Nine things Germans have way too many words for

If you're baffled by what the heck you’re supposed to call a pancake, it's not your fault.

Nine things Germans have way too many words for
Photo: DPA

Just as soon as you think you’ve mastered the German language, you may feel that confidence completely shattered after finding that there can be dozens of different words for one thing, depending on where you go in the country.

Regional dialects and culinary traditions can complicate the matter because everyone seems to stick to their own terms for slippers, or for what to call their particular “local cuisine” – even if it's essentially the same recipe as in the state next door.

Ordering a Pfannkuchen in Berlin might get you your jelly-filled donut, but doing the same in most other places will get you a pancake. And while folks in the southwest might present you with a Weckmann (gingerbread man) around Christmastime, most in the East will just be left scratching their heads about what you want.

Here are a look at some of the concepts that the German language could perhaps consolidate a bit, based on research by Spiegel Online, Tages-Anzeiger and the app “Dialäkt Äpp”.

1. There are at least 25 different words for hiccup

Photo: DPA.

What’s the German word for hiccup? That depends on who you ask and where. You might hear the more standard Hochdeutsch (high German) term Schluckauf.

Or Hädscher is you’re in the region of Franconia in central to southern Germany. And venture even further south to hear HeckerSchnackler or even Schnackerl in Austria.

And of course the Swiss have to put their cutesy -i ending on their term: Hitzgi.

2. There are 12 different words for a pancake

Photo: DPA.

For an English-speaker, the term Pfannkuchen makes the most sense as a literal translation of pancake (Pfanne means pan, Kuchen means cake). But while this word is understood in most of the country to be a round, flat, pan-cooked treat, in and around Berlin the word actually refers to jelly-filled donuts. Berliners – as well as other easterners – prefer the term Eierkuchen for pancake.

And it’s not just Berlin that has its own name for the fairly standard breakfast fare.

Das Omlett or die Omelette is preferred in the west, particularly near the borders with France, or around German-speaking parts of Switzerland.

And then there’s Plinse or Plinz, which is heard near Leipzig or along the Polish border, which is basically a pancake, though English speakers might call them blintzes.

And in and around Austria, you might hear the term Palatschinke, or Palatschinken.

3. There are 12 words for a gingerbread man

Photo: DPA.

We dare you to find another English term for gingerbread man, but in the German-speaking world, it might actually be hard to agree on just one.

The term Lebkuchenmann is almost never spoken in the far western part of the country, according to Spiegel, but it seems to be the standard in cities like Munich, Berlin and Hanover.

Weckmann or Weckmännchen is far more preferred in the Rhineland and southwest, while Stutenkerl (literally fruit loaf fellow) is preferred in the northwest. But the difference in regional recipes might be part of why there are various names: Lebkuchen is a spiced dough, more similar to gingerbread, while Stuten often has raisins.

Meanwhile the man-shaped festive treat enjoyed near and within Austria is named after the region’s sinister demon creature who punishes bad children at Christmas time: Krampus.

And the area around Stuttgart and Karlsruhe seems to have its own unique name for such a dessert: Dambedei.

4. 15 words for basically a meatball

Photo: DPA.

If you’ve had any sampling of German cuisine, you know a lot of it has to do with ground meat, whether in a sausage or other form.

So perhaps it’s not surprising that there is regional debate about what to call what is essentially a meatball.

Frikadelle, if you live in the central west to northwest, but Fleischküchle if in the southwest. Klops or Kloss in certain parts of the east, especially around Leipzig. But Beefsteak is even quite common for both Leipzig and Dresden.

And Fleischplanzl or Fleischpflanzerl if in Bavaria, especially Munich.

5. Nine different words for making small talk

Photo: DPA.

There are certainly a number of colloquial phrases for having a casual chat in English – shooting the breeze in the US or blethering in the UK. But Germans seem to really like thinking up words for this daily ritual.

Quatschen is a favourite in both east and west, though not so much right in the middle. Ratschen is much more common in the south, while the north and northwest seem to like klönen.

Schnacken is also a fun one from the north, around Hamburg. And babbeln is a good one to throw out there when in Hesse or Baden-Württemberg.

6. 'Slippers' come in ten varieties

Photo: DPA.

You might call your cozy, well-worn slippers Pantoffeln, but not many folks in Berlin or Hanover would agree with this vocabulary.

You could call them the almost Dr Seuss-sounding Schluffen, but that’s really only used in the western Rhineland, and perhaps in Frankfurt.

Just referring to them as Hausschuhe will probably get you the farthest no matter where you are in the country. But you might also be tempted to use this fun-to-say eastern word: Bambuschen.

7. 11 ways to talk about a slingshot

Ok really Germany, how many words do you need for slingshot? Apparently at least 11: Schleuder, Zwille, Fletsche, Flitsche, Katsche and more.

Are all of them really necessary?

8. 14 ways to mash potatoes

Part of the great variety on this one is that southern Germans often say Erdapfel (literally earth apple) instead of Kartoffel. And on top of that you can add the ending of -brei, -püree or stock, depending on where you live.

But then there are those who live in the historical region of Upper Lusatia in the east near Poland and the Czech Republic who have their own word for the dish: Mauke.

9. More than 50 words for the end piece of bread

We wonder which of the 50 words he's sniffing out from this end of bread. Photo: DPA.

We at The Local struggled to find just one English word to define the end piece of a loaf of bread. But perhaps we should steal one from Germans, because they have at least 51 different ways to describe this concept.

