After Nobel no-show, Dylan announces gigs in Sweden next year

A concert organizer has revealed when Nobel laureate Bob Dylan, who did not attend the Stockholm awards ceremony to pick up his literature prize, will come to Sweden.

After Nobel no-show, Dylan announces gigs in Sweden next year
Guess who's coming to Sweden? Photo: Per Wahlberg/TT

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The Nobel Prize winner is set to give two concerts at the Stockholm Waterfront venue on April 1st and 2nd, followed by a gig at the Sparbanken Skåne Arena in Lund on April 9th.

In a press release issued on Monday, concert organizer Live Nation described the 75-year-old American legend as “a giant who not only visits Sweden as an acclaimed and beloved artist and songwriter, but also as a recently named Nobel Prize laureate in literature”.

The tickets will be released on Wednesday at 9am.

Dylan had told the Swedish Academy, which chooses the winner of the literature prize, ahead of Saturday's Nobel Prize ceremony in Stockholm that he was unable to attend.

Instead, Patti Smith sang a version of his 'A hard rain's a-gonna fall' and the US ambassador to Sweden, Azita Raji, read a thank-you speech written by Dylan. Watch Smith's performance below.

Dylan is still required to give a Nobel lecture within six months from December 10th, and the permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy, Sara Danius, has previously suggested that doing so next time he performs in Sweden would be an “excellent opportunity”.

However, both the Swedish Academy and the Nobel Foundation told Aftonbladet on Monday that no date has been set for a lecture during Dylan's Sweden visit.

“We haven't heard anything this morning. I don't know if the Nobel Foundation has been in touch with his manager. When we find out when it is we are the ones planning the Nobel lecture itself,” Swedish Academy spokesperson Ulrika Kjellin told the newspaper.

“We're having a conversation with Bob Dylan's management about the Nobel lecture but it is not decided in what form or when it will be hold,” said Annika Pontikis of the Nobel Foundation.

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