DNA links two Swiss killings exactly five years apart

Traces of DNA found at the scene of a double murder in the canton of Bern on December 15th 2015 match those found in the office of a Zurich psychiatrist killed in 2010 – also on December 15th.

DNA links two Swiss killings exactly five years apart
File photo: Bas Leenders
“This is probably the DNA of the perpetrator of the crimes,” Zurich’s public prosecutor said when finally releasing the information in a statement on Thursday.
The DNA match has been kept under wraps until now to avoid jeopardizing the two investigations, said the statement.
However it is now being made public in the hope that someone may come forward with new information.
DNA belonging to an unknown male was found at the scene of the killing of a 56-year-old psychiatrist in her practice in the Seefeld area of Zurich on December 15th 2010.
In 2011 around 300 men were DNA tested by Zurich cantonal police, the first such event of its kind in Switzerland, but no match was found. 
Exactly five years after the Seefeld homicide, a 64-year-old woman and her 74-year-old husband were killed in their home in Laupen, in the canton of Bern. They were found on December 18th, but the crime was shown to have taken place three days earlier, on the 15th.
Police analysis of DNA trace material at the scene uncovered the match with the Seefeld murderer.
“The identical DNA is, for the time being, the only concrete link between the two killings,” said the public prosecutor. The statement did not address the identical date.
Investigators are hoping that releasing news of the link will prompt members of the public to come forward with potentially new information. 
Both cases posted rewards for information leading to the apprehension of the killer – 20,000 francs in the Laupen case and 10,000 for the Seefeld murder – therefore both could be paid out if the unknown killer is caught.
Anyone with information is asked to call Zurich police on 044 247 22 11 or Bern police on 031 634 41 11. 

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Swiss probing 11-year-old over Islamist posts: media

Swiss police are investigating an 11-year-old boy believed to have been radicalised by Islamic extremists -- the youngest person ever to be involved in such a case in Switzerland, media reported Friday.

Swiss probing 11-year-old over Islamist posts: media

Swiss broadcasters RTS and SRF reported that police in the southern Swiss canton of Wallis had questioned the boy in June.

He was questioned in connection with “racist and discriminatory content” posted on social media, they said, citing the cantonal juvenile court.

The child reportedly admitted to having had contact with people involved in extremist movements abroad.

The court had not identified the extremist movements in question, but RTS and SRF said they had obtained information indicating they were Islamist and Jihadist groups.

Prior to this case, Islamist extremist cases on record in Switzerland have never involved anyone younger than 14, the broadcasters reported.

Wallis authorities have reportedly opened a juvenile case against the child, whose nationality was not divulged.

The juvenile court had stressed that the level of radicalisation had yet to be established and that the boy enjoyed the presumption of innocence.