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Which one’s your favourite? Take your pick:

  1. Kanten – throughout Germany

  2. Kante – mostly Germany

  3. Anschnitt – mostly Baden-Württemberg

  4. Anhau – parts of Switzerland

  5. Kipf – mostly southern Germany, around Munich

  6. Kipfel – mostly southern Germany and Hesse

  7. Ranft – southern, central and eastern Germany

  8. Ränftchen – centre and east Germany

  9. Raftl – not so common: parts southern Germany and Austria

  10. Rankl – mostly Bavaria

  11. Rämpftla – Bavaria and Saxony

  12. Knorze – Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate

  13. Knorzen – Frankfurt

  14. Knust – throughout Germany

  15. Knüstchen – mostly central west Germany

  16. Knietzchen – the very centre of Germany

  17. Kniesje – near the border with France

  18. Knäuschen – mostly west and southwest

  19. Knäusle – mostly Baden-Württemberg

  20. Knerzel – Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate

  21. Knetzla – Mostly Cologne and Nurenberg

  22. Knerzje – Rhineland-Palatinate

  23. Scherz – parts of Bavaria and Austria

  24. Scherzel – parts of Bavaria and Austria

  25. Scherzerl – parts of Bavaria and Austria

  26. Zipfel – Vienna, parts of Switzerland and southern Germany

  27. Kruste – mostly western germany and Frankfurt

  28. Krust – Cochem, Rhineland Palatinate

  29. Krüstchen – mostly western Germany

  30. Kirschte – parts of west Germany

  31. Kierschtsche – parts of west Germany

  32. Korscht – parts of west Germany

  33. Kuuscht – parts of west Germany

  34. Kürstchen – parts of west Germany

  35. Knäppke – west and northwest Germany

  36. Knippchen – parts of west Germany

  37. Mürggu – Switzerland

  38. Mirggel – parts of Switzerland

  39. Muger – parts of Switzerland

  40. Mutsch – parts of Switzerland

  41. Küppla – parts of northern Bavaria

  42. Küpple – central Germany

  43. Köppla – parts of northern Bavaria

  44. Kübbele – central Germany

  45. Reifle – parts of southern Germany

  46. Riebele – mostly Baden-Württemberg, but also Bonn and Hamburg

  47. Rindl – parts of Bavaria and east Germany

  48. Chäppeli – Switzerland

  49. Chäppi – Switzerland

  50. Houdi -Switzerland

  51. Das Ende – various parts of Germany

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Everything that’s changed in the latest Duden German dictionary

The new Duden dictionary is thicker than ever with an additional 3,000 words in its 29th edition. The reference work, which is out on Tuesday, also includes spelling and grammar changes.

Everything that's changed in the latest Duden German dictionary

In the four years since the last new edition of the ‘Duden’ German dictionary, the world has seen enormous changes, from the pandemic to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and even changed eating habits.

The dictionary reflects these developments with the inclusion of words such as Coronaleugner (Covid denier), Klimakleber (climate activists who glue themselves to things), Ukrainekrieg (war in Ukraine), Extremwetterereignis (extreme weather event), Deutschlandticket (Germany travel ticket), ChatGPT, and Fleischersatz (meat substitute).

“The Duden is a mirror of its time. These words say something about what has happened in the last three to four years,” editor-in-chief Kathrin Kunkel-Razum told news agency DPA. 

The biggest language changes of the past few years can be seen in the areas of crisis, war and cooking, Kunkel-Razum said.

The Duden also highlights language trends, like Quetschie, a word used to describe the squeezable packets of fruit purees that are sold as snacks for children. The term comes from the word quetschen (to squeeze).

Unsurprisingly, there are also quite a few new borrowed words or expressions from English. These include ‘upskirting,’ ‘catcalling’ and pampern (pampering).

The Duden is the most well-known reference work on German spelling and, as such, regularly deletes words that are no longer used very much.

Three hundred words have been removed from the current edition, Kunkel-Razum said.

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These include words like frigidär (refrigerator), UMTS-Handy (UMTS mobile phone) or Rationalisator, a term used in the GDR to describe an employee with rationalisation tasks.

Kühlschrank (der) is the only word for a fridge now, while Handy (das, and without the UMTS) is the ‘Denglisch’ word for a mobile phone.

The dictionary has also ditched spelling variants for some words. For example, Tunfisch and Spagetti are no longer accepted ways of writing tuna and spaghetti. Only Thunfisch and Spaghetti are correct now.

“Deleting words is much more difficult than adding them,” the linguist said, explaining that it was much harder to prove that a word was rarely used than the other way around.

Deletions can also be reversed, she said. For example, the word Hackenporsche (a jokey description for a shopping trolley) was removed from the previous addition but has now been included again.

“We received complaints that the word was deleted,” said Kunkel-Razum.

The reference work – named after German philologist Konrad Duden – used to be binding until Germany’s 1996 spelling reform. The authority on spelling is now the Council for German Orthography, which publishes an ‘official set of rules’. 

READ ALSO: Denglisch: The English words that will make you sound German

Reference works like Duden then implement these rules which eventually become incorporated in everyday use.

Kunkel-Razum said the new Duden contained the Council’s latest spelling changes that were approved at the end of 2023.

These include the mandatory use of a comma before an extended infinitive.

An extended infinitive is the bit of a sentence that’s in direct relation to the ‘infinitive plus zu‘ construction. So, according to the new rules, this means that you should write: Gisela weiß mit Sicherheit, The Local gelesen zu haben. (Gisela knows for sure that she’s read The Local.)

Here, the extended infinitive is ‘The Local gelesen zu haben’ so the comma goes before that.

The comma used to be compulsory, then it became optional and now it’s compulsory again – don’t you love German?