Is this the best place in the world to be a woman?

When Christine Osazuwa arrived in Stockholm in July 2017, it was the first time the Baltimore native had stepped foot on Swedish soil.

Is this the best place in the world to be a woman?
Christine Osazuwa has found her place in Stockholm. Photo: Maximillian Franz

However, she’d already made up her mind to stay. And having survived her first winter, she’s convinced that she made the right decision.

So just how did an American with no apparent connection to Sweden wind up living in Stockholm?

“I knew what most Americans know about Sweden, that it’s very liberal and there are a lot of opportunities,” Christine tells The Local.

Following the US election, Christine and her husband packed their bags and figuratively set sail for Stockholm, seeking a city more in line with their political beliefs.

For Christine, it was also a priority to move to a city where her gender wouldn’t hinder her professional potential.

Find out what makes Stockholm ‘A Woman’s Place’

The couple knew about Sweden’s glowing reputation for equality — a reputation often galvanised as ranking after ranking declares it the best (or thereabouts) at, well, nearly everything.

In 2017, Sweden was ranked number one in the world regarding its commitment to reducing inequality and, just recently, The Economist named it the best country in the world to be a working woman.

To top it off, Sweden has never finished lower than fourth in the annual Global Gender Gap report which, since 2006, has measured equality in economics, politics, education, and health.

Impressive, yes, but rankings aren’t everything. What’s the point in being the poster child for equality if reality doesn’t live up to the expectation?

When it comes to gender equality, however, Sweden’s capital doesn’t just talk the talk. Stockholm is proof that a whole city can embrace equal opportunities and emerge stronger and more prosperous on the other side.

For the first six months, Christine took Swedish lessons and worked remotely as a consultant before being offered a full-time role as a data analyst at Universal Music Group.

On starting her new job, she was pleasantly surprised to find the two people working alongside her on the analyst team were both women.

“It was a totally new experience for me,” she says.

Christine has also been amazed by how many of her Stockholm-based female friends have high-flying careers in tech, typically a male-dominated industry. One friend, she says, has just landed a role at a video game company while another is a software developer at Spotify.

“My female friends are all working in jobs that would almost 100 percent be done by men in the States. It’s so interesting to be in this situation, and amazing that young girls can constantly see role models that look like them.”

But it hasn’t always been the case. As with most countries, the situation for women in Sweden wasn’t as promising in the past as it is today.

However, there’s one crucial difference. Sweden also has a long track record of doing something about it.

Questions, at least, about gender roles were already being raised by Swedish women as far back as the seventeenth century.

England’s Mary Wollstonecraft may be credited with publishing one of the first feminist treatises in 1792, but it was almost exactly 100 years before that, in 1693, that Stockholm born-and-bred writer Sophia Elisabet Brenner published her poem Det Qwinliga Könetz rätmätige Förswar (The justified defence of the female sex).

Stockholm is declaring itself ‘A Woman’s Place. Find out why.

Refusing to be silenced, Swedish women continued to fight discrimination throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

In 1761, Hedvig Charlotta Nordenflycht fired back at the misogyny of Genevan philosopher Rousseau in her poem Fruentimrets försvar (Defense of Women), while the 1800s saw the formation of a string of charitable women’s societies dedicated to helping poor females work and support themselves.

A women’s suffrage demonstration in Sweden in June 1918. Photo: Creative Commons

Although Swedish women didn’t achieve suffrage until 1921, a year after American women were granted the vote and three years after British women, in the following years they attained vast improvements in both their civil and political rights.

By 1925, they were able to vote in general elections, had property rights for married women, and access to higher positions in the civil service.

Furthermore, Sweden’s neutrality during World War II put it in a position of strength while many other countries in Europe were in ruins, explains Annika Olsson, Senior Lecturer in Gender Studies at Stockholm University.

This gave Sweden a critical head start to bolster both society and economy while other countries were quite literally building from the ground up.

A turning point, says Olsson, came in the 1960s, when Sweden’s social democratic government brought in a series of reforms that gave women more equality of opportunity.

People were taxed as individuals and not on a family basis, arming women with more individual rights and status. This was followed by the first equal status policy which was included in the working programme of the Labour Party in 1965.

Demand for female labour grew in the 1970s as the possibilities to combine work and family also increased. The introduction of free daycare for six-year-old children was the first step in a long line of programs expanding daycare and facilitating the return of mothers to the workforce.

“It was a movement in many spheres that contributed to the public discussion of gender equality,” says Olsson.

Read more about Stockholm ‘A Woman’s Place’

“It happened within the political parties but also in academia, and at the same time the unions were also pushing for reform involving gender equality such as no sexual harassment in the workplace and equal pay.”

In Olsson’s opinion, this collective push for equality was what really drove the change.

In the years following the radical reforms of the sixties and seventies, the dust gradually settled and a society has emerged where equality comes naturally.

And nowhere in Sweden is this better illustrated than in Stockholm.

The capital is a model example of a gender-equal society in full swing; a booming and increasingly cosmopolitan city where women are flourishing professionally and personally.

Photo: Victor Gårdsätter/

Signs of gender equality are evident everywhere, from men taking their toddlers to preschool in pushchairs every morning to women rising the ranks in traditionally male-dominated industries.

Stockholm is also a breeding ground for female entrepreneurs, observes Christine.

“I see way more female founders and CEOs here,” she says of her experience networking in the city.

