Men’s group campaigns for Swiss fathers to play larger role in childcare

A nationwide campaign to promote the benefits of equal parenting and stay-at-home dads launched in French-speaking Switzerland on Monday.

Men’s group campaigns for Swiss fathers to play larger role in childcare
Photo: halfpoint/Depositphotos
MenCare Switzerland launched in Neuchâtel with a photography exhibition showcasing images of fathers looking after their children, reported Swiss media including La Tribune de Genève.
In its initial phase since 2015, MenCare is part of a global fatherhood campaign to promote men’s involvement as equal carers for their children. 
It is run in Switzerland by Mä, an umbrella organization for men’s and father’s groups which advocates for gender equality. 
The campaign is “about making people aware that men are also caregivers in a broad sense and that they can get involved not only in their professional work but also in unpaid private and family life”, Gilles Crettenand, the campaign’s coordinator in French-speaking Switzerland, told broadcaster RTS.
From 2018 MenCare Switzerland will run two five-year programmes aiming to promote men’s involvement in their children’s lives and the equal division of tasks related to caregiving.
“Research shows that men’s active involvement in fatherhood has positive effects on the cognitive, emotional, and social development of infants and children; strengthens family relations; promotes economic opportunities for mothers; and contributes to fathers’ health,” says on its website
“The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child also protects the rights of children to enjoy regular contact to mother and father on a daily basis. However, in Swiss families, this right remains relegated to the status of a mere wish, at least during the workweek.”
However reconciling professional and family life remains difficult for men – as well as women – in Switzerland, Crettenand told RTS. There is currently no statutory paternity leave, childcare costs are high and companies are often inflexible, he said.
The MenCare campaign will run in two phases until 2027 and aims to act on several levels: political, social, cultural and economic. 
Projects will include studies, conferences, the promotion of paternity leave, preparatory courses for future fathers and awareness courses for their managers, Crettenand told the Tribune.
“Each area is interlinked, changes cannot be made individually,” he said.
The campaign aims to demonstrate not only the benefits to fathers and children, but for mothers too, who are more able to go back to paid work if their partners take on more of the caregiving at home. 
Speaking about the photography exhibition that launched the campaign in Neuchâtel, Crettenand said it shows that “there are other less traditional models [for family life]. Each has its advantages and its disadvantages. The important thing is to finally have freedom of choice.”


Could Switzerland officially recognise a third gender status?

Legally, there are only two sexes in Switzerland: men and women. But could Nemo’s victory in the Eurovision Song Contest on Saturday change this?

Could Switzerland officially recognise a third gender status?

Nemo identifies as ‘non-binary,’ that is, neither male nor female — the so-called ‘third sex.’

Therefore, non-binary people use the pronoun ‘they’ to identify themselves, rather than ‘he’ or ‘she.’

Nemo said their winning song, “The Code,” should send a message that Switzerland, where between dozens and possibly hundreds of thousands people are non-binary — should officially recognise those who don’t feel they belong to either the masculine or the feminine gender.

In a study by the Ipsos institute dated June 2023, Switzerland had the most people declaring themselves non-binary, transgender or gender fluid, among 30 countries analysed. Could the fact that neighbours Austria and Germany already recognise the so-called “third sex” encourage Switzerland to make a similar move?

So will it?

In a report it published at the end of 2022, the Federal Council decided that Switzerland is not ready to register a third gender in the civil status register.

Such a change, the government pointed out at the time, would require numerous adaptations of the Constitution, as well as federal and cantonal laws.

The population may not be quite ready for such a change either.

In May 2023, a survey published by Tamedia, Switzerland’s largest media group, showed that 62 percent of respondents, when asked whether they would approve of adding a “third gender” or “miscellaneous” box in official documents, answered “no.”

Could Nemo’s victory shift public opinion, along with the government’s stance?

The hopes of the non-binary community lie with Beat Jans, head of the Federal Department of Justice.

Before he was elected to the Federal Council in December 2023, Jans was the head of Basel’s government.

In that role, he launched a number of measures to expand the canton’s equality law to combat sex discrimination, including against non-binary, trans, intersex people, and the LGBTQIA+ community in general.

Jans already said he wants to meet with Nemo and discuss their views of the issues faced by that community in Switzerland.

Whether such a meeting would actually pave the way to statutory changes, however, remains to be seen.

How do the Swiss feel about non-traditional family models in general?

In September 2021, 64 percent of Swiss voters approved the “marriage for all” legislation, allowing gay and lesbian couples to get legally married.

The law went into effect on July 1st, 2022. 

Several years prior, in 2018, the parliament had extended the scope of Switzerland’s anti-racism laws to include discrimination based on sexual orientation.

As a result, homophobia had become a criminal offence.