Five great events coming up in Sweden this week

Everyone you hear in Sweden may already be proclaiming that summer is more or less over and that the smell of autumn is in the air...

Five great events coming up in Sweden this week
Stockholm Culture Festival

But that won’t stop us all from going out and making the most of August! The Local’s intern Jack Schofield looks into the international events coming up this week to keep the summer spirit alive, whatever the weather might throw at us.

1. European Cricket Championship: Stockholm, August 17th-21st

The very British sport of cricket has been on the rise in Sweden, growing from 13 to 54 clubs around the country in the space of five years. There are now four divisions competing within Sweden, as well as a youth league. The International Cricket Council (ICC)’s 2016 World Cricket League Division 2 European Championship is taking place in Stockholm this week.

It’s free to attend, as well as to give the sport a go yourself.  Head down to Gärdet sportsground and Skarpnäck sportsground for the tournament. With teams from as far afield as Israel and Gibraltar taking part, the international sporting spirit is likely to be high in this Olympic summer.

For matches times and more information, visit their website.

Young people playing cricket in Stockholm. Photo: Svenska Cricketförbundet

2. Traditional food festival: Härnösand, August 17th-20th

Been touring Europe this summer? You need not have done: The northerly coastal town of Härnösand is currently hosting an international food market, running through to Saturday evening.

Offering food stalls from all over Europe, you can satisfy your cravings for everything from German sausages to Spanish paella all in one place. The market is open from 10am to 7pm each day, so whether it’s for a mid-morning snack or an early dinner, Härnösand has you covered.

A woman talks to a stallholder at a Dutch cheese stall. Photo: Traditional Market LTD

3. The Act Dubai at Café Opera: Stockholm, August 20th

Dubai's highest theatre club is taking a short break from its usual location at the 42nd and 43rd floors of the Sangri-La Hotel in the Arabian peninsula city and coming over to Café Opera in the Royal Opera House in Stockholm. Sam Starks, the resident DJ of The Act Dubai will be the special guest and main headliner.

The organisers are aiming for some “cross-cultural partying”, so if you're in the capital and still deciding what to do this Saturday night, this could be it. 

Visit the venue's website for more information.

Café Opera. Photo:

4. Gothenburg Culture Festival: August 16th-21st

One of Scandinavia’s biggest culture festivals is hitting the capital of western Sweden, now in its 26th year.

Wherever you might happen to find yourself in the centre of Gothenburg, for these six days you will find 1,200 different things to see, do or listen to, and it’s all free. From contemporary Afghan photography exhibitions to French opera performances, and street food from Mexico to Lebanon and beyond, Gothenburg sounds like the top place to be to soak up not just Swedish, but global culture this August.

There are different events and exhibitions fit for all ages, and with 1.5 million visitors expected across the festival period, you’ll be far from alone. The organisers hope to get you to try out something new, and with so much on offer, that shouldn’t be too difficult to achieve!

All the information you need can be found on the website.

READ ALSO: Seven reasons Gothenburg is cooler than Stockholm

Gothenburg Culture Festival. Photo: Dick Gillberg, Göteborgs kulturkalas

5. Stockholm Culture Festival

The theme of this year’s culture festival in Stockholm is France, so don your berets and head to the centre of Stockholm, where you’ll find free admission events ranging from concerts to craft-making. Beyond the theme, bringing you everything from French film to dance, the festival offers cupcake-making, skateboard designing, Abba walks around the city (yes, we know that has nothing to do with France), and the world’s longest bookstall, which is taking place on Drottningsgatan, and much more.

Stockholm is offering a week’s worth of events suitable for people of all ages and tastes, so be extra sure not to stay indoors this week if you find yourself in Sweden’s capital.

Here’s the festival’s website, where you’ll find the full range of events and activities available, and their locations, in English. 

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TELL US: What are the best things about spending summer holidays in Sweden?

There's a reason most Swedes take three weeks off in summer and then spend most of it in their home country. July here can be magical. We want to know what readers think are the best things about holidaying in Sweden in summer. Tell us in this form.

TELL US: What are the best things about spending summer holidays in Sweden?

Whether you spend your time in a campsite, a country cabin, a hotel, or just at home in your house or apartment, summer holidays in Sweden can be gorgeous, with a very different vibe from what you might be used to from the resorts of Spain, France or Italy. 

What are the things about your summers here that you most appreciate, whether this is your first summer holiday here or the latest of many?