‘We need to defend the transatlantic economic link’

Less openness to foreign trade risks making both the US and countries such as Sweden poorer, argue Maria Rankka and Andreas Hatzigeorgiou of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce.

'We need to defend the transatlantic economic link'
Why the US election matters to Sweden. Photo: Joe Raedle/AP

In an international economic context, the 2016 US presidential election is one of the most significant for decades. The fact that trade policy is one of the biggest issues in the election campaign means that there is a lot at stake in the election for other countries, not least the EU and Sweden. What is unique about this year’s presidential election is that it is between two candidates who take a skeptical view of free trade, albeit to varying degrees.

The US presidential election will have reverberations far beyond the country’s borders. The US is an economic superpower, whose impact on the global economy is substantial. The country is the world’s second-largest economy and a global leader in innovation and research.

Europe and Sweden are especially dependent on the transatlantic economy. The US is the EU’s biggest export market and Sweden’s largest export market outside Europe. But the US is also dependent on the EU and Sweden for growth and employment.

Sweden is the US’s largest foreign direct investor per capita, and some 1,200 businesses with links to Sweden are active in the country. Sweden’s foreign trade with the US supports over 330,000 US jobs. Undoubtedly, less openness to foreign trade and investment would risk making the US and countries like Sweden poorer.

Trade and trade policy has become a hot political topic. Country after country have seen the trade between countries, regions, businesses and people become more ideologically loaded. This has been evident in Europe, in countries such as the UK, where trade policy was high on the agenda during the UK’s EU membership referendum. It is also patently clear in the US, where more than one in two voters regard trade policy as “very important” for their votes.

Donald Trump is highly critical of the trade policy pursued by previous administrations, Democratic and Republican. His view is that their policies resulted in jobs and businesses moving overseas.

His has proposed that the current free trade agreement between the US, Canada and Mexico – the North American Free Trade Agreement – should be abandoned, and that high tariffs should be imposed on imports from countries that “take American jobs”. Specifically, he suggests raising a 45 percent tariff on imports from China, and a 35 percent tariff on imports from Mexico.

But nor does Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton embody a miracle cure for increased trade and greater investment. She has adopted a clear stance against the new free trade agreement that the US secured after seven years of negotiation with Australia, Japan and other countries, the so-called Trans-Pacific Partnership. Apart from abandoning the TPP representing a strategic and economic loss, it would worsen prospects of an ambitious and comprehensive Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, which the EU and the US have been negotiating since 2013.

So why are both candidates’ trade agendas so worthy of our attention? There are two main reasons. The first is that the conditions facing US foreign trade are the most important mechanism through which Europe and the world economy could be affected economically by the new President’s policy.

The second relates to the structure of the US political system, which confers the President with considerable authority to implement protectionist policy. The power-sharing structure inherent in the country’s political system does not prevent the country’s next president from forcing through protectionist measures.

The President does require a mandate from Congress to negotiate new free trade agreements, and new free trade agreements have to be approved by Congress to come into force. However, Congressional approval is not required to abandon free trade agreements already entered. There are examples of former Presidents who have exploited this room to maneuver to erect various trade barriers.

Analysis of the trade policy proposals that have been presented during this presidential election clearly indicate that they would represent an economic shock if they became a reality. If some of the more draconian proposals became reality, the outcome could be up towards four million job losses in the US alone. Obviously, this would have negative knock-on effects that would damage Europe, and especially countries and regions like Sweden, which have extensive trade with the US.

We should add that at present, precisely how willing Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton would actually be to realize each of their trade policy agendas remains hard to assess, regardless of what is possible to implement in purely practical terms. Nevertheless, there is no shortage of concerns hanging over global trade.

The risk is that the halcyon days of free trade have passed. From having enjoyed broad-based political support from right and left, free trade now appears to be under fire from both sides. Responsible politicians, in partnership with the business and academic communities, really need to pull together and stand up for globalization, economic openness and collaboration, which free trade is fundamentally about. If not, the potential for jobs and growth on both sides of the Atlantic is under threat.

Article by Maria Rankka, CEO of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, and Andreas Hatzigeorgiou, Chief Economist of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce and Research Fellow at the Ratio Institute.


OPINION: Are tips in Sweden becoming the norm?

Should you tip in Sweden? Habits are changing fast thanks to new technology and a hard-pressed restaurant trade, writes James Savage.

OPINION: Are tips in Sweden becoming the norm?

The Local’s guide to tipping in Sweden is clear: tip for good service if you want to, but don’t feel the pressure: where servers in the US, for instance, rely on tips to live, waiters in Sweden have collectively bargained salaries with long vacations and generous benefits. 

But there are signs that this is changing, and the change is being accelerated by card machines. Now, many machines offer three preset gratuity percentages, usually starting with five percent and going up to fifteen or twenty. Previously they just asked the customer to fill in the total amount they wanted to pay.

This subtle change to a user interface sends a not-so-subtle message to customers: that tipping is expected and that most people are probably doing it. The button for not tipping is either a large-lettered ‘No Tip’ or a more subtle ‘Fortsätt’ or ‘Continue’ (it turns out you can continue without selecting a tip amount, but it’s not immediately clear to the user). 

I’ll confess, when I was first presented with this I was mildly irked: I usually tip if I’ve had table service, but waiting staff are treated as professionals and paid properly, guaranteed by deals with unions; menu prices are correspondingly high. The tip was a genuine token of appreciation.

But when I tweeted something to this effect (a tweet that went strangely viral), the responses I got made me think. Many people pointed out that the restaurant trade in Sweden is under enormous pressure, with rising costs, the after-effects of Covid and difficulties recruiting. And as Sweden has become more cosmopolitain, adding ten percent to the bill comes naturally to many.

Boulebar, a restaurant and bar chain with branches around Sweden and Denmark, had a longstanding policy of not accepting tips at all, reasoning that they were outdated and put diners in an uncomfortable position. But in 2021 CEO Henrik Kruse decided to change tack:

“It was a purely financial decision. We were under pressure due to Covid, and we had to keep wages down, so bringing back tips was the solution,” he said, adding that he has a collective agreement and staff also get a union bargained salary, before tips.

Yet for Kruse the new machines, with their pre-set tipping percentages, take things too far:

“We don’t use it, because it makes it even clearer that you’re asking for money. The guest should feel free not to tip. It’s more important for us that the guest feels free to tell people they’re satisfied.”

But for those restaurants that have adopted the new interfaces, the effect has been dramatic. Card processing company Kassacentralen, which was one of the first to launch this feature in Sweden, told Svenska Dagbladet this week that the feature had led to tips for the average establishment doubling, with some places seeing them rise six-fold.

Even unions are relaxed about tipping these days, perhaps understanding that they’re a significant extra income for their members. Union representatives have often in the past spoken out against tipping, arguing that the practice is demeaning to staff and that tips were spread unevenly, with staff in cafés or fast food joints getting nothing at all. But when I called the Swedish Hotel and Restaurant Union (HRF), a spokesman said that the union had no view on the practice, and it was a matter for staff, business owners and customers to decide.

So is tipping now expected in Sweden? The old advice probably still stands; waiters are still not as reliant on tips as staff in many other countries, so a lavish tip is not necessary. But as Swedes start to tip more generously, you might stick out if you leave nothing at all.