palio di Siena and where can you watch it?

Italy's hotly-anticipated Palio di Siena horse race is back - but what exactly is it and where can you watch it?

Updated: What is Italy's Palio di Siena and where can you watch it?

The renowned Palio di Siena horse race returns on Saturday, August 17th, with jockeys racing it out in Tuscany’s medieval jewel, Siena.

With origins dating back to 1633, the Palio di Siena is Italy’s most famous historic horse race.

The event is a competition between the neighbourhoods of Siena, called contrade, with each contrada having its own coat of arms and patron saints. There are 17 contrade in Siena, but only 10 compete – this year’s competitors are; Chiocciola, Oca, Istrice, Selva, Lupa, Valdimontone, Onda, Nicchio, Leocorno and Civetta.

It occurs twice a year in Siena’s main square, Piazza del Campo. The first race took place this summer on July 2nd. Each Palio lasts a total of four days; three days of celebrations and the final day being the race itself.

The race consists of three laps of Piazza del Campo. The starting point (the mossa), is made up of two ropes in which the 10 participating horses and jockeys must wait in order. The horse, with or without a jockey, which completes the three laps first wins.

The prize is a large silk-painted canvas, known as the drappellone, which is designed and created every year by a different artist.

Over the centuries, the race has only been cancelled a handful of times, including for World War II and the Covid pandemic. 

In recent years the Palio has been the subject of protest from animal rights groups who state that the horses suffer during the competition. Preliminary investigations into a defamation trial began at the start of June this year, after Walter Caporale, the national president of animal rights group Animalisti Italiani (Italian Animalists) was accused of defining the event’s organisers as “sadistic and uncivilised.” The next hearing is set for February 28th 2025. 

The final race this year was supposed to take place on Friday, 16th August but it was cancelled due to heavy rain.

Watch the Palio di Siena live on television or via streaming on Italian channel LA7 from 4.45pm on Saturday.

Are you tuning in to the Palio di Siena? Let us know what you think about it in the comments below.