In fact, there’s more female everything in the Swedish workforce.

Women hold 47.5 percent of jobs in Sweden, and 32 percent of board positions in listed companies. While there’s still some work to go to get more female board members, this is still far higher than the European average of 23 percent.

Asked why she thinks this is the case, Christine says that during her first few months in Stockholm she attended many events aimed specifically at women. From all female hackathons to women’s-only networking events, the women in Stockholm have formed a supportive sorority where they feel safe to discuss their ideas and develop their skills.

“My guess is women here just feel more comfortable about getting involved. It’s a really exciting environment,” she says.

And while Stockholm’s economic success in recent years can’t be exclusively credited to more women in the workforce, increased gender equality is reaping positive results in businesses worldwide.

In a 2017 study, McKinsey found that companies in the top quartile for gender diversity were 21 percent more likely to experience above-average profitability than companies in the fourth quartile.

And when it comes to gender diversity, you’d be hard-pressed to find a city where it’s more widespread than Stockholm. It’s what makes it the best place in the world to be a woman.

“This is absolutely a good place for women,” says Christine. “I feel so safe here which is completely different to what I’m used to. I have every opportunity to succeed in Stockholm.”

Listen to the first ‘A Woman’s Place’ podcast, brought to you in collaboration between The Local and Invest Stockholm:

This article was produced by The Local Client Studio and sponsored by Invest Stockholm.

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Should you buy a home in Sweden this summer?

Considering the fickle trends in the Swedish housing market, prospective homebuyers might find themselves at a crossroads this summer.

Should you buy a home in Sweden this summer?

After a period of falling prices driven by increased interest rates, the Swedish housing market is seeing a rebound, particularly in the biggest cities.

However, it’s also taking longer to finalise home sales.


Recent data from Swedish property listings site Hemnet indicates that while home sales – and housing prices – are on the rise, the time to complete transactions has notably increased.

For instance, the average sale time for an apartment in Sweden increased to 27 days in the first half of the year, up from 22 days during the same period last year. Similarly, houses now take an average of 31 days to sell, compared to 30 days previously.

The slowest market is in the Gävleborg region, where it takes an average of 44 days to sell a home. The fastest transactions occur in Stockholm, with apartments selling in just 16 days and detached homes in 23 days.

This variation in market activity across the country calls for a deeper look into where the best opportunities might lie for homebuyers this summer.

Renewed market confidence in Sweden’s biggest cities

The confidence in the Swedish property market is on its way up in Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö, Erik Holmberg, a market analyst at Hemnet, told The Local.

“I would say that we have seen a weaker market in the last couple of years, almost everywhere in the country, since the Swedish central bank started to increase the interest policy rate, which affected the market a lot,” he said.

“But in the last half of the year or rather in the last year, the confidence has come back in bigger cities – in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö… When we look at price developments last year, in three of Sweden’s biggest cities, we see prices increasing again.”

However, the analyst warned that the opposite is currently true in other areas of the country, which have seen a continued decrease in market activity and flatter developments in the same time interval.

A new trend emerging in Stockholm?

As Hemnet’s analyst explained, in Sweden, housing market trends usually start in Stockholm, when the market begins to change, causing a ripple effect.

“And that’s what we have seen. Now, market activity and prices are increasing again in the bigger cities. Usually, when the market changes, other areas in the country follow, and that could be the case now,” said Holmberg.

“When the rates and inflation situation become clearer, other parts of the country might follow the market in the big cities. Our main scenario is that we will see this spread,” he said, adding that prices in Stockholm have picked up quite fast in the last year but that the demand is still affected by the high interest rates.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw swift price developments in some areas with the highest demand, such as city centres.”

The effect on the rental market

Another aspect to consider is the rental market, which could see significant changes in the short to mid-term.

Holmberg pointed out that properties which fail to sell might enter the rental market.

“What we’ve seen is that it’s harder to sell properties today, so, probably, more people who own homes and can’t sell them will put these unsold homes on the market for a while. This could affect the supply of apartments for rent and, in turn, prices,” the analyst said.


What different types of homebuyers should know

For buyers, the current market presents a mixed bag.

“In Sweden, we often talk of having a seller’s or buyer’s market. Today, it’s good for buyers that they have a lot to choose from; there’s a record-high supply almost everywhere in the country. That means it’s easy to find something,” said Holmberg.

However, he also cautioned that the slow market makes agreeing on terms with sellers challenging, with sales times at record highs.

“Sales take some time in today’s market, and that’s important to understand for both sellers and buyers, especially for homeowners who are changing homes, meaning they’re both buying and selling something; it’s a tough market for them.

“Today, this group often chooses to sell their home before they buy something new. That makes up a big part of record high sales times; we have people waiting for the right bid before moving from the selling to the buying side…” Holmberg said, noting that the market is different compared to two to three years ago when it was “very hot”.

“So, remember that even if prices grow, it’s still a tough or slow market.”


On the other hand, first-time buyers might find a silver lining in the form of lower prices compared to a couple of years ago, making it a potentially favourable time to enter the Swedish housing market.

“First-time buyers are in another situation, which may be better because the prices are lower than two years ago, of course, and if you’re just buying something, you don’t need to worry about the selling part,” Holmberg told The Local.

“That’s why this could be a good situation to enter the housing market this summer, but even so, despite supply being really high, it could still be tough because many sellers have put down a listed price but don’t necessarily plan to sell at this price.”