Berlin drafts law aimed at shell company tax cheats

Germany is looking to intensify its crackdown on tax evaders who are stashing their assets in offshore companies, according to a draft law seen by AFP on Thursday.

Berlin drafts law aimed at shell company tax cheats
Photo: DPA

“The main purpose of this draft law is to make it more difficult for domestic taxpayers to evade taxes through companies domiciled offshore, and to use the heightened risk of being discovered as a deterrent,” according to the draft by the finance ministry.

Documents leaked in April from Mossack Fonseca, the Panama City law firm which specialised in the creation of so-called letterbox companies, highlighted the extent of tax evasion by the world's wealthiest individuals and companies through such offshore fronts.

According to the draft law, Berlin will require taxpayers and banks to provide more transparency on their links with such shell companies domiciled outside the European Union.

The requirement to declare assets would be reinforced, and failure to comply could lead to fines of up to €25,000 for individuals.

The ministry also plans to extend the statute of limitations time-frame during which tax evasion cases can be pursued.

The cabinet is expected to vote on the draft law in December, business daily Handelsblatt reported.

Germany, which chairs the G20 group of emerging and developed economies next year, has made combating tax evasion a key priority.

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Beskæftigelsesfradraget: What is Denmark’s employment allowance?

Denmark's government may soon announce changes to its tax reform plans, which will give all wage earners a bigger employment allowance. What is this and how will it affect foreigners' earnings?

Beskæftigelsesfradraget: What is Denmark's employment allowance?

What is the employment allowance? 

The Beskæftigelsesfradraget (from beskæftigelse, meaning employment, and fradrag, meaning rebate) was brought in by the centre-right Liberal Party back in 2004, the idea being that it would incentivise people to get off welfare and into a job.

Everyone whose employer pays Denmark’s 8 percent AM-bidrag, or arbejdsmarkedsbidrag, automatically receives beskæftigelsesfradraget. Unlike with some of Denmark’s tax rebates, there is no need to apply. The Danish Tax Agency simply exempts the first portion of your earnings from income taxes. 

In 2022, beskæftigelsesfradraget was set at 10.65 percent of income with a maximum rebate of 44,800 kroner. 

How did the government agree to change the employment allowance in its coalition deal? 

In Responsibility for Denmark, the coalition agreement between the Social Democrats, the Liberals and the Moderate Party, the new government said it would set aside 5 billion kroner for tax reforms.

Of this, 4 billion kroner was earmarked for increasing the employment allowance, with a further 0.3 billion going towards increasing an additional employment allowance for single parents.

According to the public broadcaster DR, the expectation was that this would increase the standard employment  allowance to 12.75 percent up to a maximum rebate of 53,600 kroner. 

How might this be further increased, according to Børsen? 

According to a report in the Børsen newspaper, the government now plans to set aside a further 1.75 billion kroner for tax reforms, of which nearly half — about 800 million kroner — will go towards a further increase to the employment allowance. 

The Danish Chamber of Commerce earlier this month released an analysis in which it argued that by raising removing all limits on the rebate for single parents and raising the maximum rebate for everone else by 20,300 kroner, the government could increase the labour supply by 4,850 people, more than double the 1,500 envisaged in the government agreement. 

According to the Børsen, the government estimates that its new extended allowance will increase the labour supply by 5,150 people.