Star tenor Johan Botha dies aged 51 in Vienna

Tributes poured in from the operatic world for South African-born star tenor Johan Botha who died on Thursday, aged 51, after a short illness.

Star tenor Johan Botha dies aged 51 in Vienna
Botha in Ariadne auf Naxos with Anne Schwanewilms, Hamburg State Opera. Photo:Monika Rittershaus/Wikimedia

Tributes poured in from the operatic world for South African-born star tenor Johan Botha who died on Thursday, aged 51, after a short illness.

Botha, who also had Austrian citizenship, died in Vienna where he lived and was engaged at the Vienna State Opera as a Kammersänger, local media said.

“We had been looking forward to his return so much,” the prestigious opera house's director Dominique Meyer said.

“Johan Botha was one of very few top tenors in his area, and until recently one of our best singers,” Mayer said.

Milan's La Scala, where Botha regularly sang, said Botha “had a brilliant international career that took him into the leading theatres of the world.”

Botha lived in Vienna with his wife and two sons. 

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A Masked Ball: Madrid opera forced to cancel show after protest over social distancing

Spain's main opera house, the Teatro Real in Madrid, defended itself Monday after it had to cancel a performance when a small group of spectators loudly protested against being seated too close to each other amid a spike in Covid-19 infections.

A Masked Ball: Madrid opera forced to cancel show after protest over social distancing
View of the Teatro Real in Madrid. Photo: Claudia Schillinger/ Flickr

The performance of Giuseppe Verdi's “A Masked Ball” on Sunday night was called off after a “minority” of spectators repeatedly jeered and clapped despite being offered the chance to be relocated or get a refund for the value of their tickets, the theatre said in a statement.

Videos shared on social media by several spectators who were at the performance showed full rows in the upper sections where seats are cheaper, while in the pricier floor section many empty seats could be seen.

Clapping and calls of “suspension!” could be heard even after the actors tried to begin their performance.

The Teatro Real had “respected the health norms” put in place by the regional government of Madrid to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and “even reinforced them”, the chairman of the body which manages the theatre, Gregorio Marañon, told a news conference on Monday.

Attendance at the performance had been reduced to just 51.5 percent of the total, well below the  limit of 75 percent set by the regional government, he added.

The regional government does not require there to be an empty seat between spectators, but it does require there to be a distance of 1.5 metres (five feet) between people, or if this is not possible, that they wear face masks, which is mandatory at the theatre, Marañon said.

The Teatro Real, which celebrated its bicentenary in 2018, is studying “what measures we can take for those spectators who… clearly felt in an uncomfortable situation,” he added.

The incident comes as the regional government of Madrid has imposed a partial lockdown in several densely-populated, low income areas mainly in the south of the Spanish capital where virus infections are surging, sparking a debate about inequality and triggering protests in these neighbourhoods over the weekend before the new measures took effect on Monday.